Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 297 The Eyes of the Red Wolf Chief

Chapter 297 The Eyes of the Red Wolf Chief

With every swing of the dragon-slaying knife, there were red wolves lying on the ground, and Li Jie and the others behind Lin Hua did not feel much pressure, because most of the red wolves had already been resisted by Lin Hua.And there is also remote support from the rear, so there is not much burden...

In this way, they kept hacking and killing among the red wolves, and the time passed by every minute and every second. About 30 minutes later, the red wolves just now disappeared under Lin Hua's knives, and the only thing left was Man dead body.And the leader of the red wolves stared at Lin Hua and the others coldly. The leader of the red wolves did not launch an attack just now, but was just waiting for the red wolves to consume their physical strength. However, what he did not expect was that the red wolves were all slaughtered... …

Lin Hua took a closer look at the leader of the red wolf. She was only twice the size of an ordinary red wolf, about 4 meters, and its two eyes were big and bright, emitting a fierce red light!
Looking at the leader of the red wolf, Lin Hua didn't dare to slack off in the slightest!Because the strength of this red wolf leader should be able to break through the defense of his ice armor!Put the Dragon Saber across your chest...

At this time, the leader of the red wolf has already rushed over like Lin Hua, and the sharp front claw of the leader of the red wolf is like Lin Hua's left hand. Bang, this is the metal sound produced by the impact of the sharp claw and the dragon knife.At this moment, Lin Hua was a little startled. If she hadn't reacted in time just now, her left hand might have been useless!
At this time, the leader of the red wolf saw that his attack was in vain, and continued to attack Lin Hua, but every time he was either blocked by Lin Hua with the dragon-slaying knife, or was dodged by it left and right!The battle lasted like this for about 15 minutes. The leader of the red wolf attacked Lin Hua, but the attack of the leader of the red wolf was not as fast as it was at the beginning. It may be because of the long time. Lin Hua looked at this moment In the state of the leader of the red wolf, he immediately used the shackles of ice to reduce the speed of the leader of the red wolf to the minimum, and then pointed at the head of the leader of the red wolf, using all his strength!

With a bang, the head of the leader of the red wolf seemed to explode, breaking into pieces, and then his whole body fell down slowly!
Looking at the head of the broken red wolf leader, only the different core and two glasses emitting red light remained, so Lin Hua put the different core and two glasses of the red wolf leader on the ground in the backpack, because in the last days In ten years of life, Lin Hua has heard that the eyes of the leader of the red wolf are treasures, but I don't know what function they have. After a long time, they will develop slowly!
The battle is over. Although Lin Hua and the others were not injured in this battle, now Lin Hua feels that if he hadn't resisted most of the pressure, many of them would have been injured. Many people in the team are not very strong now. , Now a large number of different cores are needed to enhance the strength of everyone in the alliance.

And the last time Karl said in the cave that within half a year, there will be a monster attacking Xueyun City, and now I am not their opponent, my team strength is except for a few people, Li Jie, Brother Yu, Xuewu, Ghost Dance, the remaining strength of the few of them is not very strong, what is needed now is to take everyone to hone and increase their own strength!
Around the evening, the team had already walked out, the canyon just now, and there were more than 20 plants shaking back and forth at the exit of the canyon!
"What is that? A plant moving back and forth, boss." Li Jie also noticed the shaking plant in front of him.

As I said that, I walked towards those swaying plants. Those plants could be more than 3 meters high, and the upper part was thinner than the lower part. When I walked in and saw clearly, he was still very beautiful and gave off bursts of fragrance!
"This flower is so fragrant, you can smell it from so far away," Xiao Yiyi's words reminded Lin Hua at this moment

Lin Hua also smelled the fragrance of this flower, but Lin Hua always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly remembered that he had encountered such a situation ten years after the end of the world.

And at this moment, Li Jie was less than 5 meters away from those huge plants!

"Get out of the way, stay away from him, that mutated piranha" Lin Hua shouted

"After hearing Lin Hua's reminder, Li Jie hurriedly pushed back a few steps," and at this moment, the mutated piranha that was very close to Li Jie sent more than 10 barbs at Li Jie's feet. The tree vines entangled Li Jie's mobile phone so tightly that he couldn't move it at all. The mutated piranha was dragging Li Jie in his direction!
There were several whistling sounds, and the vines on Li Jie's body were broken, and the mutated piranha also let out an angry roar. It turned out that when Li Jie was entangled by the vines of the piranha just now, Lin Hua sent out several ice blades, cutting off the vines.Thus saving Li Jie's life.

Li Jie also recovered his ability to move, and immediately retreated to Lin Hua's side!
"It was so dangerous just now, if you didn't react quickly, boss, you would never see me again"

"How many times have I told you, don't be so impulsive in doing things! This time I am by your side, and next time I won't be by your side, what do you think you should do?"

"Boss knows, I won't do this again in the future, what is this thing, just now I smelled the fragrance of flowers and walked towards him inadvertently." Li Jie admitted his mistake
"The mutated piranha, around the golden class, looks not much different from ordinary large plants, but the fragrance it emits can make people temporarily hallucinate at close range, and then attract humans or animals to approach it, and then use tree vines or directly open their mouths swallow,"

"Wow, it turns out that this thing is so scary. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid. If the boss didn't react quickly just now, the consequences would be unimaginable. Then how can this thing not get close to destroy them? I almost died in its hands just now. "At this time, Li Jie felt unwilling
"The method is very simple. When you come into close contact with him and your willpower is firm, you can get rid of them without being disturbed by her smell, or if they have fire attribute abilities, just burn them directly, because plants are all Afraid of fire"

"Li Xue, Li Xue, help me burn them all, I almost killed me just now!" Li Jie shouted to a girl behind

At this time, a girl with fire attribute abilities came from behind, and came over when Li Jie called his name!
"What's wrong with Brother Li Jie?" said the fire attribute supernatural girl

"Help me burn these mutated piranhas, he can make me hallucinate at close range, so I can't beat him at close range," Li Jie said aggrievedly
"Okay" After saying that, the fire attribute girl started walking towards the piranha

"Oh, you will also have such embarrassing times." At this time, Brother Yu also came over to tease Li Jie.

Lin Hua looked at the fire-attribute supernatural girl in front of her, not burning very fast!
(End of this chapter)

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