Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 264 Xin Yu Missing

Chapter 264 Xin Yu Missing
"Hmph, I really don't understand what the boss thinks, he cares so much about Xin Yu and Xue Wu, why doesn't he like any of them?" Li Jie mumbled beside Nie Quanqi.

"The boss is also very concerned about us," Nie Quanqi said.

"..." Li Jie, who was almost choked to death by Nie Quanqi's words, was depressed. Of course he knew that the boss also cared about him, but didn't he care more about Xuewu and Xinyu?Hey, there is really nothing to say to this kind of wood who has never been in love, Li Jie complained silently in his heart.

"Hey, you are girls, you can be careful if you have the conditions." After being teased by Li Jie for a while, Lin Hua had to explain to save them from embarrassment.

However, Lin Hua obviously underestimated how much Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu liked him. What he said made Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu think he was more caring. Jiang Xinyu said with bright eyes, "Boss, You are so kind." Xuewu also had a face full of emotion and approval.

After all, in the last days, even female supernatural beings are not qualified to pay attention if they are not some officers or women with power, except of course, except for some women who are engaged in special occupations.

Lin Hua sighed silently in her heart. Sooner or later, this Li Jie will be ruined by his mouth.


The downtown area of ​​City R is very well planned. There is a street for snacks, a street for clothing, and two streets that basically have all kinds of sundries and trinkets.

Lin Hua, Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu walked to the south very quickly, because most of the clothes were packed or torn by zombies, Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu walked for a long time but did not find a few suitable for them As for the clothes, I chose a few sets of clothes in stock according to the size for Li Jie, Lin Hua and the other big men.

"Xuewu, look at that." Jiang Xinyu pointed to a small alley and said.

"What?" Xue Wu went to Jiang Xinyu's side to have a look. It turned out that the two clothing stores were separated by about three meters, and there was actually a small alley in between.

The door of the alley is made of glass, facing Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu, Jiang Xinyu saw the leather clothes on the models of the clothing store at a glance.

"Xuewu, does that look good? I really like that." Jiang Xinyu shook Xuewu's cuff and said.

"It's beautiful, let's get it then," Xuewu said.

"...I want to change it directly, can you help me look after it, let the boss walk around by himself" Jiang Xinyu said with a pretty face.

The clothes on my body have been worn for three or four days, and there is already a faint smell, but everyone has been busy on the road and has no chance to change clothes. Now, seeing such beautiful clothes, Jiang Xinyu wants to change quickly down.

Moreover, Li Jie and the other big men may not have noticed it, but I have already seen that Xue Wu likes the boss, so what about the boss?Will you like Xuewu?Jiang Xinyu doesn't know, but even if Xuewu likes Lin Hua, she, Jiang Xinyu, will not back down, she will compete fairly with Xuewu.

But now, I just want Lin Hua to see her beautiful side.

"Okay, then you go and change it, I'll help you look after it." Xuewu smiled.

Jiang Xinyu walked into the alley, Lin Hua walked forward but didn't hear Xuewu's footsteps, turned her head, and saw Xuewu standing in front of two clothing stores, and Jiang Xinyu was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Xin Yu?" Lin Hua walked up to Xue Wu and asked.

"Oh, there is an alley at the back, she took a fancy to a set of clothes and went in to change," Xuewu said.

"Then let's wait for her. Didn't you see something you like? Do you want to go in and pick it out?" Lin Hua asked.

He had never gone shopping with girls before, so he had to let them choose by themselves.

"Let's talk about it after Xin Yu comes out," Xue Wu replied.

"Hmm." Seeing this, Lin Hua didn't say anything anymore. He wasn't a talkative person in the first place, and he wasn't good at this kind of situation, so he naturally became cold.

"Boss, what is your inner demon?" Xue Wu said suddenly, leaning against the wall, looking at the cloudy sky in the distance.

The sky used to be blue, with white clouds drifting past from time to time. At that time, my heart and eyes were full of thinking about climbing higher and higher, and then no one dared to despise myself because I was a woman.

At that time, I was very busy, how cruel and ruthless I was in the eyes of outsiders, how helpless and sad when I was alone at night.

I am also a girl in her twenties, shouldn't a girl of this age be innocent and carefree?Maybe you will worry about the uneasiness and fear when you first entered the society, or maybe you will worry about whether the boy next door will like you too.

But what about myself?Following Lin Hua in and out of all kinds of unsightly places, how many unsightly things have you seen, how warm and cold people have been?I can only look at the sky at night when I can't sleep.

But now, even that beautiful sky is gone, leaving everyone with only the horrible doomsday, the blood-colored sky and bloody sun.

She was an orphan since she was a child, and was sponsored to go to high school. The irascibility in her blood made her keep causing troubles in school, and she came out with some gangsters to mix in the society. Until that happened, she was rescued by Lin Hua, and she stayed there Beside him, he worshiped brothers and sisters of the opposite sex, and thought that she knew Lin Hua well enough, but now, she really couldn't see through.

Lin Hua, who was suddenly asked, was startled, brushed her already somewhat long bangs with her hand, and asked, "It's nothing, some past events."

"Is it because of the woman?" Xue Wu chuckled, and turned to look at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua turned her head to look at Xue Wu, there was affection he was not familiar with in her eyes, "Yes" Lin Hua turned her head, he hoped that Xue Wu would always be his sister, and only his sister.

"Who is that?" Xue Wu asked in surprise, Lin Hua, does he have someone he likes?
"You don't know," Lin Hua said with her tone back to normal.

"Okay, you guys will see each other when it's time." Lin Hua smiled and interrupted Xue Wu's question.

"Go and see why Xinyu hasn't come out, it's been a long time," Lin Hua said.

"Okay" Xuewu looked at Lin Hua, made sure that he really didn't want to say anything, then turned around and walked to the alley behind him.

Hehe, I'm so stupid, I'm afraid Xinyu is the same, right?

"Xin Yu, have you changed yet?" Xue Wu walked into the clothing store and shouted.

There was silence, only the female model whose clothes were stripped by Jiang Xinyu stood quietly on the window.

"Xin Yu?" Xue Wu shouted loudly, while hastily knocking open the doors of the fitting rooms one by one.

No, no, no, Xuewu took pictures of four doors, none of them were opened, and no one even opened the stocked doors.

"Xuewu, where's Xinyu?" asked Lin Hua who rushed in because of Xuewu's loud shout.

"Boss...Xin Yu is gone" Xue Wu said blankly holding Jiang Xinyu's changed clothes.

"It's gone? Where did you find her clothes?" Lin Hua asked.

"The door," Xuewu said.

Lin Hua quickly ran into the doors of the fitting rooms, but there were none. Then she... By the way, Lin Hua suddenly looked up at the air vent above the fitting room. Did Jiang Xinyu walk away from the air vent? ?
(End of this chapter)

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