Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 307 Amethyst Orc

Chapter 307 Amethyst Orc
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. It's not a big problem to kill the Amethyst in front," Lin Hua comforted Xuewu.

At this time, the Amethyst orc began to say, "You are also at the Amethyst level. Aren't human beings very weak? If you don't want to, there will be strong ones." This Amethyst orc seemed to look down on humans.

"Do you know that the reason you died is because your few words will be lost later?" Lin Hua said to the amethyst orc.

"I'm afraid you don't have that strength," the Amethyst orc continued.

While the Amethyst orc was talking, a platinum orc warrior behind him groaned a few times at the Amethyst orc, as if the Amethyst orc was asking something, and the Amethyst orc also groaned a few times. Roar, then the orc warrior stopped talking.

The current scene is very embarrassing, two sides are facing each other, one side is Lin Hua's 5 people, and the other side is an army, and there is still an army with an amethyst monster sitting in the town.The amethyst orc looked at Lin Hua and the five of them for no reason, but when they faced an army of their own, they didn't show any timidity, but rather excited, which made him a little puzzled!

"Boss, let's do it. If it doesn't work, we'll withdraw. It's best to get rid of this amethyst monster," Li Jie said.

"Don't worry, the orc warrior should have told the Amethyst orc to call for someone, but the orc warrior didn't respond when he heard the Amethyst orc growl a few times, so he probably didn't call for someone, so our time is very short now. enough," Lin Hua said to Li Jie
"Are you done? I'm going to eat you when you're done," the Amethyst orc said to Lin Hua.
"A beast is a beast." After speaking, Lin Hua took out the dragon-slaying knife from behind, and was about to do it

As if Lin Hua's words had stimulated the orc just now, the amethyst orc let out a few growls, and then the orcs behind him began to rush towards Lin Hua and the others!

"Popular fire rain" Xue Wu shouted, only to see a large piece of flames in the sky falling on the orcs rushing towards them like rain, and the ground suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the burned orcs on the ground were crazily Roll, some low-level orcs were directly burned to death by these flames!Some higher-level orc mages avoided the fire rain, and those orc mages who were not injured saw the raging fires. The water attribute orc mages activated their skills and started to put out the fire, thinking that this would save the orcs.

When the amethyst orc saw the scene at this moment, he was also very angry, waving the big knife in his hand like Lin Hua and the other five rushed towards him.

Seeing the Amethyst orcs rushing over, Lin Hua immediately activated the advanced skill of the Frozen Armor, the skill of Mysterious Ice Bodyguard, and then waved the dragon-slaying knife to rush over like the Amethyst orcs!

"Corrosive Acid Rain" Ghost Dance also activated her skill at this time. The remaining four members of their team are no strangers to this skill, because the last time they were in the Dragon Cave, they used this skill to kill so many dragons in a short time. .

Soon the black liquid of the grand prize landed on the orcs who were burned just now, and then there was black smoke and some pungent smells. Some orcs were not injured just now under the skill of Xuewu Meteor Fire Rain, but in the ghost dance Under the attack of this wave of corrosive acid rain, basically less than a hundred orcs survived. At this time, Li Jie saw that the time had come, and waved her claws as if those were not there yet, and the orcs rushed over!

And this time after releasing the acid rain, the ghost dance was not the same as last time, because of the large consumption of powers, it appeared in a coma state, but continued to use various skills to kill those orcs who hadn't died yet.And Xuewu also released skills to attack those undead orcs.

And Gutian's strength has also increased greatly since she evolved the seed ability after reaching Platinum. She summoned dozens of piranhas, corpse plants, ghost trees, and some unnamed plants to fight the orcs. .

On the other hand, Lin Hua has already fought with that Amethyst orc. The Amethyst orc is very powerful. Lin Hua's strength is obviously weaker than that of the Amethyst orc. It is obvious that the Amethyst orc is so big. Big, if it's not as powerful as Lin Hua's, wouldn't Bai have grown so big?

Although the Amethyst Beastman is very powerful, her reaction ability is very slow. Lin Hua relied on her own agility to confront the Amethyst Monster. Now the two are evenly matched, but Lin Hua and any Amethyst Beastman are equally matched. He suffered some injuries, but compared to the injuries of the Amethyst orcs, Lin Hua's injuries were lighter.However, at this moment, the situation of the battle suddenly changed drastically.

"Third brother, who dares to hurt my third brother?" Suddenly a thunderous voice sounded again
Lin Hua and the Amethyst orcs stopped attacking each other, and forgot about the cave that made the sound.

"You can't run away, my second brother is here" at this time the amethyst orc said

"That's not necessarily Austrian," Lin Hua joked
"Now it's this time, and you're still talking hard, said the Amethyst orc.

"You'll know when the time comes, don't be too happy," Lin Hua said again

At this moment, an orc who was about the same size as the amethyst orc came out of the cave, but this orc didn't have any weapons in his hands, but her huge hands were obviously out of proportion to her body, so those hands should be hers weapons!However, there are more than 100 platinum orc warriors coming out after this amethyst orc!
When these orcs appeared, especially when the second brother of the amethyst orc appeared, Li Jie also stopped his progress and retreated to Dao Guiwu and the others, because Lin Hua had ordered Li Jie not to let him go. The orcs approached Ghost Wu Xue Wu and them, and Gu Tian also ordered the plants he summoned to retreat and do a good job of defense for the four people.But now Lin Hua and the other five still didn't show any signs of fear, they were just a little more cautious than before.

And the second brother of the Amethyst orc who just came out, looked at the corpses of the orcs on the ground, and then at the injured Amethyst orc, suddenly let out a thunderous roar again, and stared at him with his fierce eyes. Looking at Lin Hua, it was as if she wanted to tear Lin Hua up and eat something. Lin Hua could understand the orc's anger towards her, because they had killed so many orcs, and even injured her third brother!
"Why are you so angry, do you want to eat me now to relieve your hatred! Hahaha" Lin Hua stimulated the amethyst orc who just came out again at this time!

The amethyst orc who just came out heard Lin Hua's words, but you said that he was completely angry, and rushed towards Lin Hua madly without a trace of reason.

(End of this chapter)

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