Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 279 Brother Yu

Chapter 279 Brother Yu
"If you use the two of them to stop the three from being angry, then they deserve to die." Even if Ah Feng said flattering words, he didn't seem particularly obnoxious.

In fact, the reason why Ah Feng followed Liu Zi out to destroy Nie Quanqi's car was because he listened to Brother Yu's words and kept watching Liu Zi so that he would not cause any trouble again. It just depends on him not being pleasing to the eye. I have never looked for him because of Brother Yu's face. This time, Brother Yu can't blame him for his death at the hands of others, Ah Feng thought in his heart.

Nie Quanqi looked at Ah Feng and said nothing, Li Jie said, "You can talk, in this case, we are going to see Brother Yu"

Ah Feng led the way and took Nie Quanqi and the others to find Brother Yu.

"Why are the three of them here too?" Brother Yu frowned slightly when he saw the three of Nie Quanqi from a distance, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. Why is it that only Ah Feng is with the three of them, and the six sons are with Shun Shun?

No matter what Brother Yu thought in his heart, his face regained his composure, and when he saw Nie Quanqi and the others coming, he could still smile a little.

"Brother Yu" Ah Feng walked up to Brother Yu and called out, then nodded slightly to Brother Yu.

"Hehe, the three brothers are going to the city center too?" Brother Yu glanced at Ah Feng, and decided to ask him where the six sons went after a while.

"No, come here with Brother Yu and talk about the discipline of your subordinates." Li Jie said with a smile, looking very enthusiastic and cheerful.

Brother Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak.

"Liu Zi and Shun Shun were killed by us," Nie Quanqi said straight to the point.

"What did you say?" Brother Yu raised his voice sharply, his eyes were captivating, his head was full of veins, six sons, were killed?
"Brother Yu, don't be so angry, we killed him naturally because he should be killed." Li Jie seemed to adjust the atmosphere, but his tone was slowly provocative.

"You..." Brother Yu stretched out his hand and wanted to lift Li Jie's collar, how dare he?No matter how ignorant Liu Zi is, he is still brother Yu's man, so he can only teach him a lesson, why should he, and who gave him the courage?

"Brother Yu" Ah Feng held down Brother Yu's hand fiercely from mid-air, and looked at Brother Yu with disapproval in his eyes.

Brother Yu looked at Ah Feng, and knew that there was probably something hidden in his heart, so he threw away Ah Feng's hand violently.

"Afeng, come here." Brother Yu suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, and called Afeng aside to ask what happened.

Ah Feng stepped aside and explained to Brother Yu what happened, "Brother Yu, the personality of the six sons will cause trouble sooner or later. No one expected what happened this time, but it will be expected, right?"

"But that's my brother. No matter what, he is my aunt's child and the only blood my aunt has left in this world. If one day I go down to find him, how can I have the face to meet her?" Brother Yu Said with a painful face.

How could he be sorry for his aunt!
"Brother Yu..." Ah Feng looked at the painful Brother Yu, feeling a little remorse in his heart, maybe he was really wrong, he was clearly aware of Brother Yu's feelings for Liuzi, although Brother Yu transferred his feelings for his aunt to On the six sons, after all, it was Brother Yu's only spiritual support in the last days, and he broke it so ruthlessly. A Feng looked at Brother Yu, but he obviously regretted it in his heart.

It's just that he also knew that no matter how much he regretted, it was useless. After all, people cannot be resurrected after death, and he regretted it in that moment.It's just because of Brother Yu's pain.

"Brother Yu, the six sons have already passed away. Isn't it a relief in this cannibalistic apocalypse? What we living people can do is not to immerse ourselves in pain. Only by being stronger can we protect the people we want to protect. "Ah," Ah Feng patted Brother Yu's back and said.

"...I know that everything that Liu Zi is doing now is the result of my failure to discipline him well at the beginning. I am also at fault. I only hope that he is really freed now." Brother Yu murmured while looking into the distance.

"Yes." Ah Feng looked at Brother Yu, unable to say any more comforting words.

"Hey, have you guys finished discussing whether you want compensation or revenge? It's a matter of a word. If you're a man, don't be so whiny." Li Jie shouted from a distance.

Really, what do the two big men have to say, they killed people, is there anything else that needs to be explained?After talking for a long time without a word of joy, he has been impatient for a long time, okay!Li Jie said angrily.

Brother Yu looked back at Li Jie, with a trace of anger in his eyes, strode over and said, "Although the sixth son did it to himself, but he is my younger brother, I can't possibly say that if you kill him, I will do nothing. Whoever killed the six sons came out to fight with me, and after the fight, no matter what, I will never mention this matter again."

"I killed it," Nie Quanqi stood up and said.

Brother Yu looked at Nie Quanqi with suspicion on his face. This frail and taciturn boy was actually the murderer of the six sons. He thought it was the burly Qi Zhan or the proud and conceited Li Jie, but he didn't. I thought it would be Nie Quanqi.

"Don't underestimate your opponent," Nie Quanqi said flatly.

"Heh, talk to me after seeing your abilities." Brother Yu smiled contemptuously, and didn't care about Nie Quanqi's words. After all, in his opinion, Liu Zi is just an ordinary person. If he could kill him, he would have no chance of winning against himself, who was also a supernatural being, and was also considered to have the strongest defense among the supernatural beings.

Although Ah Feng also saw how the sixth son died, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he knew his boss's ability, so naturally he didn't take Nie Quanqi to heart, so he didn't remind his boss.

Although Brother Yu is a defensive type of supernatural being, he is not weak in attacking, and he himself has realized a series of attacking skills.

And Nie Quanqi saw that Brother Yu was ready, waved his fingers and instantly grew four or five vines the size of his wrist, and attacked Brother Yu.

Because the ivy was surrounded from all directions, Brother Yu obviously couldn't hide, so he quickly formed a piece of metal around him, and then formed a big knife with the metal.

The golden sword was not weak in attack power, shining golden light in the bloody sun.

Because of the metal knot on his body, Brother Yu is not worried that Nie Quanqi will stab himself with green vines, unless Nie Quanqi is tied up with him, and he himself is waving a golden sword, posing wide open and closing to chop at Nie Quanqi At the same time, he approached Nie Quanqi step by step.

While Nie Quanqi wanted to control his ivy from being hurt by Brother Yu's big knife, he also had to find Brother Yu's weakness.

Ah Feng, who was on the periphery of the attack, glanced at Li Jie quietly, and he knew that Brother Yu was indeed stronger than that wood-type supernatural being.

(End of this chapter)

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