Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 299 Intermediate Difficulty

Chapter 299 Intermediate Difficulty
Looking at everyone's expressions at this time, Lin Hua continued: So the Tianwaikongmen that I said a few days ago is very suitable for us to improve our strength.So this time, I plan to go to the Gate of Heaven and Space with everyone.

"Boss, it's okay, that's the door to the sky," Gu Tian said at this time

Quite a few people here have been in the Tianwaikongmen before, and they all know the horror inside the Tianwaikongmen, and last time they only went to the Tianwaikongmen with easy difficulty, this time it is actually an intermediate difficulty!The risk factor inside has undoubtedly increased a lot!

"I know everyone's worries, but rewards and dangers coexist. For every danger, there are rewards. If anyone doesn't want to go, they can stay and look at this camp. When I come out from the sky gate, I will fight Xueyun Just follow the city, and you will be safe for the time being when you arrive at Xueyun City."

"I'll go, I'll go where the boss is." At this time, Xuewu was the first to stand up to support Lin Hua
"I'm following too," Ghost Dance said

"How can this kind of thing be less of me, Li Jie?" Li Jie also stood up at this time and said

"I'm going with my brother too"

"I have already decided to follow the boss, how could I not go to the gate of space with the boss?" Brother Yu also stood up and said

"I'll go" "I'll go too" In this way, all the people have expressed their opinions, and they all plan to follow Lin Hua to Tianwai Kongmen

"Okay, since everyone has made their decision, then everyone will prepare for it later, and set off tomorrow to wait for the gate of outer space."

"Okay, okay"

After Lin Hua finished speaking, everyone dispersed and went back to prepare for tomorrow's departure!
Now only Gui Wu, Xue Wu, Li Jie, Xiao Zhan, Liu Yuxin, Nie Quanqi, Gu Tian and others are left in the hall.

Lin Hua saw that the few people left behind were all old people who had followed her team from the beginning.

"Boss, I didn't dare to ask because there were so many people just now, is the Heavenly Space Gate really dangerous this time?" Li Jie asked

"Yes, it is very dangerous, but the rewards are also great. If this time, this space door does not go, it will be a matter of time before it is destroyed."

"Oh, that's what it is"

"Although the Tianwaikongmen is of intermediate difficulty this time, it is not very difficult. As long as we seize this opportunity, many things will be easy to handle in the future." And what we need most now is to improve our strength
Now the strength level in the team is not too strong, most people's level is not very high!

Just relying on the strength of the few of us, it is not enough to fight against the big gangs in Xueyun City.In fact, what Lin Hua said was quite reasonable.After listening to Lin Hua, everyone will go to prepare for tomorrow's departure!

There was a knock on the door, at this time Li Jie came to Lin Hua's room

At first Lin Hua's people thought it was Xuewu, but when they saw that it was Li Jie, they didn't feel a little confused!

"Boss, let me ask some questions," Li Jie said

"Say something"

"Boss, let's set off tomorrow, do you want to spread the news that the monster is going to attack the city?"

"No, spreading the news now will only increase the panic in Xueyun City" and doing so will only speed up their siege!What we need most now is time, because now our strength is not enough to deal with those things.

"Understood Boss" Li Jieda

"Tell everyone, don't spread that matter, and tell them the terrible consequences of spreading that matter."

"I understand so much, Boss." After Li Jie finished speaking, he turned and left.

In the early morning, everyone in the alliance was waiting for Lin Hua's words to prepare to set off.Seeing the crowd ready to go, Lin Hua couldn't help but feel a little pride in his heart. Now there are still people to divide the tasks of each group.

The first group Lin Hua, Xue Wu, Gui Wu, Li Jie, Gu Tian!Responsible for opening the way ahead

The second group, led by Nie Quanqi, led 10 supernatural beings and strong ordinary men to transport supplies
The third group, Brother Yu, led 10 people with supernatural powers to be responsible for the safety of ordinary people in the rear

In the fourth group, Lin Yisang led 15 people with supernatural abilities to be responsible for the safety of the rear
In the fifth group, Xiao Yiyi led 10 female supernatural beings and ordinary women to take care of the food problem

In the sixth group, Xiao Zhan led the remaining supernatural beings to maintain the order and safety of the march.

Arrange for these large troops to start marching one after another.

Lin Hua's 5-member team kept a distance of 2 kilometers from the main force, so that if they encountered danger or problems that could not be dealt with, they could notify the rear troops in time to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Ho Ho Ho, just at this moment, there were a few roars of tigers not far ahead!
The five of Lin Hua and the others began to watch the front vigilantly. When the troops behind saw Lin Hua in front of them, they stopped. When they knew what was going on, they all stopped advancing!
At this moment, a huge tiger came in front of it. This tiger looked very strange. In the traditional concept, tigers are all white or yellow, but the tiger in front of me is all black. Yes, and his body is about 10 meters high and 15 meters long. If it weren't for the word king on the front of his forehead, Lin Hua and the others wouldn't believe that he was a tiger, because no one has ever seen a black one. tiger.

When the tiger approached Lin Hua and the others step by step, Lin Hua and the others drew out their respective weapons!

When the black tiger was about 20 meters away from Lin Hua and the others, it stopped, and then the black tiger looked carefully at Lin Hua.Then started shaking his head again!Then he looked at Lin Hua, and then at the rest of the people.

While the black tiger was looking at Lin Hua, Lin Hua was also looking at this black tiger, because with his current Platinum 4 strength, he couldn't see through this tiger's strength, so he could only say that this tiger's strength level was higher than his own. , may be the strength of platinum level 5, so he can still have the power to fight. If he is already at the level of amethyst, he may be wiped out by the group.At this time, Lin Hua was a little startled. He encountered such a powerful monster just at the beginning of the march.But his face was still as calm as water.

"What is this black tiger looking at? If you want to fight, you can fight. See if you can see dead people?" Li Jie said at this time, uncomfortable being watched

When the black tiger heard Li Jie's words, he turned his head suddenly, and his huge eyes were fixed on Li Jie.

Being stared at by the black tiger like this, Li Jie suddenly felt that he was breaking out in cold sweat!

At this time, I don't know what Lin Hua thought, "Do you need our help?"

"It is said that human beings are smart, and they are really smart." At this time, the black tiger also started to speak
Only Lin Hua had seen the monster speak, and the other four had never seen it. They were all shocked when they heard the black tiger speak. It is really unbelievable that the monster can speak human language!
(End of this chapter)

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