Chapter 268

Just wait a little longer, sooner or later he will solve all the confusion by his own strength.Lin Hua closed her eyes and thought.

Zero also stopped talking, and silently poked out a bit of the snake's head to look at the man below.

He is his first master, because the time interval is too long, his grandfather's generation did not even wait for a destined person to match him, and many things in the wilderness have gradually been forgotten.She always thought that she would live her life in such an ordinary way.

However, that day, this man came, and then his natal body began to recover, guiding him step by step, passing the test, so that he could become his master.

He came, and the closer he got to him, the more excited he became, like a child who has been hungry for a long time and urgently needs food.

However, she smelled a different smell. Even with her future master by her side, she still smelled it. Zero had even forgotten why she hated that woman named Jiang Xinyu so much. She only knew that the smell on that woman The smell made her sick, so she stopped the woman from coming to her.

But what did she see?How could my master take good care of the girl he hates?Zero's intuition told her that this woman should be the natural enemy of herself and her master, but the master?Has he also forgotten many things?
When Ling thought this way, she actually forgot to take Jiang Xinyu's life. She only thought that her master was as pitiful as herself.

Later, her master really lived up to expectations and took her away.

At that moment, Zero was grateful.

But what happened later?When Zero finally realized how different this world was from when she was just born, she lost her spiritual power and rapidly weakened, and she couldn't even contact Lin Hua.

Later, Lin Hua advanced, and she also began to recover three tenths of her spiritual power. As a result, the master actually didn't like her very much...Why?Could it be because of that woman named Jiang Xinyu?Zero unhappy.

Then, it seemed that all her behaviors were understood, no one would like someone who competed with her, zero is even worse.

Zero can only stay in the space since he was born, and later the aura of the space weakens, and Zero can only integrate the space with himself. If there is no Lin Hua, maybe only half of Zero will be able to pass the world to his descendants in a hundred years. In the first generation, Lin Hua is not his own savior to Zero.He could allow himself to see his father after death, and he did not pass on the inheritance of Tian Huang to his own generation.

If Lin Hua can, she will definitely help him with all her strength. Only when Lin Hua grows up can Tian Huang be more likely to survive.

Lin Hua fell asleep after soaking for a long time, and when she came out again, she felt more comfortable than ever, as if she had finally unloaded all the burden from her body. Lin Hua looked back at the pool and saw that the water was faintly dark, and probably knew that this was normal. Ling didn't know where he went, so Lin Hua just read it silently in his mind.

After Lin Hua got out of the space, she rubbed her hands and feet that were tired from sleeping too comfortably, sat quietly for a while, got up, opened the room, and found that everyone was up, Nie Quanqi had already made breakfast, and the fragrance was wafting in the air. Lin Hua's stomach rumbled.

"Cough, boss, why did you go last night?" Li Jie walked up to Lin Hua with a mocking face, touched his arm and said with a smile.

I have never seen the boss so gaffe, not only getting up late, but also being so hungry that he didn't come out to eat until his stomach growled.

Although they already know the boss's previous experience, but usually everything about the boss really doesn't match the underworld. Have you ever seen someone in the underworld who wears jeans and a white T-shirt all day long, just like a college student? ?If he didn't know that the boss is not a person who likes to dress up, he would have thought that he deliberately dressed up so young.

Who else is a member of the underworld who can eat slowly and act like a noble son who has received a good education since he was a child?
I won't say much about other things, such as the rules of life, not being close to women, etc. Is this what it looks like to be a gangster?

Well, at least his cold face added to his majesty, a bit like a mafia boss, but others really look like a nobleman, especially his calm and restrained aura.He often used himself and Nie Quanqizhan and others as a foil.

Li Jie could even imagine, with Lin Hua's current ability, if he had no ambitions, after gaining a foothold in a random base, how many women would try to throw him down.

Of course, it doesn't mean that no women like him right now, it's just that it's the end of the day, and it's turbulent. Staying in the base is always better than running around and facing too many dangers, right?Cough, of course there are exceptions, like Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu, I don’t know if they don’t like Anwen Linhua, but he knows that if they don’t like the boss so much, they won’t be so sincere to follow them a group of big men run around.

Although Li Jie thought so much, it happened in an instant.

At first Lin Hua blushed a little because of her stomachache, but now she calmed down after Li Jie made fun of her.

"If you want to know so much, live with me tonight?" Lin Hua raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Jie. Why, do you think he is the only one who can joke?
"Okay? Ah? Boss, you, you don't have any unreasonable thoughts about me, do you? I'm straight." Li Jie didn't realize what Lin Hua said at first, but now he did.

"I can make you bend too." Lin Hua took a step closer to Li Jie, and looked at Li Jie with slightly lowered eyebrows, evil spirits were evident in his eyes, and a rare gentleness appeared on his face.

Xuewu has been dumbfounded for a long time, okay? !Boss, so tempting!

No matter what Xuewu thought, Li Jie seemed to have seen the most terrifying monster in the world!Is this the boss?Yeah?Are you sure it's not Xiangnan wearing the boss's skin?Li Jie wanted to pinch Lin Hua's face to see if it was disguised.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not interested in men." When the atmosphere was almost freezing, Lin Hua suddenly smiled, well, it's really rare to see Li Jie so stupid.

Lin Hua ignored everyone's blank stares, walked to the dining table, sat down and asked, "Has Xin Yu woke up?"

"Ah? Oh, Xinyu hasn't woken up yet, but she doesn't have any fever or other symptoms, so she just remembered falling asleep." Xuewu said quickly after being stunned for a moment.

"Well, I'll go and see her, by the way, will my breakfast be ready when I come down?" Lin Hua said with a smile.

"Yes," Nie Quanqi said, blushing.

Lin Hua stopped talking to the crowd and turned to go to the second floor.

"Ah~ah~" After a long time, Li Jie suddenly yelled.

"Shut up," Xuewu threw a small fireball over.

Li Jie stopped roaring immediately, dodging the fireball, which hit the wall leaving a black mark.

"Xuewu, I've been traumatized and you're still treating me like this," Li Jie leaned over and said aggrievedly.

(End of this chapter)

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