Chapter 260 Illusion
"My lord, what are you doing..." Old man Liu walked to Yin Yu's side and asked softly.

"Lin Hua, he is an interesting person. Well, his team is also very interesting." The corner of Yin Yu's mouth smiled slightly, like the sun rising in the morning, warm but fragile.

Lin Hua and the others finally arrived at the edge of City R after driving all afternoon and midnight and exhausted all their gasoline.

City R is a resort, and all the natural scenery has long been transformed into nondescript, but now, after the ravages of zombies, it looks a bit beyond recognition.

Lin Hua and the others arrived at the edge of an artificial forest in R City. They abandoned their cars and entered the forest, only to find that the so-called forest was just a circle of trees planted around the periphery, and the inside was actually nearly a hundred acres of fruit trees. .

"I'll go. Which capitalist is this? He really enjoys it." Li Jie swallowed while looking at the rows of fruit trees.

It should be June before the end of the world, and now it has been almost two months since the end of the world, and it should be like August and September. Most of the fruit trees are almost ripe, but these fruits should also have mutated. They are all as big as watermelons, but I can't tell what they are.

Although there are nearly [-] acres of fruit trees, most of the fruits have been destroyed or picked, and some fruit trees even have their branches broken and thrown on the ground.

"Um, Boss, are these fruits edible?" Li Jie approached Lin Hua and asked, looking at the fruit trees with glowing eyes. If Lin Hua said that he could eat them, he would immediately rush into the orchard to eat him in a dazed state. .

"Don't be in a hurry to eat. Don't you think it's strange that the fruits outside have been picked or eaten a lot, but the ones inside haven't been touched?" Lin Hua said, looking at the orchard.

Only then did Li Jie notice that there were only a dozen or so outermost fruit trees that had been plucked or destroyed, but the ones inside were full of fruit, clearly the traces that no one had touched them, which seemed a bit abnormal .

"Um, Boss, you mean there's something in here?" Li Jie finally regained some sense and asked.

"It seems that you are not stupid enough yet." Lin Hua looked at Li Jie with a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

"Hahaha" There was a suppressed laughter from behind the two of them.

Li Jie turned his head and glanced at Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu who were still covering their mouths and giggling.

Really, can it be his fault?Hurrying and driving along the way consumes a lot of energy, okay?Besides, he only ate vegetable porridge for breakfast, and gave up the instant noodles at noon to the three girls. He only ate a few candies, okay? It’s not bad to be able to see things clearly even now that he’s hungry. Is it possible to ask him to see them? Is the food all deadpan?
"Xuewu, Quanqi, you two go in with me to take a look, and the others are on guard outside," Lin Hua ordered.

Then, Lin Hua took the lead to enter the depths of the orchard.

Lin Hua had just walked tens of meters when she realized something was wrong. The tree in front of her seemed to have moved quickly, but when she looked carefully, it seemed that she hadn't moved.


"All together?"

Lin Hua yelled two or three times, only to realize that Xue Wu and Nie Quanqi were no longer behind her. Fog started to form behind her at some point, and it was so gray that she couldn't see anything clearly.

"Damn it" Lin Hua cursed in a low voice. Although she knew that this orchard was not simple, she just thought that there might be a mutated creature in it. Now it seems that these trees have mutated.

Not only that, but it can also confuse people's hearts and create illusions.But he was careless.

I wonder what happened to Nie Quanqi and Xuewu?If they fall under the illusion, they don't know if they can get out.

Lin Hua didn't rush to do anything because she knew that she was in the illusion. Anyway, all the creatures that appeared in the illusion were fake, and even if they saw the attack, it was useless unless you could find its real body.

Just because she knew it was useless, Lin Hua didn't wander around, but instead sat down, closed her eyes and meditated.

"Lin Hua Lin Hua" a woman's voice came from afar, calling herself.

who is it?Who is calling me?Why is the voice so familiar?Do I know you?

Lin Hua opened her eyes, and it was clearly in the slums of Baidi City.

All the supernatural beings rushed to the gate of the city, and outside the city, a wave of zombies came.

All this is so familiar.Lin Hua grabbed the hair next to her ear, her head hurt so badly, why was all this so familiar?Who is the female voice that called me just now?Who is calling me?
Ru Ting!It's Ru Ting calling me!Lin Hua raised her head sharply. No, there was no Ru Ting. There were only supernatural beings running back and forth and ordinary people crying and shouting beside her.

"Boss, why are you still here? Ru Ting was kidnapped." A yellow-haired young man appeared beside him, holding Lin Hua's shoulders with both hands, opening and closing his mouth to say something?Like a fish banished on the beach?What is he saying?Ru Ting?Ru Ting was taken away?

"Where is Ru Ting, who took Ru Ting away?" Lin Hua looked like a wandering spirit, calmly looking at another young man who was furiously grabbing him and asked who took Ru Ting away.

The young man pointed at the gate of the city, and the furious Lin Hua followed those supernatural beings to the gate of the city quickly, but he didn't see a sinister smile on the corner of the young man's mouth behind him.

As if she was not under her own control, Lin Hua, who was in a wandering state, followed her other self and quickly moved towards the gate of the city.

Seeing himself looking for Ru Ting among all the people one by one.

No, no, no, not Ru Ting?Where did Ru Ting go?
"The tide of zombies is coming?" Lin Hua raised her head and saw a dense darkness rushing in front of her, like the weather before it was about to rain, or like tens of thousands of people. Ants, huge and overwhelming.

"Guys, go ahead and kill these monsters for the sake of the family behind us"

"Come on, kill these monsters"

"Kill, kill"

All the supernatural beings around him rushed out quickly, entangled with the huge group of zombies, wailing all over the sky, broken limbs and arms all over the sky, blood and water flying all over the sky mixed together, the metal sound of weapons colliding, in this blood-red Under the bright sun, a long and mournful song of mourning was formed.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Hua's hands and feet became numb, her body was covered with blood, her hair, face, and face seemed to have crawled out of the blood, the blood on her body included both her own blood and the blood of zombies.

what to do?So tired, Ru Ting, where are you?I can't find you?I'm so tired, I want to rest for a while.Lin Hua looked at the swarming zombies in front of her, and her eyes gradually became dizzy.

"Lin Hua" suddenly heard a cry from behind, Lin Hua turned her head to look, but saw Ru Ting running towards her with tears in her face
The bare skin is full of scars, man's finger marks, bite marks.

(End of this chapter)

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