Chapter 296
"Hi three, are you here to take pictures or to sell items on consignment?"

"Look around casually, buy something good if you find it."

"Then Lin Hua was brought into a box, quietly waiting for the auction to start."

After waiting for about half an hour, the auction started at noon...

At this time, a tall and beautiful woman presides over the auction. The first item to be auctioned is a medicine that can revive people after death, but it is only limited to the gold level.The auction price is 20 gold heteronuclei...

In this way, several items in a row were not of Lin Hua's interest, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

"Today's auction is so boring. There's nothing good about it. It's just a waste of time." Li Jie said a little unhappy

"In this case, let's go, go to the city gate and wait for the assembly..."

In this way, the three of them left the gate of the auction house and walked towards the gate of the city!
At this time, Lin Yisang, who only saw the purchase of materials, had already returned, and was waiting for Lin Hua and the others. You must have bought all the items!
"Yes" Lin Ethan returned to

At this moment, Brother Yu and the others had a total of 15 supply vehicles coming towards the city gate. Lin Hua found that there were people behind the supply vehicle. It seemed that these people came to grab the supply vehicle!

"What will the people behind the boss do?" Li Jie asked.

"Except for the direct settlement in the city, they are now in the city, so they don't want to cause trouble here. It will be different outside the city," Lin Hua said.

"Boss is followed by some people, it seems that he intends to grab supplies, I didn't get rid of him just now," Brother Yu said

"It's all settled if you bring it back. If they like to follow, just follow them. As long as they don't do anything, let them all die there."

In this way, more than 20 vehicles of supplies and other medicines walked out of the city in a mighty way. First, Li Jie led the way at the front of the team, followed by Brother Yu in the middle, Lin Yisang was at the back, and Lin Hua was always behind. Keep a distance of 50 from the team!
And the group of people behind Lin Hua continued to follow. At this time, Lin Hua drew out the dragon-slaying knife and stood in the middle of the road, "Come out, they all seem to be ice demons."

Ice Demon, Ice Demon, I didn't provoke you now, why did you provoke me!The next time I come here, it's time to eradicate you.

Just after Lin Hua's words, the people behind them all came out, about 30 people, all wearing the clothes of the Ice Demon League, most of these people were the first few people in the silver rank, the gold ones, and the one at the front was only him The highest, now it's gold 5, don't look at so many of them, it's not enough to look at.

"I'll give you a chance now, go back now, and I'll pretend nothing happened"

"Lin Hua, what a joke, our Ice Demon League can be afraid of you." Although this handsome old man can't see through Lin Hua's team, but thinking about how many people are on his side, how can he be afraid of him?
Now that this is the case, don’t blame me for being rude. As he said, the ice armor had covered Lin Hua’s whole body, and then he released an ice wall where these people retreated to stop those who wanted to escape, and then shot out continuously. Dozens of ice blades, the old man of the Ice Membrane Alliance saw Lin Hua, he had already made a move, and he had already blocked his escape route. He felt the danger, so he quickly retreated...

But it was too late at this time, the dozens of ice blades issued by Lin Hu just now have come to everyone years ago...

Papapapapapapapapapa heard the sound of the body hitting the ground. After Lin Hua's attack just now, about 8 people were killed and 6 people were injured, and there are more than 10 people?
This time the old man really panicked, his way back was blocked, and he was the first to meet, half of the people were crippled.

Lin Hua didn't give them any chance, another round of ice blades, and more than 10 people fell down!

"Little old man, there are three of you left, what are you going to do?

"If you beg for mercy now, you won't let us go. If you kill us today, Master Ice Demon will definitely avenge us."

"Oh, Ice Demon really has a bunch of good dogs," Lin Hua said.

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she didn't hold back any more, and ended up with three Frostbolts. The lives of the three of them, now, Lin Hua, when he meets a person with abilities below platinum, it doesn't take much effort to get them all done with a few skills. , Lin Hua searched the whole body of these 3 people, but found nothing too good, but found a few gold heteronuclei on the old man's body.

After solving these, Lin Hua went to catch up with the large army ahead.

"Boss, I heard the sound of fighting just now, is it all resolved?

"Well, it's just some rotten fish and rotten shrimp"

"oh oh"

In this way, Lin Hua took these supplies trucks and set foot on the way back to the camp.

"In front of the boss is a canyon, and the road in that canyon is very narrow!" Li Jie said

Because Li Jie is now in charge of exploring the road ahead.

When walking into this canyon, Lin Hua felt that the canyon was very gloomy, even the wind was chilly, giving people a chilling feeling!
There is no way that the route on the map can only go from here, which is the shortest way back.

Aww, aww, the howls of wolves made people feel even more frightened. The canyon was originally very gloomy.

At this moment, a red wolf suddenly appeared in front of the team, but the red wolf found it. After Lin Hua and the others, they let out a burst of roaring, and soon came one, two, three, and finally a group of red wolves. Wolf, at the front of this group of red wolves, there is a relatively large red wolf, who is the leader at first glance.It seems that this canyon is the territory of the red wolf, otherwise they would not have come here so soon!

These red wolves have fast action power, their teeth and claws are particularly sharp, they belong to melee attacks, without any skills, and the red wolves are bloodthirsty, when they see blood, they will become more and more angry Excited, even more ferocious.Ordinary red wolves are around the silver level, and the strength of the top red wolf leaders should be around platinum. Although their level is not very high, but because of their bloodthirsty, they are very difficult to deal with...

Lin Hua analyzed the attributes of the red wolf and explained it to everyone!

"Pay attention when everyone is fighting, don't get hurt, the melee ones will come forward to attack, and the long-distance fire support" After explaining these things, Lin Hua took out the dragon-slaying knife from behind, walking like the leader of the red wolf, and Li Jie and the others also took out their weapons and followed Lin Hua.

Awow at this moment the leader of the red wolves let out a low growl, and all the red wolves also started to attack, and then a large number of red wolves attacked Lin Hua, because Lin Hua was at the forefront, although the teeth and claws of the red wolves Very sharp, but the difference in level, no matter how much they attack Lin Hua, they can't break through the defense of Lin Hua's ice armor, so Lin Hua let the red wolf attack her, and kept waving the Dragon Saber!

(End of this chapter)

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