Chapter 278

Now that they decided to take revenge, Nie Quanqi and the others didn't delay too long. They started the car and soon saw the three people leisurely on the side road.

"Liuzi, did you really see that there was gasoline in their car?" asked the man on Liuzi's left.

"Brother Shunli, it's true. I saw with my own eyes that their trunks are full. I just want Brother Yu to ask them for two barrels, so that we don't have to travel so hard, but who knew that Brother Yu was so courageous?" Xiao Xiao is afraid of things, afraid of everything, saying that they are tough, don't let me touch them" Liu Zi said behind, with a look of resentment on his face, he could take a leisurely ride in the car, but now he can only walk, it's strange if he isn't angry.

"Brother Yu is really getting more and more promising recently. It's just three brats, how capable are they? We ten supernatural beings can't cure them? It's true that the older you get, the more afraid you will be." The man walking on the left side of Liuzi Smoking a cigarette, he said, from the looks of it, he seems to be the leader of the six sons and the others.

"If you want me to say, Brother Afeng is more capable than Brother Yu, and the brothers below are all more supportive of you, how about..." The six sons looked at Afeng with a flattering expression.

Ah Feng lit the burnt ashes on the cigarette, lowered his eyes and completely hid the boredom in his eyes, but said, "Liu Zi is getting better at talking."

Does this idiot think he is the only one who is smart?He still wanted to kill Brother Yu, but he didn't know that Brother Yu had already guarded against you, Ah Feng thought in his heart.

Hearing this, Liu Zi hastily praised Ah Feng even more vigorously.The man next to him named Shunli also flattered Ah Feng.

The three of them walked slowly all the way, and they didn't rush to chase the big troops, but Li Jie and the others were a little puzzled, they only followed the three of them from a distance, and they couldn't hear what they were muttering.

"Quanqi, is there a trap here?" Li Jie looked at the three people outside, walking on the side of the road as if they were traveling, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Nie Quanqi pinched the formula in his hands, and several needle-like green vines grew under his feet, scattered in all directions.

"There's no one around here." Nie Quanqi retracted the green vines under his feet.

"Could it be that they were kicked out by the people in the team?" Li Jie asked in a daze.

Without answering Li Jie's idiotic question, Nie Quanqi stared at the three people in front of him, as if he was looking at a dead person, "Since no one is there, it is true that the three of them did it, let them pay for it," Nie Quanqi said, Li Jie was in his eyes.

Nie Quanqi didn't wait for Li Jie to speak, and suddenly increased the speed of the car. The car drifted beautifully and stopped in front of the six sons and three people.

The six sons looked at Nie Quanqi and the others, their eyes were full of shock. Seeing that they collected supplies so slowly, they went to destroy the car that was obviously left by them, but now, who can tell themselves how they came so fast? ?
Shun Shun's eyes were also shocked, but after seeing Li Jie and the others coming down, he didn't care anymore. Except for the big and strong man who made him a little wary, there were two remaining, one was white and thin, and the other He doesn't seem to have much explosive ability, he is not worried, even if Liu Zi is an ordinary person, he is confident that he and Ah Feng can definitely deal with Lin Jie and the others.

"You cut through my vines and burned our car," Nie Quanqi said word by word.It means that the answer is not the question.

"What evidence do you have that we did it?" Liu Zi immediately retorted.

Nie Quanqi glanced at him, and the six sons froze immediately. What kind of eyes did he have, as if he was a dead person.

"Come on, you broke our car, aren't you going to pay for it? Are you going to just walk away? Didn't your mother teach you that you have to pay for someone else's damage?" Li Jie stepped forward and said.

"What are you? We broke it on purpose, just to see that you are upset." Shunli immediately stood up and said confidently.

"What the hell are you not a thing?" Li Jie looked at Shun Shun with a smile and finished speaking, then rushed up and punched him in the eyes.

The distance was so close, no one thought that Li Jie would strike suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard, but Li Jie succeeded in the blow, but he didn't let go of Shun Shun, and directly hit Shun Shun's face with left punch after punch.

Shunli, who was beaten so close, didn't react to the first blow, and immediately there was only the beating left. All the people around could only hear the sound of fists hammering flesh and Shunli's non-stop wailing.

"You are not a thing, you are not a thing at all..." Li Jie slapped someone, kept his hands on his hands and whispered at the same time.

When Li Jie felt that it was all right, he stopped and returned to Nie Quanqi's side, rubbing his fists with a happy expression on his face.

At this time, Ah Feng and the six sons seemed to have just reacted, and hurried to Shunli's side to look, only to find that Shunli's head had swelled completely, and his facial features were skewed, as if they were all displaced from their original places.

This brutal method made Liu Zi and Ah Feng, who were looking at Shunli's face injuries, feel a pain in the flesh, as if the pain was on their faces.

"Brothers, grandpas, I beg you to forgive me. They forced me. I didn't want to touch your things, but they saw that you made so much gasoline and didn't give us any. I'll teach you a lesson," the six sons suddenly knelt beside Nie Quanqi and Li Jie, crying with tears and snot in their noses.

Ah Feng looked at Liu Zi with disdain. He knew that he had no backbone, but he didn't expect to be so spineless.

Li Jie looked at Liu Zi and then at A Feng, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, it seems that their team has something interesting.

"What about you, do you have anything to say about them?" Li Jie looked at Ah Feng playfully.

Ah Feng looked at Li Jie and said nothing.

"Is there anything else to say?" Nie Quanqi looked at the six sons who were kneeling on the ground and said.

"What?" The six sons were stunned, completely unable to understand what Nie Quanqi meant.

"If you don't have a last word, then go die." Nie Quanqi finished calmly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a very thin ivy flew out from Nie Quanqi's nails, stabbing out from Liu Zi's neck without giving everyone a chance to react. Terrified, he didn't understand why the person who seemed so talkative before suddenly became the king of Hades who took his life, but he didn't have a chance to ask again.

Seeing this scene, Ah Feng just raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak.

"Aren't you begging for yourself?" Nie Quanqi didn't take back his ivy, but shortened it and lingered around his nails, which were still covered with bright red blood, which looked a little weird.

"Oh, there is nothing to say. If you want to pay for the car, go to our Brother Yu. He will be very happy to use two cars to make friends with you." Ah Feng said seriously, not because his life is in the hands of others. Hands are extremely pleasing.

"Oh, you're not going to avenge the two of them?" Nie Quanqi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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