Chapter 263 Progress
No one knew what Xuewu's inner demon was, and Lin Hua never asked, but everyone found that Xuewu seemed to have a different attitude towards the boss.

In the past, there was Jiang Xinyu who compared Xuewu to the boss like an ordinary teammate, but now?Like it?Unabashedly like it.

There are too many little daughter-like gestures that can only be seen in front of Lin Hua.

However, no one pays that much attention now.

Lin Hua rummaged through the fruit she had just taken out of the space in her backpack, and took it out for Li Jie and the others to eat.

"Boss, you are so kind, you still remember to bring us fruit after experiencing demons," Li Jie said while gnawing on the fruit.

"If I didn't bring it, wouldn't you be nagging me to death when I came out?" Lin Hua asked Li Jie back,

"Hahahaha, how is it possible?" Li Jie said in embarrassment silently.Is he that greedy?

"It's possible." Gui Wu walked to Lin Hua's side, took two fruits and said.

"..." Li Jie didn't dare to speak anymore. I don't know why what Li Jie was most afraid of was not the boss nor Xuewu but this ghost dance who suddenly joined their team. Although he was really afraid of her face at first, but now, he is even more afraid of her temperament.

Lin Hua's coldness is calm and self-sustaining, Xuewu's coldness is the flower of the high mountains, and Ice Queen's coldness, but Ghost Dance is more like ice that does not melt all year round, severe cold, stern, without the slightest popularity.

Seeing that Li Jie was deflated, everyone burst into laughter.Finally, there is someone who can cure this chatterbox.

Gui Wu watched silently, as if, it's not that difficult to blend in, isn't it?There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he fed a fruit to Xiao Bai.


Everyone rested for the night, because Xiaobai was watching, so no one kept watch, and they all got a good night's sleep.

The next day, when I was about to go on the road, I found that Nie Quanqi had also woken up, and his level had also stepped into the third gold level. Everyone congratulated him.

Li Jie ran in front of Nie Quanqi and began to entangle him with all kinds of demons. Everyone happily went on the road while Li Jie, a cheerful clown, was acting stupid all the way.

Around three or four in the afternoon, Lin Hua and the others finally came to the center of City R. Along the way, Lin Hua wanted to see their current abilities, starting from Xuewu to deal with zombies one by one, individually or in groups. Birch did not intervene.

Lin Hua has to admit that her teammates have improved very quickly. Li Jie also reached the primary stage of Platinum, and then Xuewu, probably because of the breakthrough of the inner demon, directly broke through from the original Silver Level [-] to the Gold Level [-] , while Qi Zhan did not improve his powers, but he became more proficient in the use of power, and his defense power was stronger when he transformed into a stone giant. Lin Hua felt that even a second-level Platinum person might not be able to break through Qi Zhan's defense.

As for Nie Quanqi, his abilities seem a bit strange. The original pure wood-type abilities, now every time he uses the rattan weaving, there will be a hint of blackness faintly, but the abilities have not improved after experiencing the inner demons. Hua faintly felt that this had something to do with his inner demons.

There is also Jiang Xinyu, who is more and more proficient in using various guns. Even a fifth-level gold superpower, unless he has wind powers, may not be able to avoid Jiang Xinyu's guns. Er, the ammunition should be replenished. After all, the daily practice and shooting made the original sufficient ammunition a little exposed.

Lin Hua never treats his own people badly, even if Jiang Xinyu didn't say anything, Lin Hua knew about it, and secretly decided to come to City R to sweep up a few more police stations this time.

Elder Liu is more proficient in fire-type abilities than Xuewu, but he is far worse than Xuewu in advanced aspects. As for Li Yang, Lin Hua taught him a few wind-type abilities that he had heard in his previous life. Li Yang actually trained a few wind blades.

Although two wind blades can kill a bronze-level zombie, it still made Li Yang happy for a long time. After all, it won't be much better than the previous one except escape.

All in all, Lin Hua took a look around and found that his team members were really good. Not to mention Baidi City, even in the East Hall where the most supernatural beings were, there were many people who were willing to win over their team.

However, Lin Hua won't tell them that's all, because they are progressing too fast, and there will inevitably be many temptations, praises and honors waiting for them in the future, so he can't praise them, and can only do his best to make them clear about themselves. s position.

"Now, let's collect supplies in groups of two, and come back to gather in 10 minutes." Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and the others who had killed the zombies with ease.

"I'm in the same group as Quanqi," Li Jie said hastily.

"Okay, Li Yang and Mr. Liu are in a group, Xuewu and..."

"Boss, I'll be with you." Before Lin Hua could finish speaking, Xue Wu interrupted him with a rare opening.

"I mean, Xin Yu and I are on the same team as you." Xue Wu looked at Lin Hua and said.

"Okay, we'll be in groups of three," Lin Hua thought for a while and said.

Jiang Xinyu looked at Xuewu, but said nothing.

"Boss, Boss, Quanqi and I will go to the west," Li Jie said, pointing to the west.Because the city center they are currently in is the most prosperous and crowded, with many shops, and Lin Hua looked to the west, it belongs to a night market street, but now it is too messy destroyed by zombies, Lin Hua looked , and said, "Okay, you go to the west, Li Yang and Mr. Liu go to the east"

"Okay" Li Yang agreed and walked quickly to the east with Mr. Liu.

"Oh...hehe boss is biased, let Li Yang and Mr. Liu go to the east" Li Jie said with a smile, while looking at the entire clothing store in the south.

Because they came from the north along the way, Li Yang and the others went to the east, leaving only the clothes for Lin Hua and the others.

And Li Jie also knows that although his boss likes to be clean, he doesn't like to dress up very much. He only wears white T-shirts and jeans for a long time, but he chose the south side, which obviously does not meet the standards of the boss. Consider the two girls.

And Lin Hua really thought about Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu. Although his team is free enough, he can't stay comfortably in the base with him as the boss. It's fine to fight zombies normally, but now he follows him It's true that they are wandering around every day, and there are only two sets of clothes coming and going. Maybe a big man has nothing, but he can't ruin his beautiful female team members like this if he has the conditions?Lin Hua was still quite uncomfortable.

There's no need for other people's children to have good things, but your own precious ones have nothing, right?It has to be said that Lin Hua already has the potential to be a baby daddy.

"Otherwise, we'll trade with you." Lin Hua glanced at Li Jie, thinking that everyone else has small thoughts, but he doesn't?
"Ahem, girl, I still like more clothes, so we won't be too hard on others." Li Jie fake coughed twice, and hurriedly pulled Nie Quanqi away.

(End of this chapter)

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