Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 286 Loyal protector

Chapter 286 Loyal protector
And Liu Er saw that Brother Zhang didn't respond to him after he said this, and was about to persuade him again, but found that Brother Zhang looked at him coldly, Liu Er opened his mouth for a few moments, but he didn't dare to speak again.

The scene became silent for a while, and the atmosphere began to become delicate.

The remaining two werewolves with supernatural powers dare not speak, and try their best to pretend to be a background wall. The death of their companion just now clearly let them know that there is no good end for talking too much, and Liu Er, who was looked at by Brother Zhang, was horrified. Naturally, he didn't dare to talk too much, as for Lin Hua and Brother Zhang, they were looking at each other.

Just when everyone was silent, Xiaobai woke up quietly and made a slight sound, which happened to startle everyone.

Before Xiaobai opened his eyes, he smelled the smell of many strangers. Where is the master?
He opened his eyes abruptly, and the first thing he saw was Lin Hua, isn't it right?It was clearly a group of strangers before the coma, but looking to the side, it was indeed the person who arrested them, so the master?
Xiaobai turned around and found that Guiwu was still on his back, tightly entangled by his tail. Maybe because of this, the group of people didn't get Guiwu away, so Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, his body began to stiffen, and he remembered everything before he passed out.

He was angry at Gui Wu's unawareness, and tried to pass all his energy to that nerd Nie Quanqi. If he didn't rush in and stop him, then Nie Quanqi's demonic nature would absorb all of Gui Wu's abilities, and in the end, Gui Wu Either die, or become a puppet without any emotions from now on.

All of this was caused by Nie Quanqi.

So he stopped it, originally it wanted to kill that nerd, but he didn't expect that nerd's progress would be so fast, he couldn't move him, so he had to take Ghost Dance away as soon as possible.

As long as he is far enough away, the devil in Nie Quanqi's body will not be able to catch Gui Wu, and Gui Wu's life will no longer be in danger. people followed.

Until he stopped, and then heard the faint footsteps behind him, before he could launch an attack, his body seemed to be hit by a powerful electric current, and he lost consciousness in an instant, and only had time to hold on to Ghost Dance tightly. Completely lost consciousness.

Then, why did Lin Hua and them get together, and what was their relationship?
Xiao Bai was thinking about it, but others couldn't see anything from his snake face, only Lin Hua noticed Xiao Bai's glances from time to time.

Ghost Wu didn't wake up for a long time, Brother Zhang didn't know what he was planning, Lin Hua was anxious, but his face became more and more indifferent, only a little cold light could be seen from its eyes that flashed from time to time.

"Hehe, you woke up quickly. If that's the case, let's take out your power core and eat it first," Brother Zhang said suddenly.

Xiaobai knew how powerful Brother Zhang was, so he didn't care about why Lin Hua suddenly appeared here, so he could only take a gamble, so he rolled up Gui Wu with his own tail and threw it at Lin Hua violently.

I can only ask him, if he loses, he must have a way to protect the ghost dance comprehensively.Xiao Bai looked at Lin Hua, his eyes were full of pleading.

"Oh, interesting." Brother Zhang looked at the current scene playfully. A snake threw its master to others when he was in danger. Then, what is the relationship between Shi Lin and them? I'm afraid Shi Lin is not his real name, right?

Xiaobai saw that Brother Zhang had been following Ghost Dance with his eyes. He was so worried, but he didn't dare to go up and challenge Brother Zhang. His huge tail rolled up violently, and one of the werewolf abilities tried to draw Brother Zhang's attention. return.

And the werewolf who was rolled up by Xiaobai here is naturally not a vegetarian. He quickly transformed into a beast body, and his wolf-like claws grabbed Xiaobai fiercely, but he obviously underestimated the scales and sharp claws on Xiaobai's body. Sparks collided with the scales, and the werewolf supernatural being felt his fingers were shocked, and then looked at Xiaobai's scales. There was only a light white scratch on it. It turned out that his claws with all his strength could not damage it at all. it?The werewolf power user had already started to panic in his heart, and the attacks in his hands became fiercer, but the more frightened he was, the more disorderly the attacks in his hands became.

Xiaobai didn't have that much patience to waste with a low-level superhuman, so he turned the snake's head and swallowed the werewolf superhuman whole with one big mouthful.

Although it seems like a long time has passed, in fact, all this happened in a flash. After Xiaobai finished eating one, he simply swam two steps forward and directly swallowed the other one.

"Well, you bastard, do you really think we have no one?" Liu Er was so angry when he saw that his two errands were eaten up in a blink of an eye. After running errands, don't you have to do everything yourself in the future?
Liu Er cursed loudly, and stretched out his hand to condense a fireball into Xiao Bai's eyes. Xiao Bai kept paying attention to Brother Zhang's side from the corner of his eyes, and hurriedly dodged when he saw this.

Seeing that Xiaobai was able to dodge the fireball, Liu Er hurriedly stretched out his hand and condensed four or five fireballs the size of footballs to hit Xiaobai from various angles. If you can avoid one or two, the rest will inevitably hit you.

Seeing this, Lin Hua hurriedly replaced Gui Wu with one hand to support it, and with the other hand stretched out five ice arrows the size of forearms, and stabbed at the fireball. The fireball was very fast, but Lin Hua was higher than his rank , the speed of the ice arrows was also faster than him, and the five ice arrows were all shot to the ground when the fireball was about to hit Xiaobai.

When Liu Eryi saw that it was Lin Hua who reached out to stop him from killing the white snake, he became even more angry. He ignored his boss's face and shot several small and dense ice arrows. This time, let's see how he knocked it down .

Liu Er's heart was full of pride, and it directly showed on his face, and Lin Hua just smiled when he saw it, and stretched out his hand to form a ten-centimeter-thick ice wall covering himself and Guiwu, small and dense rockets All were blocked from the ice wall, and a burst of subtle collision sounds passed by, and all fell to the ground.

Liu Er looked at Lin Hua in shock, and then his eyes quickly flashed greed and inevitability, but he forgot that even if Lin Hua's power core really fell into his hands, water and fire would be incompatible, and by then , if he really ate it, he might only have a dead end.

However, Liu Er, who was caught in his own beautiful fantasy, didn't think so much. He just wanted Lin Hua to die so that he could win his power core.

And Brother Zhang, who has been watching all this, has a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes. Such a good human experiment, such a domineering ability, if the experiment is successful, what will happen in the future?Shock the world and leave a name through the ages?There was an intoxicated smile on the corner of Brother Zhang's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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