Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 269 Xin Yu Amnesia

Chapter 269 Xin Yu Amnesia
"Xin Yu is resting, you will disturb her" Xue Wu explained in a rare way.But he regretted it in the next moment, even if he didn't explain, Li Jie wouldn't be angry with Xuewu, and now that he was explaining too much, it made Li Jie's chatterbox blah blah beside him.

"Xuewu Xuewu, Boss, he actually treated me like that just now, and, besides, he threatened me, did you hear that he really made me bend?" Li Jie said, his voice suddenly increased, and then he saw When the fireball suddenly rose from Xue Wu's hand, she gradually closed her mouth.

"I've seen it all," Xuewu said flatly, watching the fireball in his hand fluctuate from big to small.

"However, so what, who told you to provoke the boss first?" Xue Wu turned her head to look at Li Jie, her eyes shining brightly under the light.

Li Jie stared dumbfounded, Guiwu rubbed Xiaobai's snake head beside him and laughed until he sneered, "Idiot"

Even she, a team member who just joined, could see Xuewu's feelings for Lin Hua, and he actually tried to sue Xuewu for his boss. Except for being an idiot, Guiwu couldn't think of a second word to describe Li Jie.

Perhaps not far away, both Xuewu and Li Jie heard the ghost dance joke.

Xue Wu blinked, smiled, and also put away the fireball.

And Li Jie didn't feel embarrassed at all, as if he wasn't the one who was playing tricks just now.

Instead of playing tricks in front of Xuewu, Li Jie walked not far from Guiwu and asked, "Hey, Guiwu, can I touch Xiaobai?"

Of course, Li Jie was a little far away from Ghost Dance, and he would never admit that he was a little afraid of Ghost Dance, after all, she was the one who almost made herself faint with just her face.

Gui Wu looked at Li Jie who was standing at the tail of the snake, turned around and touched the head of the snake rolling under her hands, and asked, "Would Xiaobai let him touch it?"

Xiaobai twisted his body, turned his head to look at Li Jie, his round eyes were full of disdain, he would not care to let him touch a stronger supernatural being.

Turning his head away, obviously unwilling.Not only that, but the tail kept slapping the floor behind it, looking very irritable.

Li Jie never expected that he would be despised by a snake.

Well, although this snake is more spiritual and capable, it is too arrogant, right?It's just a snake, you are so proud, does your master know that?Li Jie looked at Gui Wu's doting smile, well, his master really knew, not only knew but also willing to be used to it.

If Xiaobai didn't let him touch him, Li Jie wanted to touch him more, especially when Xiaobai disliked him so much, he wanted to know what the consequences would be.

Well, Li Jie should be the legendary M-shaking physique.

Li Jie walked a little further away. If he was there again, the floor would probably be smashed by Xiaobai. If the boss knew by then, it would not be easy for him to abduct that annoying snake.

Gui Wu squatted beside Xiao Bai, and asked softly, "Why do you hate him so much?"

Xiao Bai blinked, and looked at Gui Wu innocently, as if saying that there was nothing wrong with it, but the slightly dodging eyes made Gui Wu see it all at once.

Of course Ghost Dance doesn't know Xiaobai's thoughts, not only that, she also doesn't know Li Jie's thoughts, but animals are often more sensitive than humans, although it refuses that little human being to touch itself, but don't think that you don't know What kind of idea is in his mind, just by looking at his eyes, you can tell that he hasn't given up on himself yet, hum, stupid.Xiao Bai silently put a label on Li Jie.

"Xiaobai, no matter what, don't play too hard." Ghost Wu didn't specifically tell him anything, after saying a word, he stopped paying attention to Li Jie and Xiaobai.

Although Xiaobai is her mount, Guiwu has always regarded it as a friend who accompanies her. Later, Guiwu often does not want to treat Xiaobai like ordinary mutant beasts, especially after Xiaobai starts to have a sense of wisdom.

Xiao Bai nodded, looking at Gui Wu with trust in his eyes.

But Lin Hua who was upstairs didn't know at all. After Lin Hua went upstairs, she saw Jiang Xinyu lying on the bed and sound asleep. It was a cloud of fog that surrounded Jiang Xinyu heavily.

Lin Hua walked to the bed, looked at Jiang Xinyu, her eyes were closed, but her face was very calm, like a sleeping beauty, Lin Hua shook her head, shaking out this boring thought.

He stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Xinyu's forehead, but when his hand was about to touch his forehead, a hand suddenly grabbed Lin Hua's wrist.

Lin Hua looked down, and it turned out that Jiang Xinyu had woken up. Her eyes were full of defense, and Lin Hua felt a moment of heartache when she saw that she hadn't protected them well.

"Xin Yu, it's me, Lin Hua." Lin Hua softened her voice and said to Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu didn't let go, her eyes were not only guarded but also confused.

Lin Hua felt something was wrong and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Xinyu didn't say anything, but stared at Lin Hua defensively.

Lin Hua's eyes were ice-cold, Jiang Xinyu, amnesia?

"Boss, it's time to eat." Li Jie walked upstairs swaggeringly, and saw at a glance, uh, a rather weird scene.

The boss was sitting by the bed with one hand held by Jiang Xinyu, while Jiang Xinyu was asleep, the two turned their heads at the same time when they heard Li Jie's words, one had a helpless expression, the other was...defensive.

"Xin Yu, are you awake?" Li Jie stammered a little, why does this situation look wrong?

"Xin Yu, she seems to have lost her memory." Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and said helplessly.

"Amnesia? Boss, don't scare me." Li Jie had a look of disbelief.

"Xin Yu, do you still know me? I'm Li Jie." Li Jie stepped forward and tried to communicate with Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu, however, became restless like a cat with its hair blown out, and held Lin Hua's wrist even harder, leaving a red mark on Lin Hua's hand.

"Li Jie, get out," Lin Hua said.Jiang Xinyu can't be stimulated by this situation now.

Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, then at Jiang Xinyu's defensive face, and went downstairs without daring to say anything.

"Li Jie, where's the boss?" Xue Wu came to the table with a bowl and asked.

"Jiang Xinyu has lost her memory." Li Jie looked up at Xuewu and said sadly.

"She doesn't remember all of us, and she is very wary of us now." The more Li Jie said, the more sad he became, the teammates who worked so hard all the way, are now wary of them.

Although she knew that Jiang Xinyu didn't do it on purpose, she couldn't control her sadness.

"You said Jiang Xinyu woke up? Now she has amnesia?" Xue Wu said in a daze.

Nie Quanqi, Li Yang and Liu Lao who were busy in the kitchen heard Xue Wu's words as soon as they walked out of the kitchen door.

And Gui Wu patted Xiao Bai's head and sat on the sofa, his eyes were obscured by his long bangs.

"Yes, she looked defensive when I went in just now, she really doesn't know me anymore," Li Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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