Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 298 Mutated Piranha

Chapter 298 Mutated Piranha
Anyone with fire attribute powers will go over and help, quickly solve it, so we can hurry

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he walked over to 6 fire-attributed supernatural beings. In about 20 minutes, those mutated piranhas were burned away, leaving only the alien nuclei lying there blankly. Go and burn a girl in the mutated piranha, and bring back the heteronucleus and hand it to Lin Hua!

"How many of you are divided?" Lin Hua said casually


"Thank you boss"

"Thank you boss"

At this time, Lin Hua's team may have been very reluctant to follow Lin Hua at the beginning. It was because of some reasons, maybe because they wanted to survive, or because they wanted to go to Baidi City and needed Lin Hua's protection, but Gradually, as time went by, everyone's views on Lin Hua, as well as their understanding of Lin Hua's strength, were deeply attracted by Lin Hua.

Because their strength has improved by leaps and bounds during the period of following Lin Hua, and every time they encounter danger, Lin Hua will go first, and can quickly analyze the enemy's weaknesses, and then make adequate deployments. This cleverness, This calmness, this profound knowledge, and when it comes to differentiating cores, every time Lin Hua lets them divide first.This is enough to show that he is a good leader.

So now everyone is following Lin Hua from the bottom of their hearts.I recognized the boss in my heart.

After dealing with the mutated piranhas, the group continued to walk in the direction of the camp!In this way, after 4 days of journey, we finally reached the camp.

When they returned to the camp, they saw that everyone was waiting for Lin Hua and the others to return at the gate of the camp, because the sentry had already notified everyone of the news when Lin Hua and the others had just appeared.

Seeing familiar faces, especially Xuewu's, it was obvious that Xuewu lost a lot of weight!

Let's unload the supplies together!Lin Hua arranged for Xuewu to arrange accommodation for these newcomers, and then returned to her room.At this moment, Ghost Dance came, and she knocked on the door!
"Come in, Lin Hua said! When Lin Hua saw Gui Wu, Gui Wu's injuries had already recovered and its strength had also improved a lot. It is now Platinum Level 2. In this team, apart from Lin Hua, Platinum level 4 is the highest level of ghost dance.

"Congratulations, I have improved a lot in such a short time, so I have to go out and take risks."

Gui Wu didn't answer Lin Hua, and said directly, "Boss, thank you for saving your life last time." Lin Hua was startled at first, and then relieved!If Lin Hua remembers correctly, this should be the first time Gui Wu called herself the boss, because Gui Wu is not very talkative and rarely communicates with people, especially with Lin Hua, because Lin Hua is also indifferent and not good at expressing. people.

Gui Wu joined Lin Hua's team because Lin Hua promised to help him get the rejuvenating potion from the Heavenly Space Gate, so Gui Wu joined. It may be because Lin Hua saved Gui Wu last time that he recognized him and called himself the boss!

Then Lin Hua said that you are welcome, everyone is teammates, what can't be saved!Maybe I save your life today, maybe you save my life tomorrow!
Also, you already have some clues about your rejuvenating potion, it may take half a year at the earliest, or a year at the earliest.

When Lin Hua said about the face-rejuvenating potion, Hou Guiwu's face was filled with joy, because Guiwu has a dark attribute ability, and because of its ability, his appearance was ruined. How important is appearance to a 20-year-old girl? Woolen cloth!The current ghost dance has become so indifferent, and a large part of the reason why he seldom speaks is because his appearance makes her feel inferior, so he doesn't speak anymore.

Thank you boss, I turned around and left after talking about these ghost dances

Not long after Ghost Wu left, after Xue Wu made arrangements, she also came to Lin Hua's room. When she saw Xue Wu again, the corners of Xue Wu's eyes were already wet!Then hug Lin Hua tightly
"I'm really scared, I'll never see you again, I'm afraid you won't come back," Xuewu said

Lin Hua wanted to push Xuewu away at this time, but she still couldn't bear it!

"Didn't I come back safely? From now on, I'll take you with me wherever I go, isn't it?" Lin Hua could only comfort her like this

When Xuewu heard Lin Hua's words, she also stopped crying.In this way, the two of them talked for more than two hours, and told Lin Hua everything that happened since Lin Hua left!
"It turns out that I have voiced so many things since I left. It's a bit late today, so you should go back early." Lin Hua said, and just like that, Xue Wu left Lin Hua's room!

After Xuewu left, Lin Hua recalled what happened during this time!I fell asleep thinking about it.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone got up early and came to the hall to wait for Lin Hua's arrival, because yesterday Lin Hua said that he would announce something today, about 10 minutes later Lin Hua came to the hall, Lin Hua Walked to the top chair and sat, while the rest of the people sat on the sofa, some sat on the table, and some leaned against the wall. Now Lin Hua's team has about 300 people. Among them, there are more than 90 people with supernatural powers, and about 200 ordinary people.

Everyone was looking at Lin Hua, waiting for Lin Hua to speak.

At this time, Lin Hua said: "Now our team has expanded, and it is no longer a small team with just a few people. Our camp can still accommodate the current number of people, but the team is growing slowly. We must To change to a bigger camp, I plan to go to Xueyun City within 3 months, because although Xueyun City is not as big as Baidi City, it is still not a small city, and our current strength can exclude Xueyun City The top 3 positions of dozens of gangs in Yuncheng, and according to my news, there will be monsters attacking Xueyun City within half a year, and we will also contribute at that time." When everyone heard what Lin Hua said They are all gearing up when they talk!
"Why did the boss go to Xueyun City to take up space in three months? Didn't you also say that our current strength is enough to rank in the top three positions in Xueyun City?" Li Jie said

"Yeah, boss, why don't you go now?"

Lin Hua smiled mysteriously and said, "First of all, I want to grab the first position directly and control Xueyun City, but our team is not strong enough now, and secondly, there will be a Tianwaikongmen in the near future and it will be of intermediate difficulty, which is very suitable for us. Improve your strength, we can take down the first gang in Xueyun City if we take down the resources of the Heavenly Outer Space Gate, and there will be a monster attacking the city within half a year after we take down Xueyun City, my current strength is impossible Which monster leader did you deal with?"

After Lin Hua finished speaking, everyone remembered that Lin Hua had said for the second time that the monster was going to attack Xueyun City, and everyone knew the seriousness of the matter, and now Lin Hua's strength could not beat the leader of any monster!This surprised everyone, because Lin Hua's strength is obvious to all, he can't beat now even if he wins Xueyun City, he won't be able to hold it!
(End of this chapter)

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