Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 292 Smart Carl

Chapter 292 Smart Carl

Lin Hua really lost his temper at this time, and he missed the killing intent. This Karl is too smart. If he doesn't kill him today, he doesn't know how many people will be killed in his hands in the future.But when he turned his head and looked at those people who were still surrounded, especially that girl, Lin Hua had no choice but to do so!
This Carl was released today, because this girl is so similar to hers, especially the look in her eyes, Lin Hua couldn't bear to watch this girl die.Turn your head and continue to stare at Carl

"Just now I felt the strong murderous look in your eyes, is it because I am too smart, you are afraid of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, but after you look back at these people, there is more tenderness in your eyes, which can make you like this Son, believe that one of these two women is very important to you!"

The two girls looked at each other when they heard Carl's words. It was the first time they saw Lin Hua. How did they become someone important to her? I was a little confused...

"You're so smart, so smart that it's scary. I don't know if it's right for me to let you go today for my own sake."

When the two girls heard Lin Hua's words, they were even more confused. What's going on? Ask him later!

"Haha, you won't kill me, because you don't want to part with one of these two girls. Let me tell you, within half a year in Xueyun City, we are now the strongest and can kill you now."

"Okay, thank you for this important news," Lin Hua said.

"You're welcome, I don't know if there is a chance to meet next time!" Carl said

"As long as you don't die, we will meet again. Next time we meet, I won't be here anymore," Lin Hua said.

"I don't know if you can beat me next time. Well, I'm leaving. If it's not for opposing positions, I really want to make you a friend." After Carl finished speaking, he growled, only See, those dark warriors who surrounded them put away their weapons and shields one by one, retreated neatly behind Karl, and stood there neatly!
Lin Hua felt that this was not an ordinary monster but an army.

"I'm leaving, goodbye, I hope I can see you next time when we attack Xueyun City" Carl said before leaving


"Thank you, um, thank you for saving our lives, but my brother is about to die. If my brother didn't save me just now, he wouldn't have been injured so badly. Can you save him?" The little girl looked at the dying man.

"I try my best" followed Lin Hua to the man lying on the ground, and injected some abilities into him. Lin Hua realized that although the man had suffered so much, but fortunately, there was still someone to save him, and he was in the bag immediately. Take out the healing medicine made by Gutian, give it to the injured man, and then give her some water!

"You can recover after a few days of training," Lin Hua said.

"Big brother, did we know each other before, or did you know sister Zhang Xuexue?" He pointed to the girl next to him.

"I don't know each other, but you are very similar to someone I knew before, especially your eyes," Lin Hua said

Hearing Lin Hua's words, the girl obviously felt very disappointed.

"That person must be very important to you, isn't he very beautiful?"

"Yes, he is more important than my life. She has a very ordinary appearance, the kind of girl who doesn't turn heads when she walks on the street." A sweet smile appeared on Lin Hua's face as she said these words.

"Oh, thank you big brother for saving us, and for saving my brother. My name is Lin Yiyi, you can call me Little Yiyi, what's your name?" said the girl in orange
"My name is Lin Hua. We are all human beings. It's normal to help each other. Don't take it too seriously. Also, I plan to go to Baidi City. Where are you going?"

At this time, an older man said, "We don't know where to go. I heard that Baidi City is the place with the most supernatural beings. Now most of us have suffered some injuries. With our strength, we don't know if we can go there." Go to Baidi City"

"Since we are all going to Baidi City like this, let's go together, and we can take care of each other," Lin Hua said. In fact, Lin Hua doesn't want to go with them. First of all, I don't know them. Who, secondly, their strength is not very high, and they are all injured, so they can only drag themselves down, but after thinking about that girl, if he leaves at this time, they probably won't live for a few days. Lin Hua didn't want this Seeing the result, he didn't want to save them just now, and then they died at the hands of other monsters. It's normal in this era of the jungle, but Lin Hua still couldn't bear it, so he had to go together. Baidi City, at least they will be safe for the time being...

"Then trouble Lynn."

"That's great big brother, thank you, big brother"

Little Yiyi said

In fact, they all knew very well in their hearts why Lin Hua saved them and agreed to escort them to Baidi City. It was because Lin Yiyi was very similar to her friend, so Lin Hua did this.

Lin Hua took out some medicine from the bag and gave them some medicine. To be honest, the strength of this small team is really not very good. Except for the injured little Yiyi's brother, everything else was given for nothing!
In this way, a group of 8 people continued to walk in the direction of Baidi City in the cave. This little Yiyi seemed to have fallen in love with Lin Hua, and she followed Lin Hua every day for the past two days, looking for something to talk to Lin Hua about!
And little Yiyi's elder brother Lin Yisang's injury is almost healed, seeing his sister like that, he can only show a bitter smile on his face, what can he do!
Everyone is testing the fire in front of the fire that night!Only a few voices of Boss Boss came from a distance!
This voice is so familiar, isn't this the voice of Li Jie and Brother Yu? Why are they here? The rest of the people heard the voice and looked in the direction of the voice, and then Lin Yiyi's brother Lin Yisang looked Like Lin Hua!

"It's okay, my friends, you just wait here first, don't be nervous, I'll go and have a look." Lin Hua got up as if walking far away, and little Yiyi also got up, and went with Lin Hua!
"Don't worry about me, I will go with my big brother, there will be no danger, he will protect me, don't worry
"Don't go, I'll be back in a while," Lin Hua said

Little Yiyi didn't listen to Lin Hua and just followed him. Lin Hua had no choice but to let her follow him, and little Yiyi's brother had no choice. His sister had never heard of his brother's words.

At this time, a man who is usually close to Lin Yisang said to Lin Yisang, you better not let little Yiyi fall in love with this Lin Hua, the deeper he loves, the deeper the hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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