Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 288 Rescue Ghost Dance

Chapter 288 Rescue Ghost Dance
No one expected that Lin Hua would react so quickly, and he would keep his back. Under such a double attack, Brother Zhang tried his best to avoid the vital point, but the fireball exploded on the side of his cheek.

How powerful is a supernatural being in the golden stage?What's more, it was a full killing blow?Even if the fireball didn't hit Brother Zhang directly, even if the heat wave and flame fragments exploded in other places, it can still make people lie down for ten and a half months with injured hands and feet, and this is still being injured It is also the case of supernatural beings.

A piece of flesh the size of a palm was blown off Brother Zhang's face, and his forehead, neck and arms were all injured by the explosion fragments. Brother Zhang was screaming in pain at that time, and it turned out that another fragment flew directly into his in the left eye.

The picture is too cruel, even Lin Hua, who has experienced the end of the world, has never seen a good person before being blown up into this picture of neither human nor ghost in the blink of an eye.

However, if Liu Er hadn't killed him hard, I'm afraid he would have been blown to the point of blowing his head by now.

Lin Hua didn't want to sympathize with anyone, everyone had to pay the price for what they had done, so Brother Zhang and Er Er were to blame for all of this.

Liu Er felt bad the moment he saw Lin Hua dodging, but he thought that Brother Zhang would be able to dodge successfully, but who knew that Lin Hua suddenly stepped in, causing Brother Zhang who could have dodged to get out of the way to pull him away again. He came back and was injured by the explosion of the fireball.

It wasn't until Brother Zhang yelled that he suddenly woke up and looked at Lin Hua. Liu Er thought of this devil with hatred in his heart.

But he forgot that Lin Hua had always passively accepted their provocations. If she didn't resist, she would die.

Probably this is the inferiority of all human beings, who always only see the faults of others.And this kind of inferiority is only magnified several times in the apocalypse. Sadly, this point has not been noticed, and the few people who have noticed this point do not take it seriously.

Lin Hua stared at Liu Er coldly. At this time, Liu Er had already lost the arrogance he had just now!

He never thought that the situation of the battle would change so quickly. Just now, he thought that he and Brother Zhang would easily get rid of Lin Hua by joining forces, but the reality turned out to be just the opposite!

Turning his head to look at Brother Zhang who was still yelling on the ground, Liu Er had lost his mind, Brother Zhang is now a useless person, useless.

Liu Er thought to himself, if he begs for mercy now, the devil-like person in front of him will not let him go, and he will not let him go without begging for mercy, what should I do, I can only fight!

This is Liu Er who has made up his mind and is ready to fight to the death!The big deal is to die with him...

At this moment, Liu Er fired a few rockets directly at Lin Hua, thinking that this would hurt Lin Hua.

But he was wrong, Lin Hua didn't even hide.

Because the ice armor has formed on Lin Hua's body at some point!

With a few bang bang bang bangs, the rocket fell to the ground after hitting the ice armor, without any harm to Lin Hua at all!
Seeing Liu Er attacking her, Lin Hua stretched out her hand towards Liu Er's head and sent out an ice blade, killing Liu Er directly.

Then he walked in front of Brother Zhang, took out the dragon-slaying knife from his back, and hit Brother Zhang.

By this time Xiaobai had already woken up!Looking around, Lin Hua had already dealt with the enemies, and then looked at Ghost Dance who was still unconscious on the ground!Then he ran to Gui Wu's side and put Gui Wu on his body!

Lin Hua searched these people, but couldn't find anything very good.

One person and one snake walked towards the camp like this...

After walking for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at the camp, only to see everyone waiting anxiously at the gate of the camp for the return of Lin Hua and Gui Wu!

"Boss, how is the boss Ghost Dance? Is there any danger?" Li Jie asked

"I don't know Gui Wu's physical condition right now, I'll let Gu Tian see it later and I'll know, by the way, how is Nie Quanqi?"

"Nie Quanqi is much better, but his inner demons are still not eliminated. This external force cannot do it. Everything can only be done by himself. If her inner demons are not eliminated, he is just a walking corpse." Gu Tian Speaking of

Okay, let's go back and rest first!Let's talk about something tomorrow.

After speaking, Lin Hua returned to her room.

Just when Lin Hua was about to take a break, Xuewu came with some food.

"I think you should be hungry now, so I came to bring you something to eat, and go to bed early after eating," Xuewu said and left!

Seeing Xue Wu's leaving back, Lin Hua didn't know what to say!
He understands Xuewu's feelings for him, but he can't accept her now, because there is another person living in Lin Hua's heart!There is no place for Xuewu anymore!
She wanted to tell Xuewu what she wanted, but Lin Hua knew this little girl too well.So he didn't dare to do it, and he didn't want to do it.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone got up early, because today was the day when Lin Hua and Li Jie were going to Baidi City.

After breakfast, Lin Hua and Li Jie were about to set off with some food and tools.

"Take care all the way"

"Bon Voyage"

This is Xuewu rushing to Lin Hua, hugging Lin Hua tightly.Now Lin Hua doesn't know what to say!So I just didn't say anything.

And Xuewu wanted to go with Lin Hua, but he knew that he could not change Lin Hua's decision.So Xuewu didn't say anything.

After saying goodbye, Lin Hua and Li Jie started their trip to Baidi City.

Just like that, Lin Hua and Li Jie were in front, while Brother Yu and his team followed behind, aiming at Baidi City.

There are only two purposes for Lin Hua to go to Baidi City this time, one is to buy some supplies, and the other is to inquire about some news!It had been a long time since there was any news about the monsters from all sides. If Lin Hua remembered correctly, the monster attack might start in half a year.

Therefore, Lin Hua must work hard to improve his own strength, so that he can have the strength to fight when monsters attack the city.

Rumble, boom!
"What sound?"

At this moment, the voice from far away made everyone start to look at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

In the eyes of everyone, a huge zombie appeared in front of everyone!This zombie is different from ordinary zombies in the past. She has a huge body, about 15 meters high and 4 meters wide, and her red eyes are scary to look at.

"How can there be such a big zombie, I can't see her ability clearly! Li Jie said!
"He is a mutated zombie, he just devoured a lot of low-level zombies, and then slowly grew up. His current level is the same as mine, which is platinum level."

"And she doesn't have chile, and she has the same behavior habits as ordinary zombies. She is afraid of light and likes flesh and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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