Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 308 Fighting the Amethyst Orcs Alone

Chapter 308 Fighting the Amethyst Orcs Alone
However, at this moment, Heisha, who was waiting for an opportunity behind Lin Hua, quickly rushed towards the crazy Amethyst orc!
There was a loud bang, and then the angry Amethyst orc was knocked out a distance of more than 10 meters and fell to the ground. There were two terrible wounds on her body, and a lot of blood kept coming out. The Amethyst orc on the ground kept roaring, as if he was unwilling to get hurt so easily!

At this time, Heisha turned to Lin Hua and the others and said, "Leave this amethyst orc to me." After speaking, he attacked the amethyst orc lying on the ground again.

Where did Li Jie see that the Amethyst orcs who had just come out were injured, so he rushed towards the group of orcs who had just come out, and Gu Tian also began to control the plants he summoned and rushed forward. Ghost Dance here is also constantly releasing skills to kill those monsters.

Seeing that her second brother was injured, the Amethyst orc also went crazy, because if it was not because of her injury just now, her second brother would not lose his mind, nor would he be successfully attacked so easily. It was all because of himself, so the amethyst orc started to slash like Lin Hua with a big knife frantically, but Lin Hua was not in a hurry to attack the amethyst orc, but just avoided her attacks back and forth.

Lin Hua is very happy to see such an amethyst orc, because the more he attacks herself crazily, the more openings she will have. This will make it easier for her to be injured and kill her easily!As time passed, the Amethyst orc moved more and more slowly, because during this time, Lin Hua had created no less than ten huge wounds on his body!
And Heisha's battle was over, because her sneak attack just now had caused fatal injuries to the amethyst orc, so Heisha successfully killed the amethyst orc without taking any damage.Now Heisha is helping Li Jie to kill those orc warriors.

At this moment, the amethyst orc that Lin Hua was fighting looked in the direction of his second brother, who was already dead. At this moment, Lin Hua seized the gap and fired 5 ice blades at the orc's neck, When the Amethyst orc came to his senses, he waved his big knife to block the 4 ice blades, but he was still too slow. He couldn't resist the front blade, and a lot of blood flowed from her neck.

With a bang, the amethyst orc fell to the ground.

Lin Hua quickly went over to take out her different core, put away her big knife, and quickly helped Li Jie and the others fight. With the help of Lin Hua and Heisha, according to the orc warriors who came out with the Amethyst orc was resolved.

Lin Hua looked at them, only Li Jie and herself were injured, while Xuewu and Heisha were not injured.

"Hurry up and clean up the heterogeneous core above the gold, and then we retreat, the third-tier amethyst orc should come out soon." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she ran to another amethyst orc to take out the heterogeneous core.Then continue to collect different cores above gold, Xuewu and the others also started to collect different cores.

And Heisha knew that Lin Hua and the others were only collecting gold heterocores, so he went directly to eat the heads of silver-level orcs to collect the cores. Lin Hua saw that Heisha also needed heterogeneous cores to increase his strength, and he was a little bit dissatisfied with what he said just now. Sorry, I just told you to collect more than gold, but what Heisha eats is silver.Give him an amethyst and some platinum later. After all, without him this time it wouldn't be so smooth, Lin Hua thought
After about 20 or so, a thunderous voice came from the cave again, "Who killed my second and third brothers?"

Lin Hua knew that this third-tier amethyst orc was about to come out, and now that he and others had suffered some injuries, it was impossible for Heisha himself to be the opponent of that third-tier amethyst orc.

"Hurry up, everyone, that orc has come out," Lin Hua said

Then five people quickly got on Heisha's body and ran like a camp.

About 3 minutes after Lin Hua and the others left, an orc about the same size as the two Amethyst orcs came out of the cave. When the Amethyst orc saw the corpses on the ground, and his two When the brother's body was found, he roared like a beast, "Who killed my brother, I will eat you!"

Lin Hua and the others who had gone away vaguely heard this voice.

"It seems that the remaining Amethyst orc is really powerful, and her voice can be heard from such a distance," Li Jie said.

"It is true that the remaining Amethyst orcs are very powerful. The two Amethyst orcs that were killed just now are not at the same level as him at all," Heisha said.

"That can't be helped. You can only do this in order to become stronger. You can't be afraid when you meet a strong person. No matter how difficult it is, you can overcome it. If you want to become a strong person, you must first have a fearless strength." Only in this way can we have the courage to face more powerful enemies.”

The rest of the people felt right when they heard Lin Hua's words. If they didn't even have the courage to face someone stronger than themselves, how could they even talk about wanting to grow and become stronger? That would be nonsense!

At this time, Li Jie is cleaning up the different cores that he harvested just now. There is still a part of the collection that we left before we left. Now we have collected 2 amethyst different cores, 92 platinum different cores, 125 gold cores, and no silver ones. collect.

Li Jie reported the results to Lin Hua.

Senior Heisha gave you an amethyst core and 12 platinum cores. If it wasn't for you just now, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly.After speaking, Lin Hua took out 1 amethyst heterocore and 12 platinum heteronuclei and handed them to Heisha.

And the other 4 people didn't have any opinion on the different core given to Heisha, because if there was no Heisha, another amethyst orc who came would wipe them all out.Thinking of this, they still have some gratitude towards Heisha!

And Heisha also stopped running at this time, reached out and took the amethyst heterocore, but did not accept the remaining 12 platinum nuclei.Then he said, "I want this amethyst, which is enough to reach the second level of amethyst. You need different cores more than me. You can save the 2 for leveling up." After finishing speaking, he continued to run up.

And everyone who heard Heisha's words couldn't help feeling a little moved. When they collected the different cores just now, they saw Heisha go to collect those silver different cores, but now they actually gave up the 12 platinum different cores. , it seems that Heisha has already regarded them as teammates in his heart.

Then Lin Hua continued to divide the different cores, Xuewu 20 platinum hetero-cores 25 gold hetero-cores, Ghost Dance 20 platinum hetero-cores 25 gold hetero-cores, Li Jie 20 platinum hetero-cores 25 gold hetero-cores, Gutian 20 Platinum variant cores and 25 gold variant cores, and myself 12 platinum variant cores, 25 gold variant cores and an amethyst variant core. Hey, everyone, see if you have any comments on my points!
(End of this chapter)

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