Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 309 Heisha joins

Chapter 309 Heisha joins
"No opinion" because everyone knows that this kind of distribution is not unfair to everyone, but it is somewhat unfair to Lin Hua, because Lin Hua killed the Amethyst orc himself, and was injured. It is correct that the core belongs to it. However, he allocated so few platinum cores to himself just to give others a few more. They admire Lin Hua as the boss, because when something happens, Lin Hua is the first to go. When it comes time to divide things, they will not give themselves the most.

Then Lin Hua took out the amethyst orc sword from his back and handed it to Li Jie, "This sword is about the same level as my dragon-slaying sword, and it's still very sharp. You can keep it for use."

"Then thank you Boss, I know Boss is thinking of me." Li Jie took the knife happily and said happily.

"By the way, if you have nothing to do now, let's take advantage of this time to hit the level. There is no problem with senior Heisha's safety now."

When Heisha heard Lin Hua's words, he couldn't help showing a sincere smile on his face. It seemed that the group of humans on his body really regarded him as a friend and a partner.

"Don't worry about leveling up, just leave it to me," Heisha said

And when they heard Heisha's words, although Li Jie and the others had a good impression of this Heisha and were grateful, they didn't dare to let go of all their defenses like this. If this Heisha suddenly attacked them when they were leveling up, they would will die here.They were really worried, so they all looked at Lin Hua inquiringly.

Lin Hua also knew what they were thinking about, so she nodded and took out the alien core from the backpack and put it in her mouth.

Seeing Lin Hua's nod, Li Jie and the four of them dismissed all concerns, and took out the different cores they had just allocated, and put them in their mouths to hit the level.

Heisha felt that everyone on his body was not talking, but was attacking, so he began to slow down his progress, because he was afraid of affecting the leveling of everyone on him!
And everyone who is hitting the level on their bodies is also working hard to hit the level.

About half an hour later, Xuewu and Guiwu woke up one after another. They had already reached the first level of Amethyst, but the difference between them and Lin Hua was that when Lin Hua reached the first level of Amethyst, They got a new skill, but they didn't realize any skills, which made them very unwilling, but it was fair for them to think about it, how many times did Lin Hua hit the level in life and death, and the two of them and Lin Hua Compared with the flowers in the greenhouse, under the big umbrella of Lin Hua, they will not suffer much harm at all, and Lin Hua will bear any difficult problems and dangers.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Hua and Gu Tian also woke up one after another!Now Lin Hua has already succeeded in the impact, and is now at the 2nd level of Amethyst, and Gu Tian has reached the 4th level of Platinum, but Li Jie has not yet woken up.

Everyone looked at Li Jie worriedly!

At this time, Lin Hua said, "Crowd is too worried about Li Jie, he may be attacking Amethyst, and it may take a little longer."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xuewu Guiwu let go of their worries!Start discussing the feeling of this shock!
"Congratulations, you guys, one has rushed to the second level of Amethyst, and the two have rushed to the first level of Amethyst." Heisha blessed
"Yeah, it's really good. This time the strength of the team has been greatly improved," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, have you gained a new skill this time?" Ghost Dance asked

"That's right, boss, Gui Wu and I rushed to the first level of Amethyst just now, but neither of us realized any new skills, which made us both very depressed." Xue Wu said a little angrily
"You think skills are so easy to obtain, isn't it as simple as killing a monster to get a different core? Skills require non-stop fighting and the perception during the battle, and then you realize it when you hit the impact." Lin Hua explained
"It turned out to be like this, now I understand." Xue Wu rose up and said with a small mouth, as if he was still a little dissatisfied

At this time, Lin Hua pinched Xuewu's face lightly, Xuewu was so happy that Lin Hua's pinch on Xuewu's face made Xuewu happy, and she no longer complained about the fact that Amethyst did not get the skill when she leveled up just now. Depressed, but full of joy, because Lin Hua pinched it on the face, which proved that Lin Hua still liked her in her heart, and she had liked Lin Hua for 10 years, and finally waited for this It's been a day, how can you be unhappy!
When Lin Hua saw Xuewu's change, he didn't know if what he did just now was correct, because he understood Xuewu's feelings for him. This little girl always showed a cold side in front of others. Only when facing Lin Hua will she show her side of a little woman, but she has someone in her heart, so this is too unfair to Xue Wu.Thinking about these things, Lin Hua didn't know what to do now.

"What is this for? Are you abusing single dogs? Didn't you see anyone else?" At this time, Ghost Dance, who usually seldom talks, raised her head and began to tease Lin Hua and Xuewu.

"Yeah, yeah, didn't you see that Sister Guiwu and I are both single, and let people live?" Gu Tian also came to the scene at this time!

"If you don't want to live, I'll throw you down." Lin Hua made a movement to get up after saying that

"No boss, I'm wrong, can't I, I won't tease you anymore" Gu Tian said with a begging expression at this time

At this time, Xuewu also had an embarrassing expression on his face.
However, at this moment Li Jie had a painful expression on his face, and he also said some inaudible words!Several people walked up to Li Jie and looked at Li Jie at this moment!
How is Li Jie, why is he in such pain now?
At this moment, everyone was sweating for Li Jie, because Li Jie seemed to be struggling in pain, but Lin Hua and the others could do nothing but wait!

About 20 minutes later, Li Jie woke up. Looking at Li Jie who was sweating profusely, Lin Hua didn't know what to say!

"What happened to you just now, Li Jie, why did you have such a scary expression just now, and you still struggled a little bit?" Gu Tian asked worriedly.

"I felt very comfortable when I first hit Platinum 5, but later, a large group of monsters rushed towards me, and I had no choice but to fight them, so I fought from day to night, and then from night to day, without knowing it After feeling it for a long time, I found that I can fight for days and nights without any problems. At this moment, a very powerful monster appeared. I didn’t know her level, so I fought him, and I wanted to beat him. I can come back, but I found that I couldn’t beat him no matter what. At this moment, I suddenly realized a skill called Yuezhan Yueyong. It was the kind of desperate way to improve my attack power, and finally defeated him, and then I I just woke up." Li Jie talked about the situation he encountered when he leveled up just now.

(End of this chapter)

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