Chapter 287
But how can I make him obedient?Brother Zhang looked at the ghost dance in Lin Hua's arms, he?Do you seem to value this woman very much?
Liu Er failed with one blow, looked at Brother Zhang, and was about to speak, when Brother Zhang suddenly leaned into his ear and whispered, "Use all your strength to attract his attention, and I will attack next to you, and turn around, that woman and that piece of paper The stupid snake's ability core belongs to you, I just need him."

Liu Er wanted to look sideways at Brother Zhang, but he couldn't turn his head, "Be more obedient, or you will have nothing." Brother Zhang stood up after saying the last sentence, and just looked at Liu Er quietly.

It was as if he had embarked on a road of no return, and he was dead anyway. At worst, Liu Er stretched out his hand and condensed a huge fireball, which slammed into Lin Hua's ice wall. The ice wall cracked, and Lin Hua had already died. Step aside.

Although he didn't know what they were plotting, Lin Hua knew that their goal was not him, but Gui Wu. He stretched out his hand to form a thin water chain, put Gui Wu on his back, and tied it tightly with the water chain.

Fortunately, the ghost dance was not too heavy, and Lin Hua didn't receive any influence even if she carried it on her back.

Naturally, in this situation, you can't hand over Ghost Dance to Xiaobai, otherwise, Xiaobai might be able to protect herself. If you give it to Xiaobai, then I'm afraid all three of them will die here, and Xiaobai, he has other tasks for him .

Xiaobai did not know when he rowed to Lin Hua's side, and it became a confrontation with the other party, and the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

Lin Hua knew that the more the situation dragged on, the more dangerous it would be, so she shot quickly, and shot Brother Zhang and Liu Er with dozens of ice blades.

Liu Er also released dozens of rockets to collide with Lin Hua's ice blade. Who knew that he overestimated his own ability. Lin Hua's Frostbolt was not broken, and seeing that the Frostbolt was about to arrive, Liu Er hastily released a wall of fire similar to Lin Hua's.

It's just that Liu Er's wall of fire was enlightened just after seeing Lin Hua's wall of ice, so its power was not high in the first place, and its power was even weaker when he realized it in a hurry.

However, Lin Hua's ice blade was blocked by two barriers, and the power of the originally menacing ice blade was greatly reduced, so even though it broke through Liu Er's fire wall, it only had a small half of its power, but this power was enough to make Liu Er bleed a few times Well, as for Brother Zhang, he avoided it a long time ago, so naturally he was not hurt.

Liu Er was already furious, but being injured by Lin Hua made him furious to the extreme. He slammed the power in his hand desperately, rockets, walls of fire, all shot at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua hurriedly built an ice wall, and suddenly there was a sudden change. There was a small ice pattern on Lin Hua's palm connected to the ice wall. Who would have thought that a purple electric current suddenly appeared, which quickly rose from the ground to the entire wall. With the connection of the ice wall, the purple electric current has already rushed into his body with lightning speed.

Lin Hua felt a numbness in her arm, and then there was a heart-pounding electric pain. Lin Hua hurriedly took advantage of the fact that the electric current did not spread quickly, and her other arm was wrapped in ice, and directly dislocated the arm that was electrocuted.

The current stopped along with the trend, and the pain from the current on the arm was gone, only the pain of dislocation remained.

Lin Hua never thought that they would be so despicable, secretly attacked, and shot at Brother Zhang and Liu Er with cold eyes, they were both dead.

Brother Zhang suddenly felt shocked when he saw Lin Hua's eyes. If he keeps this person, he will become a serious problem in the future, and he no longer has any sympathy for talents. Besides, even if a person is dead, he can still extract powers. isn't it?

Seeing Lin Hua being injured, Xiaobai yelled, and was about to go forward and bite Brother Zhang's head. When Brother Zhang turned around, a strong electric current visible to the naked eye appeared in his hand and threw it at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai hurriedly avoided his head, but his huge body couldn't turn around for a moment, and the electric current was severely hit seven inches above Xiaobai's head. seven inches.

The snake wounded Qicun, it was either dead or disabled, even if Xiaobai mutated now, Qicun was also a weak point, he was hit hard by Brother Zhang's electric current, and he vomited blood on the spot.

The huge snake head faintly turned a few times in mid-air, its eyes were fixed on the ghost dance in Lin Hua's arms, feeling unwilling and guilty, finally closed its eyes, and hit the ground heavily, creating a cloud of dust.

The corner of Xiaobai's mouth was still bleeding, forming a dazzling picture on its white body. Lin Hua looked at all this and became even more angry.

"Too much deceit." Lin Hua's eyes slowly swept across Liu Er and Brother Zhang, the coldness in his eyes seemed to materialize, and turned into ice arrows to stab them.

These people really pissed him off.

He, Lin Hua, can be ruthless to the enemy, but he is absolutely partial to his own people, but these people actually tried to kill Xiaobai and Guiwu in front of him, treating him as dead?

Zhang Ge looked at Lin Hua's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he began to doubt for a moment whether he should not provoke him. From the test just now, he was not as powerful as his own, and there was a firefighter beside him. He is a supernatural being, but there is only a snake beside him. Brother Zhang thought he would be the final winner, but seeing Lin Hua's cold eyes, he had a moment of doubt.

But looking at Lin Hua's angry eyes now, Brother Zhang suddenly became sober. They can't afford to offend Lin Hua like this. There are only two ways today. Either Lin Hua will die here, or they will die at Lin Hua's hands. inside.

No one wants to die. In this case, Brother Zhang looked at Liu Er. The two looked at each other with a look that they only understood, and then quickly separated on both sides of Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua saw them like this, she knew that their goal was probably the ghost dance on her back.

But why do they always want to get the bones?What is going on here?
Lin Hua was angry but had no choice but to be extra vigilant behind her back, for fear that they would come out with such insidious tricks again, and she would be fine, but Gui Wu is unconscious now, what if her body is also damaged?Can she still wake up?

It was too late to say it, but when Lin Hua was guarding against them, Liu Er, who was standing on Lin Hua's left, threw a ball of fire at Lin Hua's head.

Lin Hua glanced out of the corner of his eyes, but instead of dodging, he attacked Brother Zhang head-on. Brother Zhang also thought that Lin Hua was too arrogant and didn't notice Liu Er, so he fought with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua calculated the time and speed of the fireball, and just as the fireball was about to touch Lin Hua's back, Lin Hua turned sideways fiercely, and the fireball flew directly over Lin Hua and hit Brother Zhang's face.

The moment Lin Hua dodged, Brother Zhang sensed that something was wrong, but the fireball was close at hand, and his ability could not completely shoot down the fireball, so he could only do his best to avoid it, and Lin Hua had been waiting for this opportunity, how could it be possible for him to avoid it? He opened it, and hurriedly stretched out an ice chain from the palm of his hand, locking Brother Zhang firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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