Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 265 Horrible Hu Fei

Chapter 265 Horrible Hu Fei
Jiang Xinyu has absolutely no reason to leave without telling them, only possible, being coerced?Coerced by whom?Jiang Xinyu's marksmanship is the best, it is impossible for people under gold to coerce him, and it is impossible for people above gold to be unaware of Lin Hua.

There is only one possibility, acquaintance.

Besides, Jiang Xinyu didn't necessarily mean to coerce him, maybe he took the initiative to go with him, and this person didn't want Lin Hua and the others to see him, so who could it be?Lin Hua's brain was running fast.


No, it wasn't Xiang Nan. Although the contact time was very short, Lin Hua knew how proud and conceited Xiang Nan was, and it was impossible for him to act like a villain.

What's more, to be honest, if Xiang Nan wants to take Jiang Xinyu away, then no one can stop him, of course, unless Lin Hua and others risk their lives to gamble.

But who else would there be if it wasn't Xiangnan?Being an acquaintance with such a strong concealment ability?
Could it be someone from the Zhushan League?Impossible, how did the people from the Zhushan League know that they were coming to R City?
Apart from his teammates, the only one who knew that they were coming here was Xiang Nan. Could it be that there was a ghost in his team?Lin Hua didn't want to believe and didn't want to believe that her own people would betray her.

"Boss, nothing will happen to Xinyu right?" Xue Wu's weeping voice rang in Lin Hua's ear, breaking Lin Hua's gradually bewildered fantasy.

It's all my fault, if I come in with Jiang Xinyu, she won't disappear.

"Don't cry, it looks like Xin Yu is fine now." Lin Hua wiped away the tears from the corners of Xue Wu's eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm too careless, if I..." Xue Wu became more and more sad as she thought about it, she lowered her head and kept sobbing.

"Xuewu, it's not your fault, it's because I didn't realize there was someone here, and now is not the time to cry, we need to find Xinyu as soon as possible, the longer the time, the worse it will be," Lin Hua said calmly.

"Yes, we need to find Xinyu as soon as possible, should I gather Li Jie and the others first?" Xuewu said in a normal tone, wiping away tears.

"Well, let them all come over quickly," Lin Hua said.

"Okay." After Xuewu finished speaking, she strode out of the clothing store to gather Li Jie and the others.

Lin Hua touched the air vent of the fitting room above her head, and grabbed it with her hand. Sure enough, the iron window of the air vent was not welded tightly. Lin Hua took off the iron window and threw it on the ground, then climbed up. An icicle was frozen in the ground and stood on the ground while facing the air vent, letting Li Jie and the others know that he had gone to Jiang Xinyu first.

Lin Hua crawled through the air vent, walked for an unknown amount of time, and when she came out again, she was outside a forest.

Interesting, Lin Hua sneered, life is full of surprises everywhere, I keep encountering strange things along the way, now a small air vent that looks like a tunnel actually leads to an unknown woods, it’s really interesting, look Come to think of it, the state hides a lot from the people.

No matter how mocking she was, Lin Hua crawled out to find Jiang Xinyu.

When Lin Hua came out, she didn't call out to Jiang Xinyu, but walked very quickly in the woods, her eyes looking around to see if Jiang Xinyu was here.

"Heh, I really didn't expect that you would be with them...ahem" A female voice sounded in the forest.

"It's Xin Yu." Lin Hua turned her head abruptly, looked at the place where the voice came from, and ran quickly.

"My lord, it's time for you to wake up," said a man with a mask covering half of his face.

If Lin Hua was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was Hu Fei.It's just that his eyes are no longer clear, as if there is an extremely deep abyss inside, making people feel horrible at a glance.

"Oh, I'm not some kind of master, get out of here, I'm just Jiang Xinyu, and it can only be Jiang Xinyu" Jiang Xinyu covered her chest with one hand and said in pain, the blood on the corner of her mouth seemed to be mocking coldly .

Hu Fei looked at the direction Lin Hua was rushing towards, and said, "My lord, I'm sorry, the next time my subordinates come again, I hope to see the master who was originally killed by Megatron." Spread out a pair of huge wings, took a deep look at Jiang Xinyu, turned around and flew away.

When Lin Hua rushed over, she only saw Jiang Xinyu sitting under a big tree, already unconscious.

Lin Hua observed carefully, there was no one here except Jiang Xinyu, so who was she talking to just now?Lin Hua was puzzled.

No matter what, Lin Hua ran to Jiang Xinyu quickly, looked at the blood on the corner of her mouth, made sure that her life was not in danger, picked her up, and returned quickly.

"Boss, what's the matter with Xin Yu?" Lin Hua had just walked halfway when she saw Xue Wu and the others had already rushed over, Xue Wu strode towards Lin Hua and asked.

"She's fine, but she seems to have some internal injuries, let's go out first," Lin Hua said.

Everyone returned to the original clothing store along the exhaust vent.

"Boss, how did Xin Yu go to that place?" Li Jie leaned closer to Lin Hua and asked.

"Ask Xin Yu after she wakes up, she was already unconscious when I found her," Lin Hua said.

"Do you think it will be Xiang Nan?" Li Jie said in a slightly lower voice.

Li Jie suspected that Xiang Nan had returned, but why didn't he show up?Who knows what that pervert is thinking, and only that pervert will specifically target Jiang Xinyu, otherwise, why so many of them only kidnapped Jiang Xinyu?Although he didn't know why he didn't kill Jiang Xinyu, but his personality was capricious, maybe something happened, it was more likely that he saw Lin Hua coming and didn't want the boss to be dissatisfied with him.Li Jie thought in his heart.

"Why do you think it's Xiangnan?" Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and asked.

"Because he is the only one who can target Xin Yu, and also, he is the only one who is more skilled than you, the boss, who can kidnap Xin Yu without knowing it," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and said nothing. He doesn't doubt Xiang Nan at all now. As for why Li Jie wants to know his thoughts so much... It seems that he wants to have a good talk with Nie Quanqi. If so, don't blame Lin Hua for not being able to tolerate it.

"I didn't see anyone either, let's talk about it after Xin Yu wakes up," Lin Hua said.

"That's right, after all, Xin Yu must have seen that person." Li Jie nodded and said.

"Boss, Xin Yu doesn't have any wounds on her body, don't worry," Xue Wu said as she came out of the warehouse.

"Has Xin Yu woke up? Does she have internal injuries?" Li Jie asked hastily.

Xuewu looked at Li Jie, then at Lin Hua and said nothing.

"Xuewu, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with Xinyu?" Li Jie asked.

"No, Xin Yu is fine, but there is no sign of waking up," Xue Wu said with her head down.

"Damn it, what should we do now, boss?" Li Jie turned his head and asked Lin Hua.

"Let's rest here for a night first, Li Jie, you, Qi Zhan and Liu Lao Li Yang go out to find some food and find a clean room to sleep in, Xuewu and Nie Quanqi, I stay here to take care of Jiang Xinyu" Lin Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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