Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 304 Promotion to Amethyst

Chapter 304 Promotion to Amethyst
"Boss, are you already in the Amethyst class?" Li Jie asked.

"Yeah, it's only the first level of Amethyst now, but I feel that I have already touched the threshold of the second level of Amethyst, and it's just a little bit short," Lin Hua said.

"Congratulations, boss," Gu Tian said at this time.

"That's right, Boss is now a strong Amethyst."

"It shouldn't be dangerous to go to the Heavenly Space Gate this time, because the boss is already so powerful!" Li Jie said.

"Although it's an intermediate level of difficulty, I don't know what kind of monsters will be there," Lin Hua said.

"By the way, boss, what happened to you just now, you had a very serious face just now, and you were very scary, and then the air around you was so cold that it froze the fire out, it was sister Xuewu who lit the fire , almost froze us to death," Li Jie said

"When I broke through Amethyst just now, I realized a particularly domineering skill called Absolute Freezing," Lin Hua said.

"Did you realize another skill when you broke through to Amethyst? It's absolutely frozen. The name should sound very powerful." Xuewu said this time
"That's right, if it wasn't for Sister Xuewu, we would have been almost frozen to death by you, and you did it unintentionally," Gu Tian said

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, everyone, get ready to rest, and go back to join the big army tomorrow." Lin Hua fell asleep after finishing speaking

The sun had just risen the next morning, and Lin Hua and the others ate some food!Then I went back to join the big troops, and arrived at the place where the big troops set up camp around night!Seeing that all five of them came back safely, everyone was very happy.

Xuewu began to divide the ownership of heteronuclei.After about an hour or so, all the different nuclei were separated, and they all returned to their tents!
At this time, Xuewu came to Lin Hua's side and said, I will give platinum to the high-level ones, and gold to the rest of the normal-level supernatural beings. Every ordinary person will get 3 gold coins. With different cores, their physical strength has also increased, and they will all become supernatural beings in the near future.You can see the result of their strength around tomorrow!
"Okay, you did a good job, then prepare to set off tomorrow and see what level everyone will reach tomorrow," Lin Hua said

"By the way, why did you ask that Heisha to guard us for a month? I forgot to ask you one day." Wu asked
"I asked him to guard it because it is dangerous for us to enter the gate of outer space this time. We can let him go with us and let him be a free thug for us. Get it, an Amethyst thug," Lin Hua said.

"Then you are not afraid that she will go crazy and attack us, will she not go crazy if she swears?" Xuewu asked

"He might have done that before I broke through, but now that I have broken through, I believe she is not that stupid. That Heisha is a very smart monster."

"Then do you think he will come back to us?" Xuewu continued to ask

"Unless there are no accidents, the results should come out tomorrow." Lin Hua just smiled after saying this.

When everyone gathered in the early morning of the next day, I saw the happy smiles on everyone's faces at this time, because the different cores allocated yesterday are too important to them, and most of their abilities have been quickly obtained. growth of.Now Lin Hua and the others are mainly divided into three echelons.

In the first echelon, Lin Hua and the others above platinum are the main players.

The second echelon is about gold, and most of them belong to this level now
The third echelon is those ordinary people, but their physical fitness has also been greatly improved.

"Everyone, let's get ready to go now. The goal is the sky gate. Today, everyone speed up and try to reach the destination before night," Lin Hua said.

"Okay!" Everyone shouted in unison.
After talking about these, their 5-member team continued to walk forward!

The road was very smooth, and I didn't encounter any monsters. Maybe I was scared away when I saw such a huge team!
It was around night time that they arrived at the outer edge of the empty gate. Lin Hua and the others did not enter, but ordered them to set up camp at the outer edge, rest here for a day and a night, and enter on time the morning after tomorrow.

The other four members of the team knew why Lin Hua said they had to wait a day and a night.It was waiting for the black giant tiger of Heisha.

"Boss, do you think that Heisha will arrive tomorrow? He won't let us wait in vain?" Li Jie asked at this time

"It's good that Heisha can come, because in this way we have an extra Amethyst's free thug, and the safety factor in Tianwai Kongmen has increased. It's worth waiting if he doesn't come, because everyone's strength has improved so fast these days , has not been fully consolidated, just use these two days to consolidate your own strength," Lin Hua said

"Helping this Heisha this time has really brought us great benefits. Now our team's strength should be able to easily defeat the first gang in Xueyun City." Xuewu said

"It should be about the same. Anyway, I heard that their boss is also at the first level of Amethyst. They don't have many people who are platinum, and we have almost 1 people. There are no fewer than a hundred gold people. Even with our current strength, we still have a place in Baidi City." , but not enough to win the top 10 in Baidi City," Lin Hua analyzed
"Boss, I heard that the strongest human being now seems to be that Ao Wubai. It should be at the third level of Amethyst now." Li Jie said again

"Well, his strength has skyrocketed because she has taken over the emptiness gates that appeared in Baidi City some time ago, so his level is so high, but don't be discouraged now, I will catch up with her soon , the one who took Baidi City, don't worry." Lin Hua's eyes flashed brightly when he said this.

After everyone finished talking, they all went back to sleep!
The next morning, Lin Hua woke up very early, and started to wander around the neighborhood to see if there were any monsters around. She searched for miles around but couldn't find a single monster.

Then Lin Hua went back to the camp to eat some food and brought it with her in the camp!

Houhouhou only heard a tiger roar in the evening, Lin Hua and the others knew that Heisha was coming!Lin Hua, Li Jie, and the others all came to the gate of the camp, only to see Xiao Zhan and the others guarding against some black spirits!

"It's nothing, let's all go away." After Lin Hua finished speaking, everyone dispersed.

"The salary has been promoted." Heisha suddenly said at this time
"Thank you for keeping your promise. Tomorrow we are going to enter the gate of space. Can you go in with us?" Lin Hua said

"Yes, what level is this?" Heisha asked.

"Intermediate Difficulty Gate of Heaven and Space" Lin Hua reached.

"The intermediate difficulty is okay, but there should be some that I can't beat. Let me explain in advance. When it touches your life, I can't help you," Heisha said in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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