Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 310 Li Jie's Awakening

Chapter 310 Li Jie's Awakening

"It may be that the screen appeared after comprehending the skills, so there should be nothing wrong," Heisha said at this time.

"Then how do you feel now?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"I feel very good now. I have already upgraded to Platinum 5 and awakened. I feel that my strength has been greatly improved. It should be several times what it was before," Li Jie said.

"How many times has the strength increased? Lin Hua was surprised.

"Yes boss," Li Jie continued.

Lin Hua has seen Li Jie's power before, and now her power has increased several times again, isn't it similar to her own power at the second level of Amethyst? The power of the combat system is really terrifying!

"Boss, what level are you all at now?"

Lin Hua told Li Jie their current levels

Li Jie was very depressed when he heard it, and said, "I thought I could catch up with Ghost Dance this time, but I was pulled down by him again."

Looking at Li Jie at this time is very cute like an angry child, and Li Jie's facial expression made the rest of the people laugh!

In this way, all 5 members of the team have broken through

Lin Hua Amethyst Level 2 has awakened

Xuewu Amethyst Level 1 has awakened

Ghost Dance Amethyst Level 1 has awakened

Li Jie Platinum Level 5 has awakened

Lonely Platinum Tier 4 Unawakened
Heisha Amethyst Tier 1

Lin Hua looked at her lineup and thought that she should be able to deal with that amethyst beast!

It took about 3 hours to return to the camp.

When Lin Hua and the others returned to the camp, seeing everyone in the alliance doing their jobs in an orderly manner, Lin Hua once again recognized Brother Yu's ability in his heart!
"Boss, you're back." At this moment, Brother Yu saw Lin Hua and the others coming back, and immediately walked towards Lin Hua and the others.

"Well, there weren't too many casualties in the morning's battle, right?" Lin Hua asked.

"Yes, fortunately, we won the battle in the morning and we didn't suffer any casualties, but a few people suffered some minor injuries," Yu Ge replied.

Hearing this answer, Lin Hua had expected it a long time ago, and did not show any surprise.

"Boss, this is the heterocore that was fought in the morning. There are 385 bronze heterocores, 38 silver heterocores and 3 gold heterocores." Brother Yu handed the heterocores to Lin Hua as he spoke. Lin Hua didn't answer and continued." Let’s distribute these different cores to the people below, let them improve their strength, and call everyone to gather at the gate of the camp after 6 o’clock tonight. I have something to announce.”

"Okay boss, by the way, I made a large tent next to your tent that he can live in." He pointed to the largest tent near the gate of the camp
"Very good." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked towards her own tent.

Li Jie and Gutian Linhua are in the same tent, and next door is Heisha's tent
After dinner in the evening, around 6 o’clock, I walked towards the gate of the camp. At this time, everyone at the gate of the camp was already waiting for Lin Hua’s arrival.

"This time we came to the Heavenly Space Gate to improve our strength. After this time, we will go to defeat Xueyun City and control the number one gang in Xueyun City, but the premise is that we must have this strength, and Our alliance will become bigger and bigger in the future, and it must be managed. As the saying goes, there is no rule, and now I announce that my team members Gui Wu, Li Jie Xuewu, Gu Tian and me, and then Brother Yu will manage the first pair of melee The ability users, Lin Yisang is in charge of the melee ability users of the second team, Nie Quanqi is in charge of the long-range attack ability users, Xiao Zhan is in charge of supplies, Lin Yiyi and Jiang Yuxin are in charge of food issues, do you have any questions? Proposed"

Everyone who heard Lin Hua's words shouted that there was no problem, and then Lin Hua continued, "Since everyone has joined the Tianning League, they are all members of the Tianning League, and they must treat the Tianning League as a writer. Don't blame me for being cruel if you play for selfish purposes." Lin Hua's words were obviously trying to scare these people down, don't mess around and cause trouble.

"One more thing is to march tomorrow morning to attack a territory of orcs. Their leader is a powerhouse of the third level of Amethyst, and many of her subordinates are platinum and gold powerhouses. In this post-apocalyptic era, danger and The harvest is directly proportional, do you have confidence?" Lin Hua continued

When they heard that the Amethyst orcs who were about to attack Tier 3 Amethyst, everyone was shocked, but they had absolute trust in Lin Hua. Lin Hua said that if they could fight, they could fight, and they all replied loudly to Lin Hua "Yes, yes, yes"

Seeing everyone hesitate to answer just now, Lin Hua could also understand that it wasn't that they didn't trust Lin Hua enough, but they were a little worried. That wasn't an ordinary monster, it was an Amethyst orc of Tier [-] Amethyst. Everyone has answered their own trust.

"There is also a good news for everyone. I am now at the second level of Amethyst, and not only me, Amethyst, Xuewu and Guiwu, but also who is the senior Heisha, so we will win tomorrow's battle "Lin Hua finished speaking and pointed to Heisha's tent.

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she explained that everyone was preparing for tomorrow's battle today!Then they came to Heisha's tent!Prepare to discuss tomorrow's battle

"Senior Heisha, have you already broken through?" Lin Hua asked in surprise
"Yes, I broke through just now after eating the different core of that amethyst orc," Heisha said.

"Congratulations, Senior Heisha," Li Jie said at this time

"What's the matter, you didn't come to see me just to congratulate me" Heisha said

"I came here to ask senior what we should do about tomorrow's fight." Lin Hua continued to ask

"There are two results, one is that the Amethyst orc brought her orc troops to fight over, and the other is that we fight over, and the combat power of your current troops is not enough to deal with those orc troops, and it is impossible to fight them Head-on confrontation, because you have seen their levels today, and I am sure that most of the orc troops in the cave are at least gold-level, and there should be a lot of platinum-level ones. Your troops can only fight against them. It’s just looking for death, so I suggest that we go to deal with most of their main force first, and they clean up the lower-level troops in the rear.”

"Then implement the plan according to the predecessors. We will set off early tomorrow morning. Their march in the rear should be about 4 hours slower than ours. Most of the enemy's main force has been cleared by us, and they will fight well."

Lin Hua said.

After talking about these Lin Huas, they returned to their tents!Li Jie went to inform Ghost Dance and Brother Yu
The next day, Lin Hua and the others got up early, and prepared to leave after eating food.

It's just that I didn't expect that after walking for more than an hour, I saw a large piece of dust suddenly rising in front of me!
"I feel that the amethyst orc is really in front. This should be the orc's army. Their level is higher than yesterday's," Heisha said.

(End of this chapter)

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