Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 300 Cooperating with Mutant Beasts

Chapter 300 Cooperating with Mutant Beasts
The black tiger looked at the other four people who showed surprised expressions when they heard him speak, but the man in front of him didn't respond at all.His performance also made the black tiger feel a little appreciation for Lin Hua!
At this time, Lin Hua said again, "If you have anything, you can just say it directly. I will try my best to help you if I can, but I also need to get some benefits."

"What benefits do you want?" The black tiger looked at Lin Hua and said
"Then let's see what you need to do. It won't be a trivial matter if you have to ask someone to help you with your current strength."

"You're really smart. There lives a giant iron-clad dragon not far ahead. I can't beat him, but we have a vengeance for murder, so I want to cooperate with you." The black giant tiger said slowly when he heard the black giant tiger Then Lin Hua thought about whether what she said was true!Then I felt relieved, if this giant black tiger really had some conspiracy, he could do it directly, and there was no need to make such a big detour.then asked

"What is your strength now, what is the strength of the iron-clad dragon?"

"I'm now at the Amethyst Tier 1 Iron Armored Dragon who just broke through some time ago, and he is already at the Amethyst Tier 2, but he was seriously injured a while ago and his strength was greatly reduced." Hearing the words of the black giant tiger, all 5 of them were Very surprised, it is amethyst

"How sure do you think our cooperation can kill him now?" Lin Hua asked

"7%" the black giant tiger replied
"Okay, since the success rate is so high, if I succeed, I will avenge you, what benefits will I get?"

"Avenge me, the iron-clad dragon's core belongs to you," said the black giant tiger

"These are not enough, you still have to protect me for a month" Lin Hua said slowly
The black giant tiger thought for a long time after hearing Lin Hua's words, and finally seemed to have made a decision, "Okay, if you can help me avenge me, I will obey your orders for a month."

"By the way, there is one more thing I don't understand. Why did you ask me for help? With your current strength, it should be easy to see that among the few of us, I have the highest ability, platinum 4."

"When I first saw you, I planned to eat you to increase my strength, but you could guess what I was thinking, and you didn't reveal the slightest surprise when I spoke, so I can tell that you are not an ordinary person, Maybe it can really help me get revenge." Lin Hua was really surprised by the answer of the giant black tiger. If it wasn't for his cleverness to talk to the monster you saw just now, he might have died at the mouth of the giant black tiger a long time ago. is it
"What if I avenged you and you go back on your word and eat me?" Lin Hua asked again

And the giant black tiger seemed to have expected that Lin Hua would ask this question, and then said, "I can swear with my own soul."

"it is good"

"I, Heisha, swear with my own soul. If the man in front of me avenges me, and I regret eating it, I will be struck by lightning and die a terrible death. I will suffer in hell forever."

"Happy cooperation." At this time, Lin Hua walked up to the black giant tiger and stretched out his hand

At this time, the giant black tiger stretched out its front paws and shook hands like this.

"Boss, can you trust the words of this black giant tiger?" Li Jie whispered to Lin Hua at this time

"What she said is true, otherwise it can easily kill us with its current strength, she doesn't need to trouble us so much" "Ao understands"

Alright Senior Heisha, what should we do now?At this moment, Lin Hua asked the giant black tiger.

"If you can go now, you can go now"' said the black giant tiger

"Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements"

"I plan to go by myself, the four of you wait for me here, because this time the opponent is too strong, you follow, I can't guarantee everyone's safety, so I plan to go by myself!

"No, I must go with you this time," Xuewu said.

"I want to go too" Ghost Dance also expressed his opinion
Afterwards, Li Jie Gutian also said that they would go together, Lin Hua had no choice but to agree

"Li Jie, go tell them to camp here and wait for two days. If we don't come back in two days, let them go back the same way," Lin Hua ordered.
After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie went to deliver the news after the portrait
About half an hour later, Li Jie came back

"We are ready for Senior Heisha"

"Then let's go, you all come on top of me, this will save time." He lay down along the black giant tiger and let Lin Hua and the others go up.

"Wow, it feels so comfortable, it's much better and faster than riding in a car," Li Jie said

"Senior Heisha, please tell me about the Iron Armored Dragon, and how you plan to kill him" Lin Hua asked at this time

"The iron-clad dragon lives in a cave underground. There are many other types of gold-level dragons and a few platinum-level dragons. You just need to help me get rid of which dragons. It's best to get rid of which dragons as soon as possible. , and then hurry up to help. I am not his opponent myself," said the black giant tiger

"What is the attribute of Iron Armored Dragon, and what are her weaknesses?" Lin Hua continued to ask

"Iron Armored Dragon has very strong attack and destructive power, his defense is not good and he can't attack from a distance"

After about 3 hours, I have come to a huge deep pit.

"Wow, what a huge pit, is this the lair of the iron-clad dragon? Isn't it too big?" Li Jie asked when he saw the huge pit

"Yes, I have come to the iron-clad dragon's lair now. I will put you down later, and then you enter secretly. It is best not to be discovered. I will show up early if I discover it too early."

"See if this works. Let's attract the little dragons first, and then you go to face the iron-clad dragon first, and then we can help out after we get rid of the little dragons."

"That's fine, but as soon as possible"

"Okay, don't worry, you'll be my bodyguard for a month," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the giant black tiger got down and asked Lin Hua and the others to come down!
When Lin Hua and the others came down, the giant black tiger had already disappeared!
"Boss, what should we do? The black giant tiger also said just now that there are many small dragons besides the iron-clad dragon, and the lowest ones are all gold-level and there are many platinum-level ones. What should we do?" Li Jie asked.

"Let's take one step at a time. By the way, Gutian, can you summon some plants now?" Lin Hua asked

"Yes, I can summon some piranhas, ghost trees, and corpse plants now," Lonely reached

that's fine

After speaking, Lin Hua was like walking into an underground cave, guarded by a few gold-ranked blue dragons in front of the cave entrance.Lin Hua and the others hid behind a boulder and stared!This place is beyond the scope of the attack, if you go out, you will be discovered.Lin Hua thought about it
"Gu Tian summoned the ghost tree to lure those blue dragons over." Just as Lin Hua finished speaking, two ghost trees appeared in front of the boulder, and the ghost tree walked slowly like the blue dragons at the entrance of the cave!

(End of this chapter)

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