Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 258 Strange Bird

Chapter 258 Strange Bird

"I saw it," Lin Hua said.

When Lin Hua and his party finally reached the entrance of the gas station, they realized that there was no fuel in the fuel tank.

"I'll go, who is so wicked, they've searched all of them?" Li Jie yelled dissatisfied.

"It's quite close to Baidi City." Xuewu said calmly after reading the situation in the fuel tank.

"Bastard, are there any good birds in Baidi City?" Li Jie kicked the fuel tank, and immediately flattened a piece of the fuel tank.

Anyone who travels in the unpredictable weather of the last days is not in a good mood, especially when there is still hope and disappointment.

"Boss, there's a blocked door here," Jiang Xinyu called from inside the room of the gas station.

Lin Hua walked in first. The entrance of the gas station was a long corridor, wide and large. There was a room every few meters on both sides of the corridor, which should be the usual resting place for the gas station staff.

What Jiang Xinyu was talking about was the door on the right at the end of the corridor. The outside of the door was wrapped with iron chains and an "Iron General" was added. I don't know what's inside the door, but judging by the seriousness of it, it should be the place of zombies. I just don't know if there are any supplies.

Lin Hua reached out to touch the iron lock, and the iron lock and iron chain immediately contained chunks of shattered ice, and then was interrupted by Li Jie's punch, and the monster in the gate came out in time, and rushed towards the people standing at the door.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Hua yelled loudly, and then stretched out a piece of ice puck and smashed it at the jumping zombie.

"Bang!" The sound of the ice puck breaking was heard. It turned out that it didn't hit the monster, but hit a table in the room.

"It's so fast." Lin Hua looked up, where was the shadow of the monster?
Lin Hua couldn't help but be puzzled by the speed at which he could dodge his ice puck at such a short distance.

"Boss, that seems to be a weird bird." Xue Wu said in a daze.

The monster that flew out just now was a little far away from Xuewu, so they could see it more clearly than others, and those who were close, including Lin Hua, didn't even see an afterimage.

That monster looks like a lark. It looks very good-looking, but its body has swelled dozens of times, making the original good-looking figure a bit weird. More importantly, it has grown two feet, yes, no Claws are a pair of human feet.

When Lin Hua's ice puck was only ten centimeters away from him, his feet tucked under the feathers, only his wings waved for an instant, and then flew away.

"Mutated bird? Xuewu, have you seen it clearly?" Lin Hua turned around and asked.The mutated bird actually appeared earlier?So, has anything else changed?
"Yes, it looks like a lark. It's pretty, but it's too strong, and it looks a bit weird. Moreover, it seems to have grown legs," Xuewu replied.

"Really?" Lin Hua lowered her head and murmured without seeing her expression clearly.

Is it because of yourself?Because I was reborn, everything changed from the original track?Zombie waves, mutated birds, what else?What else will be in advance?
"Boss, why did mutant birds appear? Aren't birds always weak and have low vitality? How can they endure the mutation?" Li Jie asked hastily.

It seemed that unconsciously, they all asked Lin Hua about all the factors they didn't understand in the last days, and Lin Hua always knew everything.

Lin Hua glanced at them and said, "Birds are indeed weak and have extremely poor vitality. However, the mutations in the last days are subject to thousands of changes. The stronger the ability, the stronger the ability, and the weaker, such as some extremely small birds. Creatures, birds, bugs, or rabbits, which are not very harmful, will mutate very little, but it does not mean that they will not mutate. Moreover, if there is only one mutation among these thousands, then this ability is definitely better than Ordinary supernatural beings are even more powerful"

"The change in the shape of the lark just now is understandable, but why did it grow human feet?" Li Jie asked again.

Well, many mutated animals will become bigger in size, but they didn’t say that they will grow in the direction of humans. It can only be said that they may have human language, and human thoughts are already amazing. If it is possible to mutate animals Being able to become a human... just thinking about it is scary.

"I'm not very clear about this either," Lin Hua said.

Lin Hua was the captain of an ordinary people's group until the end of his previous life. Although he has many sources of information, if the country knows about this kind of thing, it should try its best to block such information. After all, it should be regarded as a secret.

"You think the boss is Baidu." Jiang Xinyu stepped forward to touch Li Jie, and said with a grim expression.

"Uh..." Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, and couldn't say anything more. He seemed to really regard the boss as Baidu, thinking that he knew everything.

Amused by Jiang Xinyu and Li Jie's small actions, Lin Hua said, "Let's go, let's see what's in the room."

Everyone walked into the room, and there was a wire bed on the corner of the wall, under the bed was full of gasoline in gasoline barrels, and above the bed was tied a man, or it couldn't be said that it was a man, because he had a mask on his body. The birds pecked out the small holes one by one, and the whole person was tied up while sleeping, looking like a broken quilt.

Some of the small holes of different shades had scars, and some were still bleeding out. The man fell asleep, and he didn't know if he was dead, but even if he was alive, he probably wouldn't last long.

On the opposite side of the bed is a table with a broken TV, two packs of instant noodles, a large bag of unopened white rabbit toffee, a bag of cream biscuits with two or three pieces eaten, and two bottles of mineral water. Water, five or six sealed chicken legs, and a pack of Liqun Cigarettes, except for the mineral water, Lin Hua asked them to put everything in the backpack they carried. After all, they are also people who want to survive, and it is impossible to keep everything To the next unknown person.

But they are not short of water. Fortunately, I will leave two bottles of mineral water for the next person who comes here to save their lives.

Lin Hua, Li Jie and other men moved all the gasoline out after running back and forth a few times.

And Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu have also found two cars with good performance, and cleaned up some disgusting things inside. Lin Hua controlled her own water system ability to wash the car clean, and asked Xuewu to help dry it. Dry.

After filling up the gas in both cars, there were still three barrels of gasoline left, so Lin Hua was going to put the three barrels of gasoline in the trunk.

At this moment, an off-road vehicle came rushing from a distance, so fast that Lin Hua thought they were trying to kill people to grab gasoline, the off-road vehicle made a beautiful drift in front of Lin Hua and the others, and stopped .

Then, a few people got out of the car, two girls looked pure and pure, like female college students, there was a strong man who looked like a bodyguard, and an old man who looked like a housekeeper, followed by a weak Next to Brother Young Master, who fell down as soon as he blew it, and then a bigger and stronger man got out of the driver, who could compete with Qi Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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