Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 283 Ghost Dance's Decision

Chapter 283 Ghost Dance's Decision

Even for his sake, he would do anything to stop it, even if he couldn't stop the tragic death of the six sons, he wouldn't say anything, but Ah Feng came back unscathed, while the other two brothers died tragically.

The six sons may have been dissatisfied with Ah Feng for a long time, but did they go well?Is it possible to watch them being killed by others just because of a small dissatisfaction, without any consideration of what will happen to themselves?This kind of Afeng, Brother Yu felt that he couldn't see through it. Maybe there were too many people in the end, but Afeng was his brother who lived with him day and night. Today he can watch him die smoothly with his six sons. He will also forget the brotherhood with himself, and watch himself die in front of him, and remain indifferent.

As long as he thinks of this, brother Yu's chill seems to come from the bottom of his heart, and it keeps flowing to his limbs, making his teeth chatter from the cold.

But now, Ah Feng followed him with a face of death, which confused him and made him even more uneasy.

"Good brother, but no matter what you choose, I won't say anything." Brother Yu patted Ah Feng on the shoulder and said.

After finishing speaking, he walked directly to the hall in big strides, as if he didn't see Ah Feng's hesitation.

Ah Feng stood quietly in the courtyard of the villa, looked at Brother Yu who had gone away, did not speak, closed his eyes, a gust of wind blew by, the fallen leaves in the villa rustled, and the wind picked up.

Early the next morning, Nie Quanqi hadn't woken up yet, so Lin Hua had to wait another day to make arrangements for Xue Wu's absence, and Brother Yu naturally told about Lin Hua.

"Tomorrow we will leave for Baidi City, and Li Jie's brother Lin Hua next door will also go with us. It just so happens that they have something to do when they go to Baidi City," Brother Yu said.

The people sitting in the hall had different expressions, but there was no voice of objection. They probably thought that Lin Hua was an irrelevant person.

Only the woman leaning against the door lowered her head to cover the darkness in her eyes.

"Xuewu, if Nie Quanqi doesn't wake up tomorrow, I'll take him with me, and Guiwu will stay here to protect you." Lin Hua looked at Xuewu who was busy in the kitchen and said,

Xuewu washed her hands in the sink next to her, and said, "Okay, I just don't know what happened to those mutated bats, are they still alive, and if Xinyu sees them, will they think of anything?" Xuewu turned her back Lin Hua said with a choked voice.

Recently, unlucky things happened one after another. First, Jiang Xinyu was abducted by unknown people, and then lost her memory. Although she gradually began to accept people under her care during this period, the people here are only Xuewu. Moreover, most of the time, Jiang Xinyu behaved like a child of intellectual age, which made Xuewu, who had been throwing Jiang Xinyu away, blame herself endlessly.

But yesterday, after just going out for a trip, another Nie Quanqi fell down, with a demonic heart in his body, if he didn't pay attention, he would definitely die, even if he was as hard as Li Jie, his eyes would turn red secretly, let alone Xuewu. girl.

Now, Lin Hua still has to go to Baidi City, and there are only two of them going. Although it was agreed yesterday that Brother Yu would join them, how much can people who have never had friendship be trusted?She was really afraid, if Lin Hua fell down, would she be able to hold on?From the beginning of the end of the world, it was because she didn't adapt to everything around her. With Lin Hua's various teachings, everything finally turned to the good side. Why are people around her now having accidents one after another?

Lin Hua didn't know how to comfort Xuewu. During this period of time, everyone has endured a lot. It was not without danger before, but at that time we fought side by side, even if we were injured, we were happy. But now, looking at the friends around us alone Everyone fell down, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

"Xuewu, take care of yourselves after I'm gone, don't trust anyone" Lin Hua walked up to Xuewu and said.

Xuewu threw herself into Lin Hua's arms, holding Lin Hua's shirts tightly with both hands, crying uncontrollably in front of him, only in front of Lin Hua could she cry so unscrupulously, showing his weakness Show her wounds.

I don't know when it started, but Xuewu gradually began to rely on Lin Hua, his ability, his loyalty... even felt that he was his spiritual support.

Lin Hua patted Xue Wu's shoulder, but he couldn't push her away. He had never seen Xue Wu so fragile.

Lin Hua only paid attention to comforting Xuewu, but didn't notice the shadow standing quietly at the door.

There was a sneer on the corner of the visitor's mouth, then he turned and walked away.

"Quanqi, why are you still awake, the boss is leaving soon, why don't you go see the boss off if you are still awake?" Li Jie said lying on the bedside and looking at Nie Quanqi.

In just one day, Li Jie already had a lot of stubble on his face, his hair was messed up by him, his eyes were red, obviously he hadn't slept for several hours.

"Quanqi, what's the matter with you, the boss didn't tell me, you...why do you keep everything in your heart?" Li Jie knew that Nie Quanqi would not answer him, but he kept on talking, in case One, what if Nie Quanqi is woken up by him.

Li Jie smiled wryly, if he could be woken up by himself, he would be willing to spend another day and night.

"Bang" the door was kicked open, and Ghost Dance walked in.

"Ghost dance, you..." Li Jie stood up and asked.

"Go out and watch," Gui Wu said, looking at Nie Quanqi who was lying on the bed.

"If you don't want him to die, go out and watch it." Seeing that Li Jie still wanted to speak, Gui Wu's tone was cold.

If it wasn't for the sake of getting along with him in the future, he would be kicked out directly, so why would he be so talkative.

Li Jie looked at Ghost Dance, then at Nie Quanqi lying unconscious on the bed, turned his head and walked out the door.

"Please, Ghost Dance." After Li Jie said the last sentence, he closed the door.

At the door, Xiaobai was lying on the ground, looking at Li Jie quietly.

"Xiaobai, Ghost Dance will definitely cure Quanqi, right?" Li Jie gave a wry smile and walked towards Xiaobai.

Xiaobai straightened his snake's head, obviously not wanting Li Jie to get close to him, Li Jie was not in the mood to tease him, went to the sofa in the hall and sat down, clenched his fists with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

Gui Wu walked to the bed and looked at Nie Quanqi who was still lying unconscious. Do you really want to save him?Just because of his concern?Why didn't she know when she became so kind?Had he really been assimilated by Lin Hua after staying with them for a long time?It's really... Heh, a sneer appeared on the corner of Guiwu's mouth.

Going to the window and pulling the curtains, the room suddenly became dark, and only the shadows of general objects could be seen vaguely.

Gui Wu walked to the bed, took a black pill with her hand, lowered her head and closed her eyes, and pressed it against Nie Quanqi's lips...

Xiaobai's body froze for a moment, Ghost Dance...would she regret it?

(End of this chapter)

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