Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 294 Mutant Dragon

Chapter 294 Mutant Dragon

"I'll follow too." Little Yiyi also followed Li Jie.

"Be careful," Lin Hua warned.

"Do not worry"

"What did they two do? They are almost at the entrance of the cave, why haven't they come back yet?"

When walking to the entrance of the cave, I finally saw Li Jie and the others. They were hiding behind a big rock, as if they were peeking at something.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Hua said

"Boss, please speak up, take a look"

"Quick Dragon"

"Fast Dragon? Is this the voice you heard in the morning?"

"It should be, the fast dragon wind attribute ability, the attack power is not high, the speed is extremely fast, and the gold level 5 generally exists in groups."

But now there are only two fast dragons drinking water by the river.

"Don't disturb it, if she summons his companions, it will be trouble"

After talking about Lin Hua, he walked along the other side of the mountain wall, and then Li Jie and the others followed Lin Hua along the other side of the mountain wall.

Houhou only heard two fast dragon roars, but he was still discovered. A large number of fast dragons rushed towards him, and some different dragons in the sky also flew towards Lin Hua and the others!

What to do, what to do, boss
boom boom boom

The different dragons in the sky shot out flames at Lin Hua and the others, quickly retreated into the cave, soon Lin Hua and the others retreated into the cave, the different dragons in the sky saw Lin Hua and the others retreated to the cave, There is no way to do it, but to circle back and forth in the sky in front of the cave, while the fast dragon on the ground is rushing towards the cave, throwing

The entrance of the cave was tightly blocked, and after two years of confrontation, a larger fast dragon on the other side of the fast dragon roared and said something to the fast dragons around it.

On the other hand, Lin Hua was very nervous, because there were too many monsters on the opposite side, not counting the different dragons hovering in the sky, and the fast dragons on the ground alone were at least [-].

"Don't worry everyone, the fast dragon doesn't attack from a distance, it attacks from a short distance, don't worry, they don't dare to attack now"

"Brother, what shall we do now?"

"When the fast dragon rushes over, the earth attribute and metal ability users will create protective shields for everyone, and those with other attributes that can attack from a distance will attack from a distance. Brother Yu and Lin Yisang are in charge. Clean up the fast dragon that Li Jie and I missed to rush over, do you understand?"

"I understand"

"Li Jie, hurry up and fight madly." Then Li Jie also took out the sharp claws that Lin Hua gave him.

And Lin Hua's ice armor also appeared on her body. Since Lin Hua's promotion was successful, the ice armor has also undergone great changes. Now the ice armor covers her whole body, only a pair of eyes leaked out of her head!
"Big brother's armor is so handsome," Xiao Yiyi said
Ho Ho Ho, the leader of the fast dragon let out a low growl again, but after this low growl, the fast dragons rushed over like crazy!
"Everyone, be careful here, Li Jiechong," Lin Hua just finished speaking.

Li Jie also rushed over with his sharp claws and Lin Hua holding the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand, while behind him, a bunch of ice arrows and rockets with a lot of skills of various attributes shot towards the rushing fast dragon.

And Li Jie and Lin Hua are like wolves among sheep, especially Lin Hua, it can be said that they are like demon gods descending into the world.All I saw was a fast dragon falling under Lin Hua's knife and Li Jie's sharp claws.

And the people behind saw Lin Hua and Li Jie feeling a little scared in their hearts. These two people are really scary!

It's only been more than 10 minutes, and at least a hundred of them have fallen down.

Ho Ho Ho, the leader Quick Dragon let out a low growl again, but after this low roar, the Quick Dragon no longer rushed forward, but all exited the cave.

The leader, Kuailong, may have seen how terrible Lin Hua and the others are, and he doesn't want to let his subordinates go up to die!

You clean up the corpses and clean up the different cores, Li Jie, go and take a rest first, and when I go out later, the metal-earth-type supernatural beings will continue to prepare defensive shields at the entrance of the cave!Li Jieyu, Lin Yisang, the three of you stand behind the defensive shield, don't let them rush over.

After saying this, Lin Hua had already walked to the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the different dragon still hovering in the sky, and the fast dragon staring at Lin Hua with some fear.Lin Hua shot hundreds of ice arrows directly at the different dragon in the sky, and then quickly retreated back into the cave, so that the flame attack of the different dragon could not hurt Lin Hua and the others.

Boom Just now, Lin Hua's burst of ice arrows killed about 15 different dragons.

"Boss, you are too powerful. If you could fly, wouldn't you kill all the different dragons in the sky?" Li Jie said

Lin Hua ignored him and asked directly, "How is your rest, can you still fight?"

"No problem boss"

I will rush out first and attack the different dragons in the sky to attract their firepower. You attack the leader of the fast dragon on the ground. If you kill him, the group of fast dragons will disperse!The leader of the fast dragon is at the fifth level of gold, you just need to attack his head when you fight her later!Your ability is strong when you meet it, understand!Everything depends on you later, because, I run farther away!

The rest of the people still follow the formation just now, I remember there is a wood attribute supernatural user!

"Yes I am," said a man in his 30s

"You can summon some tree vines. When Li Jie goes to fight, try to slow down the movement of those near Li Jie as fast as possible. The rest of the people will support the long-range attack, Li Jie understand?"

You're going out a minute after I rush out, wait and be careful
After explaining these things, Lin Hua rushed out
"Big brother won't be in danger," little Yiyi worried

"Boss will not do things you are not sure about, so don't worry"

When Lin Hua had just rushed forward, the different dragons in the sky rained fire one after another. Lin Hua quickly dodged and ran towards the periphery. Seeing a few fast dragons blocking the way ahead, Lin Hua let out a few With an ice blade, those fast dragons fell unwillingly. While avoiding the fire and rain, Lin Hua shot ice arrows towards the sky from time to time. After each ice arrow, several different dragons would fall down!All the different dragons in the sky followed Lin Hua and flew away.

And none of the fast dragons on the ground chased Lin Hua, but they were all staring at the people at the entrance of the cave, seeing that the different dragons in the sky had gone away!At this time Li Jie also rushed out.

Houhouhou leader Kuailong once again issued an offensive slogan, and the Kuailongs all rushed over.

Li Jie was also very crazy at this time, because Lin Hua had already told him just now that he had to rely on himself for everything. If he couldn't kill the leader, Quick Dragon, not only himself, but everyone behind him would have to follow. He died, and thinking of this, Li Jie rushed towards the leader Kuailong even more frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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