Chapter 267

Walking to the edge of the pool, Lin Hua took off her shirt, revealing a muscular figure. This is what is often said to make you look thinner when you wear clothes, but you can look fleshy when you take them off. The muscles on the side arms are also calm and powerful, but they are not as attractive from the front as seen from the back.

Because the back of Lin Hua is full of scars, countless knife wounds, and occasionally a few gunshot wounds. There is a most severe scar on the side of the waist, which is about ten centimeters long. Some scars may be too far apart. After a long time, only a shallow mark was left, and some scars were newly grown flesh, and there was a pink one on it, which did not match the bronzed skin around it.

"Ahhh, why are you taking off your clothes?" There was a piercing cry in my mind, and Lin Hua, who was so calm, was taken aback.

There was a slight tingling in his head, because the sound came directly from his head. When it screamed inside, it was like screaming in front of Lin Hua's ear with a super loudspeaker, and Lin Hua was dizzy when he screamed. flower.

"Shut up." No matter how good-tempered Lin Hua was usually, she was now angry, and her originally stern face became even more chilling.

The voice in my head stopped and shouted, "Don't yell anymore, how can you soak if you don't take off your clothes?" Lin Hua said coldly.

"...You can also wear it for soaking." Probably frightened by Lin Hua, the voice in his head said aggrievedly after a long time.

Lin Hua unbuttoned her pants, threw them on the ground and said, "I'm not used to soaking in clothes"

"then you…"

"I didn't tell you to watch it, so you better not watch it" Lin Hua threatened coldly just as the female voice was about to speak.

"You think I want to see it, if it's not...if it's not..." The female voice paused halfway through speaking and couldn't continue.

"I didn't ask you to let you see it," Lin Hua said coldly, then reached out and threw out the little black snake that had been wrapped around her wrist.

"you you…"

"I'm curious, how do I know that you belong to that little snake?" Lin Hua said while sitting in the middle of the pool, closing her eyes.

"...What nonsense are you talking about, I'm not" the female voice lowered her voice slightly, as if she lacked confidence.

"Heh" Lin Hua sneered, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

He's not a fool, if he can't see it after repeated deliberate probing, then he won't be able to live in the last days.

After a pause, Lin Hua didn't speak, but the female voice couldn't help it.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I just... hey, forget it, tell you that you don't understand either." Lin Hua didn't respond, and sat at the bottom of the pool as if she was asleep.

The little snake that was thrown out by Lin Hua in the distance also slowly crawled back, and climbed to a tree that it didn't know how it was conjured up.

"Sorry, no matter what, you are my master now. It was my fault that I treated you like that before. Please, sir, don't care about me like a snake." The female voice continued, but Lin Hua still didn't respond.

"Actually, this is "Tianhuang", just like what you are talking about now, Tianwai Kongmen, but Tianhuang was left by the ancient gods. I don't know exactly how it was trapped. My grandfather has always guarded here. The one who came to find the owner, but he waited for a long time and still couldn’t find it, so he had to find a snake who was much lower than himself to marry. Later, I had my father, and I waited for a long time, and then I, a generation after generation Come down, many specific things have been forgotten because of waiting for too long, if it wasn't for you...maybe I too..." The female voice gradually narrated in Lin Hua's mind.

"Then you are the guardians here?" Lin Hua asked.

"You are finally willing to talk to me." The female voice seemed a little happy, and then Lin Hua didn't answer again.

He just wanted to know about things here, not to listen to her nonsense, and he didn't want to answer her nonsense.

"Eh..." Probably didn't expect Lin Hua to be so shameless, the female voice didn't say anything more.

"Yes, our ancestors have been the guardians of this wilderness for generations. There are many geniuses and treasures here, but they need a lot of spiritual energy to protect them. They have been passed down from generation to generation, and there is not much spiritual energy left. When it comes to me This generation, most of the time, can only rely on deep sleep to reduce the ability to use spiritual power, and I have to turn into the main body." The female voice began to speak after a while.

Anyway, Lin Hua is already the master, and she can only recognize the master again unless he dies, otherwise, even if he doesn't tell him these things, he will know sooner or later. Even if he doesn't like Lin Hua very much now, he doesn't dare to hide it casually.

"What's your name?" Lin Hua asked.

"Zero, you can call me Zero," the female voice replied.

"Then the reason why you recognize the Lord is because of something about me." Lin Hua asked again.

"Sorry, master, it's up to you to discover this by yourself. I don't know. I just chose according to the choice of nature. Just like the gate of space outside the sky before. I don't know why I went there because I slept for too long." Female voice Said.

Lin Hua didn't know whether to believe Ling's words, after all, her words had too many loopholes and too many unknowns.

After thinking about it, Lin Hua actually found it a little funny. He seemed to have never been short of conspiracies since he was reborn, and until now, he had no idea. Now, another one appeared?
Although Lin Hua felt that there was nothing about him for Ling to peek at, he still didn't say anything. After all, knowing a person depends on time, not words.

"What is the function of this hot spring?" Lin Hua asked, changing the subject. Anyway, I can't ask too many questions. It would be bad if people hidden in the dark are alerted.

After all, Lin Hua felt that more and more people cared about him now, so he didn't dare to gamble, and he was unwilling to gamble with some people's lives.These are his teammates who live and die together.

Although Lin Hua thinks he is cold, but he is also an ordinary person, and he also has the three emotions and six desires of a normal person. He just doesn't say it, but he hides it too deeply. Now that the relationship with these people is getting closer, Lin Hua doesn't want to Let them take the risk.

"There are many benefits. Washing the marrow and veins, eliminating toxins from the body, and even most of the poisons can be detoxified by soaking in the pool for half a month. Strengthening the body can make practitioners make rapid progress, and it is easier than others to get twice the result with half the effort. , and..." Ling hid away, not knowing whether to tell him, in fact, it can also beautify the face.

"Huh?" Lin Hua asked a question. Is there anything wrong with suddenly stopping?

"It's nothing, anyway, it has a lot of benefits, and it can also eliminate scars." Ling said hurriedly, afraid that Lin Hua would ask her again.

Hearing Ling's deliberately evasive words, Lin Hua didn't reply, as long as she didn't say anything, she couldn't do anything to her.

(End of this chapter)

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