Chapter 311 Two Hit One

"Boss, what should we do now?" Li Jie asked.

"Wait, wait for them to come over and confront them," Lin Hua replied.

"Okay boss, do you want to notify the troops behind?" Gu Tian asked at this time.

"Time is running out, they have already set off, and they should arrive here in about an hour," Lin Hua said.

"Gutian, you successfully advanced yesterday, so your abilities should have improved a lot now, right?" Lin Hua asked Gutian.

"Yes, boss, I can summon more than 150 of your plants to fight at the same time now," Lonely replied...

"You start summoning now, do a good job of defense, Li Jie organizes the monsters to get close to Ghost Wu and Xuewu, and gives him two delays to release his skills.

And Senior Heisha and I dealt with the Amethyst orcs.

Lin Hua, who had ordered Ghost Dance and the others to do so, was still not at ease, because this time they were going to face the third-tier Amethyst orcs and a large army.In addition to nervousness, there is also some excitement.

It took another 20 minutes or so before I could see the lineup of the orc army. The amethyst orc was at the front, that is, the boss. Behind him was the orc mage, orc warrior, and the orc knight. The last one was the most common There are more orc warriors, but this time there are about 200 platinum monsters, more than 500 gold monsters, and there are about 2 orc warriors left. What a huge army this is.

When the Amethyst orcs at the front saw Lin Hua and the others and a tiger, they let out a roar, and then the orcs behind him stopped moving forward.

The two sides were facing each other like this for a long time.

The Amethyst orc on the opposite side said, "My second and third brothers were killed by you, I can smell your scent."

"Yes, so what if we killed the two orcs?" Lin Hua replied

"Then I will use your lives to pay for my brother's life." After saying that, the orc began to stare at Lin Hua with his murderous eyes.
"I'm afraid you don't have the ability to kill me." Now Lin Hua doesn't care much about this amethyst orc.
"Hehe, two Amethyst level 2 and two Amethyst level [-] people dare to say such big words. I will tear up your disciples and eat them later to vent my hatred." The Amethyst orc said viciously. said

"Then what are the ink stains? Just hit it." At this time, Li Jie couldn't listen anymore.
Houhou roared twice, and then the monsters started rushing like Lin Hua and the others crazily!
Meteor fire
Corrosive acid rain
At this time, Lin Hua, Gui Wu, and Xue Wu began to use large-scale attack skills, only to see that the monsters rushing to the front fell down in large numbers, and all the skills attacked by the orc mages on the opposite side were all defeated. The plant monster summoned by Gutian blocked it!

It was only a few minutes of fighting, and half of the orcs had already suffered casualties. The amethyst orc had no choice but to go on like this. It wouldn't take long for his orc troops to be wiped out.

At this time, the Amethyst orc moved. It was also a warrior like the second Amethyst orc, and he also used its huge fist.And Lin Hua kept staring at the amethyst orc after releasing the raindrops into arrows, and so did Heisha.When Lin Hua saw the Amethyst orcs attacking, Heisha moved as well!
With a sound from Peng, Heisha and the Amethyst orc collided for the first time. In the first round, Heisha was injured. After seeing the powerful attack power of the Amethyst orc, Lin Hua immediately launched his own attack. The mysterious ice body guard defended, and Lin Hua confronted the amethyst monster like this by relying on her quick reaction ability!From time to time, Heisha would also come over and attack the Amethyst orcs once in a while, just like this, the two fought one and maintained a tie for the time being!On the other hand, the large-scale skills of Xuewu and Guiwu are too expensive, so they can only release some small-scale skills to attack the rushing orcs. Gu Tian is controlling the plants he summons to defend, and Li As for Jie, he turned on the skill he awakened yesterday to fight more and more courageously to kill the enemy. Now Li Jie can be said to be particularly crazy.

Everywhere he went, there were many corpses left behind.At this moment, the troops from the rear finally arrived.
When Brother Yu saw the battlefield in front of him, he was a little shocked, but he realized it after a while.

"Where are the melee superpowers and I like Li Jie to support, Li Jie, the long-range supernatural powers and ordinary people's long-range attack fire support?" After saying this, Brother Yu rushed forward in the direction of Li Jie with those melee supernatural powers go.

With Brother Yu and the troops behind them joining, the situation on the battlefield changed very quickly!Because Lin Hua's large-scale attack just now has injured many orcs.

So for Brother Yu and the others with low levels of abilities, the pressure is not too great.

On the other hand, seeing the addition of the human army, the Amethyst orcs felt a little angry and wanted to get rid of the human and the black tiger as soon as possible.

Lin Hua found out that the Amethyst orc was already angry and anxious, so he and Heisha continued to fight with him, and he was not in a hurry to fight him head on, because the current situation on the battlefield is that his side has an absolute advantage. Don't worry, take your time, and the more anxious the Amethyst orcs are, the more impulsive they will be, and the easier it will be to show their flaws, so it will be easier to be killed!

At this moment, I saw that Li Jie kept killing the orc warriors. Every time this human walked by, a piece of orc warrior would fall down. The eyes of this amethyst orc began to turn red, and he became crazy, so he died with his two As expected, although the Amethyst orcs are of the Amethyst level, the instinct of the beast has not changed, and they are still prone to anger and impulsiveness. At this time, there is an opportunity. After Heisha collided with the Amethyst orcs again, Lin Hua's dragon slaying knife had already arrived, and the neck of the Amethyst orc was chopped off. When the knife went down, the head of the Amethyst orc fell off, and then the huge body fell off unwillingly. , with a bang.In this way, the Amethyst orc was killed, and those orc warriors saw that the Amethyst orc was dead?
Morale was already very low after being beaten, and the amethyst orcs on his side were all dead, and morale dropped again. Some orcs started to run away, and soon many orc warriors turned around and ran back!

At this moment, Li Jie and Brother Yu planned to chase the escaped orcs.Lin Hua called her back.

"Stop chasing, hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and deal with the wounded," Lin Hua said, then Lin Hua smashed the head of the Amethyst orc with the dragon-slaying knife, and took out the alien core!

And the rest of the people also started to clean up the battlefield and collect the different cores.

After clearing the battle field, Brother Yu began to organize and set up camps, while Lin Hua, Heisha, and Li Jie were the most injured, and what they needed was rest.

(End of this chapter)

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