Chapter 291
He directly rushed to the third level of Platinum, but this time it surpassed Lin Hua's accident. Lin Hua thought that this time he might also rush to the second level, but he didn't expect to directly cross the second level.

Looking at the moonlight of the red blood moon, Lin Hua inadvertently recalled her life before the doomsday. At that time, she was still the boss of an underground organization, but now she is working hard to survive all day long!This is the gap between the sky and the earth. Think about the life in the last ten years. At that time, I was unable to protect my loved ones, unable to protect my important people, that feeling of powerlessness!Thinking about it, the corners of Lin Hua's eyes got wet.

Since God gave me a chance to be reborn to change the world and save mankind from extinction, I must desperately improve my strength, overcome any difficulties in front of me, and this time I must stand on top of humanity.

Shaking her head, Lin Hua stopped thinking about it, closed her eyes and prepared to rest!

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight hit Lin Hua's face!

"It's another sunny day," Lin Hua said to herself

Take out the food in the backpack, and move on after eating.

The cave during the day also gives people a cold feeling, but fortunately, Lin Hua is very adaptable to this environment, because the ability in his body is of ice attribute, which is very suitable for his cultivation...

The one in front only heard the sound of rustling, and then saw more than 10 slow bodies shaking. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a low-level zombie. However, the one in front was actually a platinum-level zombie leader!

Fortunately, it's just zombies, not other monsters, because platinum-level monsters are not easy to deal with other monsters except zombies, and zombies don't have any intelligence, and they will only rush when they see humans Just a bite!

Lin Hua drew out the dragon-slaying knife on his back, and slashed at the rushing zombies, one by one. When the low-level zombies had already died in Lin's hands, the leader of the zombies also rushed towards Lin Hua. Hua, one knife and two swords, Lin Hua avoided the attack of the leader zombie, and kept chopping the leader of the zombie!

The body hardness of this boss is quite good.After so many cuts, it still hasn't fallen!

Hohoho... This one let out a low roar, and then only saw its back, and a group of low-level zombies came over. It turns out that this boss still knows how to call people...

There was a mocking smile on Lin Hua's face, it's okay to stop playing, and more and more zombies will come over if this drags on. Thinking of this, Lin Hua found a moment when a zombie attacked him and knocked him out. The head of the zombie was cut off, and the zombie fell down unwillingly. The low-level zombies that came after were all dealt with, but the heterogeneous core of the leader zombie was taken out. It's not very useful, so I don't waste that time anymore, I took out the heterocore, swallowed it directly, and then continued to move forward...

"Help, help, help"

Lin Hua heard a voice calling for help not far ahead!

Lin Hua quickly ran to the place where she was calling for help. Lin Hua thought to herself, there are still humans here. When Lin Hua walked in, she saw that there were more than 30 dark warriors holding long swords and shields surrounded by them. There are 7 supernatural beings, and behind those dark warriors stands an elite dark warrior, whose level should be the same as Lin Hua's, right? Platinum Level 3!
And the group surrounded were 2 women and 5 men. There was a man lying on the ground who was about to die. Their strengths were all in the silver stage. There are more than 3 corpses behind them. The girl who called for help just now should be the girl in the orange dress in the middle. That girl is probably 10 or 18 years old, with blood stains all over her face.Even through the blood stains, the girl's delicate face could be seen.

When they saw Lin Hua appearing, they unanimously looked like Lin Hua.

"Big brother, help me, please, please help us," the girl in orange pleaded to Lin Hua,
Looking at this girl up close, looking at her pleading eyes, why is she so familiar, she looks so similar to her, Lin Hua's heart suddenly ached, recalling the days spent with her ten years before the end of the world, once I don't have the ability to protect you, since God gave me this rebirth, I will definitely not let those things happen.

"Don't worry, I won't let others hurt you." Unknowingly, Lin Hua said in a voice that only he could hear!

At this time, the leader, the dark warrior, glanced at Lin Hua with a vigilant look!
"Are you sure you want to save these people?" said the leader Dark Warrior

Hearing the words of the leader, the dark warrior, Lin Hua's heart was already overwhelmed. Monsters can speak human language, which means that they are already the same as human supernatural beings. They have their own spiritual intelligence and thinking ability. Things are not done according to animal nature, but thinking, what a terrible thing this is!This shows that monsters above platinum are difficult to deal with.However, although Lin Hua's heart was overwhelmed, he didn't show any expression on his face, and his expression was very flat...


Those two concise words made the leader of the dark warrior lower his head, as if he was thinking about something!
After about a few minutes, he seemed to figure it out and raised his head.

"You are very strong, and I feel danger from you, but it is not so easy for you to kill me, and none of these people can live before you kill me," said the leader-like dark warrior
"Yes, you are strong, but you are smarter," Lin Hua said

"Let's make a deal, I'll let them go, you let us go" said the leader-like dark warrior
"Okay, but I have a few questions to ask you." When Lin Hua was talking to the leader, the Dark Warrior, everyone was quietly waiting for the result.Listening to their conversation one by one, they didn't take the monster's ability to talk seriously!

"As long as it is not against the principle, I can return to you, and your name"

"Lin Hua, your identity, how do you know human language, and what is your most powerful level now?"

"My name is Karl, which is the name of the god of death. I am just a small character, and there are some people like me who have reached the third level of platinum and will have spiritual intelligence. Can you speak your human language? Is it strange? Your last question , I can’t tell you this, because this is already a bit against my choice.”

Carl said!

"Since it touches on your choice, I won't ask. I have another question. You can answer it or not."

"When will the city be attacked?"

(End of this chapter)

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