Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 277 Passive Skills

Chapter 277 Passive Skills

Although Lin Jie didn't think as much as Nie Quanqi did, he also saw that Brother Yu didn't intend to offend them, so he readily agreed.

"Oh, we also came out to collect supplies and gasoline by the way. Now many gas stations are empty, and we have made several trips for nothing." Li Jie said without blushing and heartbeat while opening his eyes and talking nonsense.

Brother Yu rolled his eyes and didn't know how to answer the question. Did he want to say, you are so embarrassed to say that several gas stations were robbed by you. Do you think others didn't see it? !
"Oh, hehe, is that right, we didn't see it either, really, I don't know which wicked person didn't stay at all." Brother Yu said bitterly, and it seemed that he hated those who took all the gasoline.

Li Jie didn't get angry at all, and he smiled calmly on the surface, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Well, let's collect the supplies, the three brothers. We still have to hurry. When we meet in the future, please have a drink together." Brother Yu said, cupping his hands.

"Of course" Li Jie said with a smile.

Brother Yu turned his head and left. The six sons who had been by his side didn't say or do anything this time, as if they just came to say hello.

"Quan Qi, do you think they saw something?" Li Jie smiled as he watched Brother Yu and his six sons leave, but whispered something at the corner of his mouth.

"No matter what, since they showed their favor, they probably wouldn't come over to snatch it." Nie Quanqi also approached Lin Jie and said in a soft voice.

"Hmph, even if they come to snatch them, I'm not afraid of them." Li Jie snorted slightly. Brother Yu just now dared to say that about him. If it wasn't for avoiding necessary troubles, he had to fight him.

"Okay, let's go quickly to see if there is anything, and then go back to drive," Nie Quanqi said.

"Okay." After Li Jie finished speaking, he got out of the car and started to collect supplies in the supermarket.

However, the materials they collected in the end were not many. Most of them were damaged by humans and then destroyed by zombies. Li Jie didn’t even look at the inedible ones. The three of them collected the materials quickly, and then drove to prepare to leave. .

"Hiss..." Nie Quanqi, who was driving, suddenly felt a pain in his head, as if he had been slashed, and the car suddenly turned around, almost being loaded into the abandoned car next to him.

"I'll go, Nie Quanqi, what are you doing?" Li Jie didn't notice Nie Quanqi's strange behavior because the gasoline almost hit him.

"Someone moved our car." Nie Quanqi said coldly. The huge pain just now was because someone destroyed his consciousness left on the tree vine. It was like being split by a huge ax. The pain was almost mastered by Nie Quanqi Can't hold the steering wheel.

"It moved our car, how did you know?" Li Jie didn't believe it at first, thinking that Nie Quanqi said that on purpose to dissuade him from the sudden malfunction of his car.

"I can't explain a few sentences. In short, someone moved our car." Nie Quanqi couldn't explain his divine sense, because he was also a passive skill that he suddenly realized after experiencing demons.

He doesn't know what is the use of divine sense, but he vaguely understands that he can put divine sense on a certain object, and then he can perceive the situation of that object, even if you are far away, you can still feel it, but this skill Nie Quanqi has always been I feel a bit tasteless, if the distance is relatively far, even if you know that the object you need to protect is in danger, and you can't get there in time, what's the use?Because it has always been enlightened from the inner demon, Nie Quanqi thinks that it may be more useful in the future. I usually have a small connection and have never used it. I tried it today and it seems that the side effects are relatively serious.Just like the headache I had just now.

Li Jie knew that Nie Quanqi was not joking, especially at this moment when he looked serious, Li Jie believed it even more.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go and have a look," Li Jie said loudly.

"Be careful and hold on fast, I'm going to speed up," Nie Quanqi finished speaking, speeding up sharply, the car suddenly sped up, if Li Jie and Qi Zhan hadn't held on to the car as instructed, they would almost have been thrown out by the instant impact.

It's just that no one complained at this time, because Nie Quanqi and Li Jie had been picking the two cars for a long time, and the two with the best performance were selected.

Nie Quanqi raced all the way, probably because someone passed by just now, and a lot of obstacles on the road were cleared, so that Nie Quanqi could concentrate on racing.

Not long after, Nie Quanqi and others arrived in front of the two cars he had chosen to park, and then saw that the trees and vines that had been hooped outside the car had been cut down in a mess, and there were faint traces of fire, and there was a piece of wood on the car. It was pitch black, and I don't know what provoked it, and the car windows were all smashed. It seemed that Nie Quanqi and the others were deliberately trying to keep the car out of the car.

"Damn it, who is this, who the hell is so perverted?" Li Jie quarreled angrily.

It's just that no one responded to him, and Nie Quanqi walked up to the green vines, touched the neatly cut green vines, and the memories in his mind recovered.

Then he saw Brother Yu leading the crowd passing by, saw the car left here, and probably guessed that it belonged to Nie Quanqi and the others.

He didn't say anything, and continued walking forward as if he hadn't seen anything, but Nie Quanqi saw something. Just a few minutes after Brother Yu left, two young men followed the young man who had come to see them by Brother Yu. , with an ax in his hand, he chopped Nie Quanqi's vines violently, and Nie Quanqi suddenly lost control of the car. When the young man finished chopping, he ordered the remaining two people to use their fire powers to give their cars away. Burned, and then walked away together.

Nie Quanqi didn't know how his group offended them, so that they made them take revenge. He closed his eyes, turned to Li Jie and said, "A man named Liu Zi, two people with fire abilities did it. Those in that group of teams just don’t know if their boss knows about it.”

"I knew they were not good birds," Li Jie said bitterly.

"Since they are unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous. Since they damaged our two cars, let them pay for their own car. If they don't want to, we will just grab it," Nie Quanqi said.

Li Jie looked at Nie Quanqi in a daze. Is this the Nie Quanqi he knew?Obviously, she has always regarded peace as the most important thing like a woman, why is she suddenly such a robber today?However, this would be more palatable to him, Li Jie thought happily.

"Okay," Li Jie supported with a smile. It's rare for Nie Quanqi to be such a domineering man. He, Li Jie, must support himself, and only Nie Quanqi knows why he must take revenge. How embarrassing is it to be chopped up in such a mess?He must let those three bastards know what a real villain is today.

(End of this chapter)

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