Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 295 Re-entering Baidi City

Chapter 295 Re-entering Baidi City

And those little fast dragons seemed to understand Li Jie's intentions, and they all ran like the leader fast dragon, trying to protect their leader.

And Lin Hua, who rushed out to be surrounded by fast dragons, saw a forest in front of him, and then he ran towards the forest, because the different dragons could not fly into the forest, and the tall trees also blocked the different dragon's sight, there was no way, the different dragons The dragon could only hover over Lin Hua.Lin Hua stopped running when she saw that the different dragon did not catch up to the woods. She stood at the mouth of the forest and watched the different dragon hovering in the air. After several attacks by Lin Hua, there are now about 50 different dragons left. After a few more back and forth, it should be cleared up. After resting for about 1 minute, Lin Hua ran out again, shot more than 20 ice arrows, and then ran back to the woods again, and went back and forth several times in the sky. Allosaurus are running out!After the last one was cleaned up, Lin Hua ran back to the cave, only to see that Li Jie was covered in blood now, giving the impression that he was about to fall down, while Brother Yu and Lin Yisang were standing Behind him, it was almost the same, and now the three of them were surrounded by groups.

Lin Hua looked at the fast dragon leader who was hiding far behind the fast dragon.Pulled out the dragon-slaying knife from his back, and rushed towards the fast dragon leader.Quick Dragon saw that the demon Lin Hua had come back, and seeing that none of the different dragons who were chasing this human just now had come back, they must all be dead.

Ho Ho Ho, another low growl, the group of fast dragons that were still surrounding Li Jie and the three of them just now retreated quickly, and they all came to the leader of the fast dragons.

Looking at Lin Hua, the leader of the fast dragon might be a little scared of this demon, he roared again, and ran away with the fast dragon!
"Just like that, they all ran away. Boss, just say that you are scary. The monsters scared away when they saw you," Li Jie said.

"It's all hurt like this, you can still make fun of me, it seems there's nothing wrong with it." Lin Hua also started to make fun of Li Jie
"Ah, Boss, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to fall down" Li Jie made a gesture to fall down
"Everyone, clean up the wound quickly, and then collect the different cores. I'll go get the different cores of the different dragons."

About half an hour later, Lin Hua came back. At this time, the wounds of Brother Li Jieyu and Lin Yisang had also been treated, and they were not very serious...

"What insights did you get from the battle just now!"

"Very good, now more and more skilled"

Everyone divide the different cores, and if you can break through, break through quickly. I will help you protect the law...

After dividing the different cores, we will start to break through and impact.About an hour has passed!Everyone's breakthroughs are over, and everyone has made great progress. Li Jie's breakthrough is the biggest here, because Li Jie has now entered the platinum rank.Brother Yu is also at gold level 5, and Lin Yisang is at gold level 4. Anyway, most of them have already broken through to the gold level, and only a few of them are still at the silver level, because this time they killed more than 300 fast dragons. There are more than 100 different dragons, and a total of more than 400 golden heterocores.

"Thank you very much, without you we would have died a long time ago, and now everyone's abilities have improved a lot, I sincerely thank you Lin Hua," Xiao Yiyi's brother Lin Yisang said
"It's a kind of fate that we are together now, why bother to say these words?"

"Boss, my brothers below me have also decided to follow you for the rest of my life. I didn't take our conversation seriously at the beginning of the night. I just thought you were young and frivolous, but now I know I was wrong. , you will definitely have that day, you will definitely lead us to create our own kingdom, starting today, my brothers and I will officially join your Xue Ning League."

"Okay, you can rest assured that what I once said will definitely come true in the near future, that is, a few years later.

Brother Lin, if you don't dislike our lack of strength, we also plan to join your alliance. Do you think this is okay?

"Of course welcome, everyone is welcome to join"

"To tell you the truth, I went to Baidi City this time to buy some things and inquire about some news. If there is no accident, I should arrive at Baidi City after walking forward for 2 hours."

"Li Jie, you and I are going to inquire about some news, Brother Yu, you are going to buy some daily necessities, Lin Yisang, you are going to buy some medicinal materials, and some manufacturing materials." After speaking, he took out some heteronuclei from his pocket and gave them to Brother Yu Lin Ethan

"Big brother, I'll follow you later," Xiao Yiyi said
"I don't want to follow my brother"

"Yes" Lin Hua said, this is also deliberately creating opportunities for Li Jie and Xiao Yiyi

"By the way, when we are about to reach the city gate, everyone should disperse and gather at the city gate around 8 o'clock in the evening."

When the distance was about 500 meters, everyone separated. Lin Hua, Li Jie, Xiao Yiyi, Brother Yu, and Lin Yisang all went to work separately when they came to Baidi City!However, when Lin Hua first arrived in Baidi City, Bo Wubai's eyeliner told him the news that Lin Hua had come to Baidi City!
"Send more people to follow him, and see what he is doing in Baidi City this time," Ao Wubai said with a murderous look in his eyes.

When Lin Hua arrived in Baidi City, he went directly to Dongcheng, because Dongcheng is the place Lin Hua is most familiar with, because in the ten years of the last days, Lin Hua spent six of the ten years here. The difference may be because this is the reason for the early days of the end of the world!

Seeing everything that was familiar, the memories of the last ten years flashed through Lin Hua's mind one after another. Thinking of these, Lin Hua's eyes couldn't help turning rosy.Returning to this familiar yet unfamiliar place again is unavoidable.

Seeing Lin Hua at this moment, Li Jie and Xiao Yiyi didn't know what to say, they could only look at Lin Hua quietly.

Shaking her head, Lin Hua stopped thinking about those things, and went directly to the shop at the end of the street where Bai Xiaosheng was inquiring about news. Xiaosheng's news is very well-informed, as long as you can afford the price, he can sell the information you want, but there is some information that even Bai Xiaosheng doesn't know, that is, Lin Hua's rebirth and, Tianwai The position in the time when the empty door appears.

From Bai Xiaosheng, Lin Hua learned that there is a monster in the monster world that is already at the third level of Amethyst. , Ice Demon is now at the first level of Amethyst...

The confidence that should be known, Lin Hua already knew, Lin Hua walked out of Bai Xiaosheng, and walked to a nearby auction market, this auction market should be the largest auction house in Baidi City, this auction house should belong to, Ao Wubai's management saw that the werewolf guards standing at the door were all wearing the clothes of Zhushanmeng. Lin Hua walked into the auction room, and when he entered the auction room, a waiter with a good face came over!
(End of this chapter)

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