Chapter 290
There is a big river in front of it. From a distance, the river is about 20 kilometers wide. There is a big bridge on the river, which can lead to the opposite side of the river through this bridge. Lin Hua doesn't know where he will go through this bridge. But there is no other way, I can only bite the bullet and go to the bridge!
Just when Lin Hua was on the bridge again, there were some noises from the river, and the water in the river was only seen turning back and forth, and Lin Hua didn't pay much attention to the situation in the river.The giant basilisk watched Lin Hua go up the bridge, and he followed. The bridge is really strong, and the giant basilisk has such a huge body that the bridge has no reaction to collapse.

And more and more water monsters in the river followed Lin Hua.

After running for another hour or so, suddenly a huge vortex appeared in the river, and then the water monsters in the river that started chasing Lin Hua stopped chasing Lin Hua, but dispersed, and the huge vortex began to follow Lin Hua.

Soon Lin Hua got off the bridge, only to see that the vortex in the river disappeared, and a huge fish-shaped monster also came ashore!This fish-shaped monster is not very big, that is, the size of two people, but she actually has human-like legs, and the two front claws are very sharp. Looking at his head can make people take a look You can throw up for a day, because you are so ugly, and at this time the snake-shaped monster also came under the bridge.

I don't know what happened, but when the snake-shaped monster saw a fish monster, it stopped chasing Lin Hua, and instead stared at the fish-shaped monster with its huge snake eyes. Lin Hua knew that the snake monster had stopped chasing him, so he Stop running!
Turning his head, he watched the confrontation between these two monsters.

The fish-shaped monster didn't launch any magic attack, and rushed directly towards the giant basilisk.And the basilisk summoned some tree vines to wrap around the feet of the fish-shaped monster, and then released some vine arrows, and the fish-shaped monster directly used his sharp claws to chop up the tree vines wrapped around its feet , and did not avoid the vine arrows that shot towards her, let the vine arrows shoot at her body, it can be seen that those vine arrows are very corrosive, and the wounds of the fish-shaped monsters have gradually become larger, just like this fish-shaped monster The monster quickly came to the basilisk without dodging, seeing that their size was not a heavyweight at all, but at this moment, the fish-shaped monster waved its two sharp claws, and easily touched the snake monster. A terrible wound was drawn on the monster's huge body, and the bright red blood poured down!

The snake-shaped monster let out a heart-piercing roar. The fish-shaped monster didn't care about the roar of the basilisk, and continued to wave his claws, creating wounds on the giant body of the basilisk. The basilisk suddenly waved its huge body. tail, hit the fish-shaped monster, and the huge impact knocked the fish-shaped monster into the air instantly!

With a bang, the fish monster made a 3-meter-deep hole on the ground, and the fish-shaped monster kept vomiting blood. He remembered to continue attacking, but whenever it moved, it kept vomiting blood. The powerful blow of the basilisk's huge tail can be seen how terrifying it is, directly hitting the fish monster seriously, and it has no strength to fight!

And the giant basilisk saw that the fish monster had lost its fighting power, so it continued to entangle the fish monster with tree vines and pulled it towards itself!
Lin Hua saw that the current battle situation was a good time for her to appear, and saw that the fish monster pulled by the tree vine was about to be eaten.

"Whoosh whoosh"

Lin Hua shot four ice blades at the tree vines entwining the fish monster, and cut off the tree vines, so that the fish monster fell to the ground. When the tree vines broke, the basilisk saw that Lin Hua had ruined his good deed , and launched an attack on Lin Hua.

Lin Hua is not the fish monster just now, who doesn't dodge the attack, but Lin Hua dodges left and right to avoid the attack.The current basilisk is at the end of its battle, and it has left so much blood. When Lin Hua was 10 meters away from the basilisk, she used her ice control, and the blood flowed from the basilisk in an instant, as well as the wound of the basilisk. His blood was instantly frozen!Slowly, the blood in the basilisk's body was frozen, and the basilisk died like this. In fact, it was a lot of luck for Lin Hua to kill the basilisk so smoothly this time.

First of all, the basilisk has lost many abilities after the battle just now. Secondly, there are a lot of wounds on the basilisk, and a lot of blood has flowed out, which is beneficial to Lin Hua's ice control, because blood also belongs to water.

After killing the basilisk, Lin Hua walked up to the basilisk again, and ended the life of the fish monster with one stab!

Lin Hua took out the strange core of the fish monster, which turned out to be platinum-level 3, and then cut off the fish monster's double claws, because Lin Hua had seen the sharpness of the fish monster's claws.Go back and use the claws of the fish monster to create a claw weapon for Li Jie. Li Jie's damage can explode, and finally use the strange core of the basilisk!

Also taken out, platinum level 5.

At this moment, Lin Hua was very happy, having obtained two platinum heterocores, as well as materials for making weapons.Was the escape just now worthwhile...

I don't know what happened to Li Jie and the others now, so they took out the map and started looking for the direction.

Going to the left is also the direction leading to Baidi City.After taking out the food in the backpack, ate some food, and rested for a while, Lin Hua followed the map and continued to walk in the direction of Baidi City...

According to the direction of the map, 11 kilometers ahead should be sitting on a big mountain. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Lin Hua quickened her pace and finally arrived at the foot of the big mountain just as the blood moon was about to rise. It was quite big, bigger than the mountains Lin Hua had seen before.There are a total of 7 cave entrances on this mountain.

Looking at the map, the cave in the middle is the direction leading to Baidi City.

Putting the map in his pocket, Lin Hua walked towards the cave in the middle. The cave was very damp, and from time to time, he could hear the sound of water dripping from the mountain wall onto the ground.Moreover, the inside of the cave was pitch black, so I turned on the flashlight and looked around the cave carefully, but there was nothing special about it!

Lin Hua thought about it and didn't rush to hurry. Let's rest here tonight. I haven't eaten the two heteronuclei I got during the day. Thinking about it, Lin Hua took out a heteronucleus from his backpack and put it in his mouth. , intending to hit Platinum 2!

This is Lin Hua's first time eating a platinum-level heterocore, and he doesn't know what kind of reaction it will produce to make it to the next level.After about 10 minutes, Lin Hua just felt that the supernatural powers in her body became more solidified, and she didn't feel like she was promoted, so she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that she didn't get a higher level!
I casually took out the Platinum Level 5 heterocore in the backpack and put it in my mouth again, but this time I felt a strong feeling that the power of the platinum heteronucleus was slowly flowing in Lin Hua's body. The supernatural power was sometimes slow and sometimes violent. After tossing about for more than half an hour, Lin Hua absorbed all the energy of this strange nucleus.

(End of this chapter)

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