Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 261 The Mysterious Female Voice

Chapter 261 The Mysterious Female Voice
Lin Hua stood there blankly, her eyes were full of Ru Ting.

"Lin Hua" yelled hurriedly, and there was a sound of breaking wind behind him, "Boom" Lin Hua was pushed to the ground heavily, "Uh" Then, Lin Hua saw a flying arrow flying from Ru Ting's neck. blood band.

Warm blood sprayed on Lin Hua's face, like Ru Ting's breath, warm and clean, with a faint fragrance.

Ru Ting smiled at Lin Hua, as clean and shy as she was when they first met.

Then, she was dragged into the group of zombies by a zombie. In front of him, she watched the disgusting zombies put their dirty mouths close to Ru Ting's body, and then, she tore off pieces of meat and chewed them in front of her. swallow.

"Go save her, go save her." The wandering Lin Hua's face was full of tears at this moment, looking at herself falling on the ground, she wished she could go up and slap herself twice, why didn't she go rescue Ru Ting?why.

Then, all the pictures suddenly disappeared, and the tide of zombies all receded somehow. Only the corpses symbolized what kind of "hell on earth" happened here

Lin Hua watched herself being dragged back to a slum in the city by an ordinary person, and then treated. It seemed like a long time passed, and she finally recovered.

He watched himself kill his former second-in-chief, and now he became the boss's subordinate, killing all his subordinates. Looking at the scene of torture before killing him, he asked him why he betrayed him, why did Ru Ting That's how he ran into the zombie group.

He said that it was because someone at the top took a fancy to Ru Ting and promised him great benefits. He was confused for a moment, so he beat his sister-in-law unconscious and sent her to someone else's bed.

Lin Hua saw himself smiling, sarcastically, disdainfully, desperately, he was wrong, he was wrong, because he always cared about status and power, so the people under him all followed him and always put power and status first one.

It was himself who lost Ru Ting.

Lin Hua killed everyone, and then went to the so-called superiors for revenge.

He spent two years plotting and planning, just to succeed in one fell swoop.

In the past two years, he lived like a walking dead, and the coercion on his body became more and more calm and seductive.

He no longer trusts anyone, and only wants to take revenge with his own efforts.

However, he still lost, still failed.In fact, he should have known a long time ago that an ordinary person would not be able to kill an epic supernatural being with one blow, let alone planning for two years, even if he planned for 20 years. Moreover, he still has such rights.

In fact, I should be satisfied. After all, that person can no longer harm others, and also broke a pair of legs. However, whenever she thinks of Ru Ting, Lin Hua always feels that it is not enough. Compared with the suffering that Ru Ting suffered, that person Even if it is not enough to die a thousand times or ten thousand times, that is the girl I once held in my hand!I have never been reluctant to make you sad, how could he, how dare he hurt the girl he loves like this?
Lin Hua died, and in the second year after Ru Ting's death, she was thrown into an empty gate where there were only zombies.

Being torn and bitten, Lin Hua is indifferent, so what's the point?Without Ru Ting, it really means nothing.

When Lin Hua woke up, she was still sitting in the orchard, but the surrounding fog had completely dissipated, and the fruit trees in front of her were full of fruits, and the breeze came out, bursting with sweet and attractive fruit fragrance.

Lin Hua wiped away the tears from her face, and just as she stood up, she heard a slightly sarcastic female voice.

"Hehehe, it's really infatuated."

The voice came from a distance, but Lin Hua acted as if she hadn't heard it. She looked around and walked in the opposite direction to the female voice.

"Hey, you!...Forget it, you've passed the test, and you'll get a mysterious gift package." The female voice seemed to be very angry with Lin Hua's attitude, and she hurriedly said cutely when she saw Lin Hua walking farther and farther.

"Last time, it was you too." Lin Hua stopped and said as if making a statement.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" The female voice was a little confused, and then she spoke normally.

Lin Hua sneered, do you really think he is a fool?The last time at the Heavenly Empty Gate, this female voice was the one who targeted Jiang Xinyu for not letting him into the woods.

Although Lin Hua didn't quite remember it, but when the female voice retorted when she was probing just now, there was a momentary pause when she retorted, which was enough for Lin Hua to be sure.

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about, but let me tell you, since you've successfully passed the test, now, this orchard belongs to you," the female voice said.

"I don't want it." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she continued to move forward.

What's the use of him wanting an orchard, can he take it with him or can he eat all the fruits in it?
"You, you, you, you ignorant, such a big and nice space, you actually don't want it, do you have any brains?" the female voice said angrily.

"So this is a different dimension," Lin Hua said.

"That's right, this is... you bastard, you actually tricked me into talking to me" the female voice suddenly came to her senses and cursed angrily.

"Who are you and why are you in this space?" Lin Hua asked.

"Hmph, don't try to trick me this time, I won't tell you," the female voice said a little arrogantly.

Lin Hua twitched the corner of her mouth helplessly, maybe she was mentally retarded?

"Where's my friend?" Lin Hua asked.

"Of course they are sleeping in your space, hum," said the female voice.

"I'm going out," Lin Hua said.

"Then you go out, why do you tell me?" There was an obvious smile in the female voice.

Lin Hua no longer wanted to continue talking with her, lest she would die of anger.

I have never eaten pork but I have seen pigs run away, Lin Hua said in her heart, I want to go out, I want to go out, after a while of dizziness, Lin Hua opened her eyes again, and she was already in the original orchard.

And not far behind him, lay Nie Quanqi and Xuewu.

"Hmph, she looks quite talented." The female voice was full of arrogance, but Lin Hua didn't hear it.

"Xuewu, Nie Quanqi" Lin Hua walked up to the two of them and squatted down to pat their faces, Xuewu gave a warning, and Youyou woke up, when she saw Lin Hua, her face was flushed, her beautiful eyes turned left and right What's more, he didn't dare to look at Lin Hua.

However, Lin Hua didn't notice Xue Wu's strangeness, because Nie Quanqi's eyes were tightly closed with tears all over his face, and he couldn't wake up no matter what.

"Xuewu, why did you two faint?" Lin Hua asked.

"Uh, I don't know, but Nie Quanqi and I followed you as soon as we came in, and then you suddenly walked faster and faster, and you didn't respond when we called you, and then, suddenly, someone behind you called As soon as we turned around, I fainted, I don't know what happened," Xuewu said.

Lin Hua suddenly remembered what the mysterious female voice said before, they were all sleeping in your space.

Lin Hua began to try to call the mysterious female voice in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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