Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 293 Strange Sound

Chapter 293 Strange Sound
Through the past few days, everyone can see that Lin Hua treats little Yiyi like her own sister!So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, if you have nothing to do, just persuade her!

It's not like Lin Yisang doesn't know, but what can she do, she knows his own sister's character and temper too well, only he can see this clearly, and it's useless for others to persuade him.

"Big boss"

Hearing the sound getting closer and closer, Lin Hua's little Yiyi quickened her pace and walked forward...

"Here it is," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, are you okay? You scared me to death." Li Jie saw Lin Hua, and when he went up, he was hugged by a big bear. This frightened little Yiyi, thinking what he was going to do,

"Let go quickly, don't you see there are others?" Lin Hua turned her head and said

"Yo yo, the boss survived the catastrophe, but he still has back clothes. Not bad, the little girl is very beautiful!" Li Jie said, and couldn't help laughing, and Brother Yu and the others behind Li Jie couldn't bear it. Can't help laughing!
They smiled like that, but little Yiyi's smiling face turned into a red apple. How could a little girl like that bear it!
Lin Hua just kicked up, and he didn't use much strength in this kick, it was just to tease Li Jie, but Li Jie actually pretended to be very heavy, lying down...

"You still have plausible words in your mouth, the boss is not interesting enough, you forget us when you see beautiful women." Li Jie's funny personality has begun
"Get up quickly, I have something good for you" said in the backpack, and took out the murloc's sharp claws!
As soon as Li Jie heard that there was something good, he turned over and got up!
"I know that the boss treats me the best." After taking the paw, Li Jie knew in his heart that it was not a good thing, Lin Hua didn't give it to him dearly!
"This is a monster below Amethyst. It should be easy to break through the defense. It is very suitable for you. You can use it directly. If you are not used to it, go back and rebuild it," Lin Hua said.

"Thank you boss"

"By the way, why did you come here?" Lin Hua asked.

"The thing is like this. Ever since Li Jie and I went back that day, Li Jie didn't worry about you at all. He said that if he died, he would die with you, and then went back to find you. I don't think he can let him I went to find you, so we all came here," Brother Yu said

"Why do you want to die for me if I die?" Lin Hua joked, in fact, Lin Hua knew in her heart that Li Jie was not afraid of death, and understood Li Jie's feelings for him. We all share life and death together, this is love , and Li Jie is such a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

"It's a coincidence that we found the right way"

"That's right, at the beginning, I followed the path that the big snake walked, and then I saw their corpses after crossing the bridge, so I kept walking. I saw many corpses along the way, so I followed the corpses and found you. Haha, boss, am I smart?

But boss, I met a lot of zombies at the entrance of the cave, and there are two platinum bosses, it took a lot of effort to kill him, I am now gold 5, brother Yu is gold 4!

"Improve so fast"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce, this is Xiao Yiyi,
"Hi, beauty, my name is Li Jie"

"Hello, just call me Brother Yu"

"By the way, I'll give you a present for the first time meeting Xiao Yiyi." Then Li Jie took out a gold 5 heterocore from his bag and handed it to Xiao Yiyi.

Little Yiyi looked at Li Jie, then at Lin Hua, and saw that when Lin Hua turned her head, she took the alien core that Li Jie handed over.

Thank you, Li Jie, and then leaked a sweet smile, which made Li Jie laugh so embarrassed
"You still have times when you're embarrassed." Brother Yu started to tease Li Jie at this time.

Just like this, we talked and walked like a fire. When we arrived at the fire, everyone introduced each other, and then they all rested!

"Boss, we really want to go to Baidi City with them, see how strong they are." "Do you like that little Yiyi, so you help them?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I already have someone in my heart. I won't fall in love with someone else in this life. By the way, this little girl is very good and suitable for you. I can see that you like this little girl very much." , or you wouldn’t give someone a different core, and it’s still gold 5.” If you like it, go after it, we still have a few days to Baidi City!Seize the opportunity!If you need any help from the boss, just say it directly, and go all out with your opinions...

The two men talked all night without sleeping.

It was around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night when I arrived at Li Jie's post and stopped talking. Lin Hua lay down and rested...

The next day Lin Hua got up early, because just now he heard the voice of a dragon in a daze, but it was just a sound, and the vague Lin Hua couldn't be sure if it was his hallucination. At the same time, Li Jie also woke up!And everyone around is still sleeping.

Li Jie saw that Lin Hua was also up, so he went over! "Boss, did you hear a strange noise just now?"

"Why did you hear it too? I was woken up by this sound just now. I thought it was my own hallucination. Unexpectedly, you heard it too!
"Why don't we go ahead and see what's going on, boss," Li Jie said

"Okay, let's see what the sound is. What I heard just now feels like the moan of a dragon."

"How is it possible? How can there be dragons in this world?" Li Jie couldn't believe it.
"It's not the dragon in the legend, but the dragon in Jurassic Park. It's also a mutated monster. Do you understand?"

"So that's how it is, Boss, you really know a lot."

"Nonsense, otherwise how could I be your boss?"

"Haha boss, you have started to fart"

As they spoke, the two began to walk forward.After about an hour or so, the two of them didn't develop much, so they went back!

"Why didn't you go to bed early in the morning?" Xiao Yiyi asked when she saw Lin Hua and Li Jie coming back

"Go out for a stroll and go to the front to explore the road first.

"Oh oh oh" Little Yiyi replied rolling her big eyes

Everyone is up, then get ready to go after eating the food!

After eating the food in about 20 minutes, the group started to continue walking along the cave. Now there are more than 20 people in the group.Everyone talked and laughed along the way, and soon saw the exit of the cave!

"Everyone, speed up, and you can get out of this cave ahead."

"I'm finally going out. I've been here for several days. I'm almost suffocating." Li Jie said dissatisfied
"Yeah, I've been here for 4 days without knowing it"

"Isn't this going out soon?" Everyone said one by one, but they were all speeding up to the cave exit!

"Boss, I'm going to explore the way ahead first." Li Jie said and walked forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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