Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 284 Xiaobai's Strangeness

Chapter 284 Xiaobai's Strangeness

"Li Jie, how is Quan Qi?" Lin Hua asked when he saw Li Jie sitting on the sofa with a dejected expression when he walked in.

"Boss, Ghost Dance, she's inside to save Quanqi." When Li Jie saw Lin Hua coming, it was as if he had found a backbone. It's been a long time, why is it still not healed.

"You said Ghost Dance is inside?" Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and asked.

Although Gui Wu has joined their team, she is not very friendly with the team members, and she doesn't look like a helpful person, Lin Hua is a little puzzled.

"Yes, Ghost Dance asked me to come out, and she rescued Quanqi, but she has been in for two or three hours, and she hasn't come out yet, I'm worried..." Li Jie didn't finish his sentence, originally he also thought that Ghost Dance suddenly showed kindness , but the more time passed, the more he suspected that Guiwu was not like a kind person, especially the team members who usually had no contact with him. If Lin Hua didn't show up again, he was ready to break in.

But he couldn't make up his mind, if Ghost Wu was really treating Quan Qi, would he interrupt her if he broke in suddenly?After all, Ghost Dance treated Nie Quanqi only after driving herself out, so it was naturally a treatment that could not be disturbed by others.

Of course Lin Hua knew the second half of what Li Jie didn't say, and he was also worried. However, he looked at Xiao Bai who was guarding the door, and knew that they could only wait. If they forced their way in, Xiao Bai would stop them. The one who interrupted Ghost Dance, if she was really treating Nie Quanqi... Anyway, they can't break in now.

"Let's wait a little longer," Lin Hua reassured.

"But..." Li Jie wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Lin Hua. "Li Jie..." Lin Hua called Li Jie and didn't speak anymore, just looked at him quietly.

Li Jie didn't understand the meaning in Lin Hua's eyes, but he understood Lin Hua's persistence, so he stopped talking, sat back heavily on the sofa, put his head in his hands, and stopped talking.

Lin Hua glanced at Xiao Bai who was guarding the door, and sat back on the sofa. He would wait for another hour. If Ghost Wu hadn't come out, even Chuang himself would have to go in.

Xiaobai lowered his raised snake head again, and lay down on the ground, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Hmph, although he didn't know why his master insisted on saving the sick man, but they didn't feel grateful, and dared to doubt their master's intentions, it was worthless for Ghost Dance.

After half an hour, Xiaobai suddenly became agitated and began to hit the door with his huge body.

Lin Hua and Li Jie stood up immediately.

"Boss, what's going on?" Li Jie turned his head and asked, his eyes were still red.

Lin Hua strode to the door, and immediately froze the wooden door with ice power, and then forcefully, the door was broken open, and Xiao Bai quickly turned his head and got into the room.

At this time, Lin Hua and Li Jie also saw the situation in the room clearly. Nie Quanqi was still lying on the bed, unable to see clearly, while Gui Wu was lying beside the bed, her face was covered by her long hair, and she could not see clearly. Can't figure out anything.

Xiaobai ran up to Guiwu with a thud, and gently pushed Guiwu's head with the huge snake head, but Guiwu didn't even move. Lin Hua wanted to go up to see what happened, but Xiaobai sensed his intention. She bared her fangs at him, with a ferocious face, full of defenses and didn't want him to get close.

"Xiaobai, I just want to watch the ghost dance," Lin Hua said to Xiaobai in a soft voice.

Xiaobai was still unwilling, and made a threatening sound from the corner of his mouth, warning Lin Hua. At the same time, he suddenly bit Gui Wu lightly with his mouth, and threw it on his back, warning Lin Hua and Li Jie not to allow them to approach.

"Boss, this..." Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, not knowing what to do.

"Let them go out." Lin Hua walked into the room, approached Nie Quanqi's bed, and stopped guarding the door.

"Boss..." Li Jie still wanted to speak, but Nie Quanqi didn't know what to do now, another one fell down, and Xiaobai didn't let them get close, what should he do!

"Li Jie, get out of the way." Lin Hua looked at Nie Quanqi on the hospital bed and said in a cold voice.

Although Nie Quanqi hasn't woken up yet, his face is much rosier than before, and he doesn't have any pained eyebrows. Although he doesn't know how Ghost Dance saved Nie Quanqi, but looking at it like this, Nie Quanqi should be fine, but he doesn't know about Ghost Dance... …

Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, then at Xiao Bai, knowing that standing still was useless, so he walked towards Lin Hua and stopped trying to stop him.

Xiao Bai was always vigilant, knowing that Lin Hua no longer wanted to watch Ghost Dance, so he rushed out of the door with Ghost Dance on his back.

"Boss, why didn't Xiaobai let us watch the ghost dance?" Li Jie said angrily after Xiaobai left.

"Xiaobai won't harm Ghost Dance, and it's very spiritual. Since we don't let us see it, there must be a reason for it. Maybe we can't see how Ghost Dance is, but Xiaobai can cure her," Lin Hua explained.

"I can only hope that's the case." Li Jie looked at Xiaobai who went out with a worried expression on his face.

"I'll look for it later, don't worry, see if Quan Qi is much better." Lin Hua knew that no matter how hard Li Jie was not worried, he was still worried, so he simply changed the subject.

"Yes, Quanqi is really much better, but I don't know when he will wake up." Li Jie looked at Nie Quanqi and said happily.

"Well, watch him carefully, I'll go find Ghost Dance" Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

"Okay" Li Jie said hastily, although he wanted Nie Quanqi to wake up, but if the price was to hurt Gui Wu, he was still unwilling. After all, even if Gui Wu didn't have a good relationship with him, he couldn't make sacrifices One's teammate went to save another teammate who was better than oneself.

Lin Hua went out to find Gui Wu and Xiao Bai. Li Jie looked at Nie Quanqi who was still lying down and muttered to himself, "Quan Qi, are you still awake? Gui Wu has already fainted to save you. If you don't wake up again Are you worthy of Ghost Dance? Are you worthy of us?" Although he said so much, he knew that Nie Quanqi would not hear it...

When Lin Hua chased them all the way, he didn't see any traces of Xiaobai and Guiwu. He could only vaguely smell some special smells. He had also smelled this smell in Nie Quanqi's room.

Following this bit of smell, Lin Hua chased after a fork in the road and disappeared.

"Where is Xiaobai?" Lin Hua lowered her head and said, looking at the intersections, she decided to look for them one by one.

Just when Lin Hua was about to run to the next intersection, he suddenly heard the sound of something dragging on the ground on the west side, which was very similar to the sound of Xiao Bai walking on the ground when he was wagging his tail.

Lin Hua remembered that Xiaobai never made a sound when gliding before, and Xiaobai's behavior just now obviously did not want him to know their whereabouts, so is Xiaobai's deliberate behavior that is tantamount to self-reporting their whereabouts?Or is it not Xiaobai at all?
(End of this chapter)

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