Chapter 270 Worry
Xue Wu put down the bowl and chopsticks, and walked upstairs, she did not believe that the sisters who lived and died together in the past, now forgot about herself in a blink of an eye.

When Xuewu was about to enter the room, she saw Lin Hua come out.

"Boss, Xinyu..." Xuewu hurriedly asked.

"Let's go down first," Lin Hua said, walking down the stairs.

Walking down the stairs, I saw all the people sitting or standing waiting there.

"Boss, has Xin Yu really lost his memory?" Nie Quanqi hurriedly asked when he saw Lin Hua come down.

Lin Hua glanced around, and said, "Yes, Xinyu has lost her memory. She doesn't remember everything, and she doesn't remember all of us. However, it is unknown whether everything is man-made or caused by the collision."

"Human salary? Boss, you mean the mysterious person who took Xin Yu away?" Li Jie asked.

"Well, no one knows what happened when Xin Yu was taken away. I thought everything would be clear when she woke up, but now Xin Yu has lost her memory and our clues are broken," Lin Hua said.

"Damn it, if I catch that person, I'll beat him until his mother doesn't recognize him, to treat Xin Yu like this," Li Jie said bitterly.

"Then boss, how is Xin Yu doing now?" Xue Wu asked.

"I trapped her with a water chain. No one here can detect the brain. We can only treat her like this first. After that, we will take turns telling her about her with us. I hope she can recover," Lin Hua said helplessly. .

Thinking again, it would be impossible to not have a doctor in the team, they are now like ducks without a head, wanting to try everything.

"Let's eat now." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she sat down at the dining table. Jiang Xinyu's amnesia may be short-lived, or it may be long-term. They can only plan for the worst. However, the most important thing Yes, take care of yourself first. After Lin Hua washed her marrow and tendons all day last night, although she felt more energetic, she was very hungry, as if her body was completely empty, and she desperately needed something. stuff to fill.

Everyone could only sit down and eat in silence. This breakfast was quite depressing. Even Li Jie, who often plays tricks, is now extremely well-behaved.

After eating, everyone gathered upstairs, and then saw Jiang Xinyu lying on the bed struggling in vain.

As soon as Jiang Xinyu saw them, he stopped struggling, and looked at them with disgust and defense in his eyes, but when he saw Lin Hua, he was full of murderous intent, obviously he was very grudged by Lin Hua. Tie her up.

"Xin Yu, you really, don't remember all of us?" Xue Wu asked first.

"I'm Xuewu, we used to do everything together before."

Jiang Xinyu frowned slightly, and looked at the female ghost who kept chattering, she was really annoying and noisy.

Xue Wu looked at the impatient Jiang Xinyu with a sad face. So, did she really not remember anything?
Then, Li Jie, Xue Wu and Nie Quanqi took turns telling Jiang Xinyu about their past together, but Jiang Xinyu didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but the frown didn't relax.

"Okay, that's all for today," Lin Hua said.

They had already talked enough, but Jiang Xinyu didn't seem to remember anything.

"Xuewu, go and give Xinyu something to eat, the others will come downstairs with me," Lin Hua said.

Everyone had no objection, Xue Wu went to the kitchen to get some food to deliver to Jiang Xinyu, while the others gathered in the lobby on the first floor.

"Xinyu is like this, none of us thought of it, and I am also very sad, but we are running out of time now. I told you before, the corpse tide is coming, and now there is only one and a half months, maybe the corpse tide It's faster than I expected, but we are already wanted in Baidi City, and we can't go back to Baidi City, we need to find a new foothold now, a foothold that can defend against the tide of corpses." Lin Hua Said.

"Boss, but Gutian and Mantou are in Baidi City, we must get them out first," Li Jie said.

"I also thought about what you said. It is an urgent matter to take over Gutian. Similarly, we must hurry up and find a foothold. The two things must be carried out at the same time. What I am saying now is that we are now divided into two teams. , one team went to pick up people, and the other team went to find the base," Lin Hua explained.

"In this way, Gui Wu will follow me to pick up people, and everyone else will go to the base." Lin Hua looked at the crowd and said.

"No, Boss, there are only two of you, and people in the Zhushan League are looking for you everywhere. I don't worry if you two go," Li Jie immediately retorted.

"Boss, I don't agree with this either. I'll go with you." Nie Quanqi also stood up immediately and said.

Qi Zhan also waved his hands "ah...ah" to express his reluctance.

Lin Hua looked at them and knew that they were all for his own good. However, he was confident that even without Ghost Dance, he would be able to bring Gu Tian back. Ghost Dance was the best among Li Jie and the others. Hua wanted Gui Wu to follow Li Jie and the others so that they could take care of her, but Gui Wu's strength was uncontrollable, and only he could calm her down when Gui Wu couldn't control herself, so she was worried and could only keep Gui Wu by her side, Xue Wu They can only give them more people.

"Li Jie, listen to me. Xinyu's situation is uncertain now. We have many people watching secretly. I'm handing her over to you now. You have to ensure her safety for me," Lin Hua said. Seeing that Li Jie was still about to open his mouth, he continued, "Don't worry, since I dare to go, I will be sure to escape from their hands. Besides, when have you ever seen the boss act recklessly and recklessly?" Lin Hua said There was a smile on the back corner of his mouth.

Li Jie looked at his reticent appearance, and stopped talking.

"Boss, you must ensure your own safety, as well as Ghost Dance, and you too," Nie Quanqi looked at the two of them and said.

Gui Wu raised her head slightly and looked at Nie Quanqi. The worry on the latter's face was genuine. How long had it been since he had seen anyone caring about him? Probably because his face was ruined and there was no more.

Nie Quanqi didn't look at Guiwu any more, and stopped talking after telling them to protect himself.

"Well, I will. Let's discuss going to that base now. I've thought about it. If we want to find another base, now is not the time. The tide of corpses will come soon. If we find it ourselves, The ones that are too small can’t resist the tide of corpses at all, and the ones that are too big will be a waste of time for us to just let ourselves invade, and there is no time to adjust the personnel again.” After Lin Hua finished speaking, he took out a self-drawn map and placed it on the table, indicating Li Jie and the others came to see.

"Look, we are now on the west side of Baidi City. To the south is the capital of Zhao, to the east is the east palace, to the north is the capital of the emperor, the east palace is the closest to us compared to the capital of the emperor and the capital of Zhao, but there are mixed fish and dragons in the east palace. , if we go to the East Hall, when the tide of corpses strikes, we will not only have external troubles but also internal troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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