Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 305 The Trustworthy Heisha

Chapter 305 The Trustworthy Heisha

"Okay, by the way, do you know if there are so many monsters nearby like the Iron Armored Dragon? What I need now is a large number of different cores to increase the level" Lin Hua asked.

"There will be such a place at that time, but with your current strength, there will be no good results. At least you can only do it when the amethyst is at the third level, because I told you now that I will harm you," Heisha said. .

"Okay, thank you," Lin Hua said.

"You can rest here tonight, I will stay here with you later," Lin Hua continued.

"Boss, I will follow you too," Li Jie also said.

"Then our team of five should sleep outside," Xue Wus said.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others spent the night outside. During this night, Lin Hua asked many questions like Heisha, but this Heisha answered Lin Hua one by one!
At this moment, Lin Hua felt that this Heisha is actually a relatively good monster. He has basically never attacked humans. If he attacked humans, its current level should be better.At least it was higher than the current level, and he knew from Heisha that one of them, the king of their area, was now at the fourth level of Amethyst.However, the area he mentioned made Lin Hua very interested. It turned out that in the eyes of their monsters, the world was divided into 4 areas, but each of these 20 areas had a king and some bosses.In fact, this apocalypse is much bigger than what Lin Hua looks like, and his ten years in the apocalypse are just a drop in the ocean!There are still many things he doesn't understand. If he wants to understand more things in this world, the premise is to improve his own strength.

In this world, only if one's own strength is strong enough can one survive and be qualified to learn more!

Get up the next morning.

"Good morning, senior Heisha, I'm going to enter the gate of space outside the sky later," Lin Hua said to Heisha
"Yeah" Hesha said

"Li Jie is going to inform everyone that they are going to enter the Heavenly Space Gate." Lin Hua said to Li Jie
"Good Boss" Li Jieda

After hearing Lin Hua's order, Li Jie immediately returned to the camp to inform everyone that they were about to enter the Heavenly Space Gate.

After about half an hour, Li Jie came back.

"Senior Heisha, let's go in first." Lin Hua said to Heisha
"By the way, if the heterogeneous core I obtained in it belongs to me, because I also need to improve my own strength," Heisha said

"Okay, what I need you to do is to lend a helping hand when you can"

Lin Hua said again
After speaking, Lin Hua started walking like opening the door of outer space, and Xue Wu and the others followed Lin Hua in, and then Heisha also followed in!In this way, the five members of the team and Heisha entered the interior of the empty gate outside the sky.

As soon as they entered the space gate, they found that they entered a huge canyon, and they were in the middle of the canyon, and there were some orcs in this canyon, and these orcs were like human soldiers, but They belonged to the lowest level, but there were a lot of them, and when these orcs saw Lin Hua and the others entering their territory, two orcs took out their horns and blew towards the sky!

After a while, I saw a large cloud of dust behind the group of orcs, and that large cloud of dust rushed to the orcs very quickly. It turned out that it was not dust, but an orc knight, a higher-level orc warrior.And just in front of them, an orc knight who seemed to be the leader seemed to be staring at Lin Hua and the others.It looked like it was about to attack, but at this moment.

The space behind Lin Hua was distorted again, and humans came out one by one again. It turned out that people from the Tianning League all came in. When Brother Yu and the others came in and saw this situation, they took out their weapons one after another. Walking behind Lin Hua, the two sides are facing each other like this, and the needs of the two sides cannot communicate with each other.

"Senior Heisha, what should we do in this situation?" At this moment, Lin Hua turned his head and asked Heisha
"You came here to increase your strength. This is an army of orcs. It is a good opportunity for you to practice!" Heisha said

"But you can't take it too lightly. This is just the vanguard, and they are all low-level. Most of them are behind," Heisha explained again.
"Get ready to fight, Brother Yu, you will be in charge of this battle." Lin Hua shouted because Lin Hua found that Brother Yu was very organized, and he was absolutely loyal to Lin Hua. At this moment, Brother Yu's strength was already Platinum Level 2 strength.

"Boss, can I do this? I have never commanded such a battle before." Brother Yu said hesitantly
"I believe you can do it. Later, I will leave it all to you. The few of us will follow Senior Heisha to clean up the orcs in the rear, and then inquire about some orcs. The level of orcs here is not very high, and there is no What a powerful character, only the orc knight leader in front, you can handle it, come on.”

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he turned to Heisha. At this time, Heisha bent down and let Lin Hua and the five of them go up.Then he rushed towards the orc on the opposite side, and the low-level orc warrior on the opposite side couldn't stop Heisha at all, so he rushed over quickly and disappeared from everyone's sight?

The rest of the people watched Lin Hua's departure very puzzled, because only a few people, Xiao Zhan, Nie Quanqi, Lin Yisang and the others heard Lin Hua's words.

At this time, Brother Yu shouted loudly, "The boss has already explained before he left. I am in charge of everything here. Now everyone is ready to fight. The melee supernatural powers follow me to kill the enemy. Nie Quanqi commands the long-range supernatural powers to attack with long-range firepower." , Ordinary people use bows and arrows and guns to attack and fire support." After listening to Brother Yu, since Lin Hua arranged it like this, there is a reason for him to arrange it this way, and then they followed Brother Yu's arrangement.

And Heisha rushed past the group of orc warriors just now, and had already created chaos for the orcs.It happened to give Brother Yu and the others time to arrange these things. Although the time seemed very rushed, due to everyone's absolute obedience and trust in Lin Hua, everyone was ready soon!

Brother Yu saw that everyone was ready to fight!

"Attack" after Brother Yu finished speaking, he rushed forward with his big knife like an orc knight, and other melee powers followed Brother Yu and rushed forward.

Everyone was very excited at this time, because this was the first time fighting like an army, which gave people a feeling of enthusiasm.

And just as Brother Yu and the others rushed forward, the leader of the orc knight saw that the enemy was rushing over, and there was a low growl, and then the orc warrior and the orc knight rushed forward like Brother Yu and the others, just like that A big battle started, and the result can be imagined. Although Brother Yu and the others are few, and the number of orcs is more than three times the number of humans, but the supernatural beings on Brother Yu's side are at least gold-level, and Brother Yu, Xiao Zhan and the others are already platinum!

(End of this chapter)

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