Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 289 Giant Tree Snake

Chapter 289 Giant Tree Snake
"Boss, let me deal with it," Li Jie said.

"Okay, but be careful not to be touched by the liquid spit out of its mouth, that liquid is extremely corrosive" "Okay, boss, I will be careful" Li Jie said what he saw here and moved towards That giant zombie rushed over!
"Lee Jie and the others ask questions. Do you need me to help? I happen to be metal and good at attacking."

"Don't worry, Li Jie is fine. I'll use a few skills to slow down the giant zombie's mobility later, and then easily solve it." Lin Hua said and cast Ice Bind.

When the giant zombie saw Li Jie rushing towards him, it began to spit out extremely corrosive venom. Li Jie was already prepared under Lin Hua's reminder, and dodged back and forth!

The giant zombie looked at Li Jie who was dodging back and forth, and began to move her body, but she found that her movements were actually so slow.

At this time, Li Jie had already rushed to the feet of the giant zombie!A full blown machete.

Ho Ho Ho, the giant zombie let out a heart-piercing roar!Looking carefully, just now Li Jie chopped off with all his strength, the giant zombie's foot, no wonder it was called so...

The body of the giant zombie that lost one leg began to tilt, crumbling.

"Quickly avoid Li Jie," Lin Hua reminded
Hearing Lin Hua's reminder, Li Jie also looked at the giant zombie that was about to fall, and tilted his direction, really afraid of hitting himself.

Boom, the giant zombie finally couldn't stand up and fell to the ground!Li Jie also caught the moment when the giant zombie fell, and slashed at the giant zombie's huge head, like chopping a watermelon, and quickly chopped the giant zombie's head into fine pieces.In this way, the giant zombie died under Li Jie's knife.

He walked up to Lin Hua with the alien nucleus of the giant zombie, and handed the alien nucleus to Lin Hua, but Lin Hua didn't accept it!
"I played it myself, I keep it for myself," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, I'm amazing. I actually leapfrogged to kill monsters, and I haven't suffered any injuries. Thinking about how powerful I am, I want to laugh." Li Jie started to fart again.

"Don't be a fart, although the level of this giant zombie you encountered is platinum, it is at best the strength of the first level of gold. Its reaction speed is slow, and I just used the skill to slow it down. It's slow." Yes, that's why it's so easy, understand," Lin Hua explained.

"What and what, when you say that, it seems that I am worthless." Li Jie said a little dissatisfied

"Okay, okay, Boss, I won't be a bad fart in the future, you should praise me anyway, there are so many people." Li Jie activated his shameless ability once.

Just talking and laughing like this, everyone continued to walk forward. They didn't encounter any powerful monsters in the afternoon, and they were all small monsters that were easy to deal with.

Seeing that the sky is getting late, everyone is going to camp here. A few people are going to find some firewood, and they also need firewood to drive away the wild animals!
Soon the fire was only lit!Lin Hua took out some monster meat from his backpack and distributed it to everyone to roast and eat. Meat can provide more energy.

In the evening, 2 people work in one shift, and the shift changes every 3 hours.Lin Hua watched what everyone under Brother Yu's subordinates said.

I will take one person, Li Jie will take one person, Brother Yu will take one person, this is enough...

Li Jie is in the first class, Lin Hua is in the second class, and Brother Yu is in the third class.Nothing happened that night.

The next morning, Lin Hua woke up early!Everyone eats some food and is ready to move on!at this time.

All of a sudden, the birds in the woods flew into the sky in panic, as if they were stimulated by something!Lin Hua decided to go over to see what's going on. At this time, Brother Yu said that most of the supernatural beings here are not very capable, and they didn't help much in the past, so she and A Feng followed.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, I probably arrived at the place where the birds escaped just now. There is nothing here, only tall bushes. These bushes are very tall, and they are not connected with ordinary weeds. They are similar to small trees but not individual Rather, it is piece by piece and easy to hide.

Lin Hua and the others looked around vigilantly. Nothing special happened. What happened just now?
At this moment, there was a "rustling sound" in the bushes, and everyone looked along the sound, only to see a huge snake head, the snake head was about three meters in size, looking at the two fiery red ones that were as huge as lanterns His eyes cast a cold gaze.

"What kind of monster is this? It looks so huge." Li Jie asked

"I'm not sure about this either. I'll be sure when I see her body leaking out."

At this time, the huge snake-shaped monster turned its huge head towards Lin Hua and the others, but the huge body of the snake-shaped monster slowly appeared in front of Lin Hua and others!
"This is the giant tree snake. Her level is usually around platinum level 5, and a small part will be amethyst. This monster is not something we can deal with now. You go first, and I will delay for a while." Lin Hua After speaking, he drew out the Dragon Slaying Knife behind his back!At this time, Li Jie also planned to stay and help Lin Hua!
"Li Jie, you follow along, this is not something we can deal with now, you go first, I will catch up with you later"

After speaking, Lin Hua started to walk in another direction, and then used ice arrows to tease the giant snake-shaped monster, so that she would chase her instead of Li Jie and the others.

Ho Ho, it may be that Lin Hua's ice arrow hurt the snake-shaped monster's handle, Ho Ho Ho, the snake-shaped monster shot several sharp vines at Lin Hua.Lin Hua also had no intention of fighting, and ran away when she saw that the snake-shaped monster was attracted.

Although the giant basilisk was huge, it didn't affect her speed at all, so it kept chasing Lin Hua.And it still shot some arrows like tree vines.Although Lin Hua is not injured now, but he kept dodging these arrows, if he is not careful, he may kill him.

On the other hand, Brother Li Jieyu and the others returned to the rest area, told the rest of the people about the matter, and then continued to walk towards Baidi City.

Although Li Jie was a little worried about Lin Hua, there was nothing he could do. He knew that with his current strength, he could not help Lin Hua at all, and might drag Lin Hua down!Maybe Lin Hua will get rid of that snake-shaped monster in a while and gather with them!
But Lin Hua could only run non-stop here, just wanting to get rid of this snake-shaped monster quickly.

Just like this, I don’t know how long I ran with one person and one snake!I only saw that the sky was getting darker and darker, and the blood moon was already hanging high...

Lin Hua didn't know why the basilisk kept chasing her. Maybe it was because she really angered the monster just now. The monster wanted to kill herself to dissipate her anger, and ran out of the forest before she knew it. .

(End of this chapter)

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