Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 312 Heterocore allocation problem

Chapter 312 Heterocore allocation problem
In the evening, Brother Yu came to Lin Hua with the alien cores obtained on the battlefield today.

"Boss, today's battle has yielded quite a lot. There are 128 platinum variant cores, 265 gold variant cores, 392 silver variant cores, and 7680 bronze variant cores," said Brother Yu.

"75 platinum variant cores, 100 gold variant cores are left, and you can distribute the rest to everyone! The rest will be distributed according to work," Lin Hua said.

Brother Yu found 75 platinum heteronuclei on the spot and 100 gold heteronuclei!Then put it on the bed.Then Brother Yu walked out.

Then Lin Hua gave Li Jie 15 platinum heterocores and 20 platinum heteronuclei respectively.Then give Gutian the same 15 platinum heterocores and 20 gold heteronuclei.

Lin Hua went to Xuewu's tent and gave Xuewu and Guiwu 15 platinum different cores and 20 gold different cores.

Finally, Lin Hua and the others came to Heisha's tent.

Lin Hua handed over the third-order amethyst heterocore that was in the daytime, and said, "Senior Heisha, you have contributed the most in the daytime, so you can take this heteronucleus."

Heisha didn't say much, and directly accepted the amethyst heterocore.

"Thank you," Heisha said

"Senior, you are welcome. Without you, it would not be possible to kill that amethyst orc today, and you have suffered such a serious injury. This is what you deserve."

Lin Hua then replied
Lin Hua didn't plan to stay here any longer after talking about it, and then returned to her tent.

"Boss, Boss, just now you gave Heisha the third-level heterogeneous core of the amethyst, don't you feel distressed?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua to look at the heterogeneous core he had left.

"I don't feel distressed at all, because if it was Heisha today, we would all be wiped out, and we wouldn't get so many different cores at all, do you understand?" Lin Hua said

"Yeah, what the boss said is right, if there is no Heisha today, we might really explain where it is." At this time Gutian also began to say

"Boss, I found a problem. Now I feel that most of the people in our team rely on the different cores created by a few of us to grow their abilities. If it goes on for a long time, it may lead to some conflicts." Li Jie said

"I agree with Li Jie's statement," Gu Tian said

Li Jie went to call Guiwu and Xuewu over, let's discuss it together, Lin Hua said

Soon after Li Jie left, Xuewu and Gui Wu followed Li Jie to the tent.

Then five people began to discuss the distribution of heteronuclei.

"Boss, I feel that your previous method of distributing different cores is not good enough. In the past, there were only a few of us in the team, so the distribution was okay, but now that the team has more and more people, there will really be some problems if the distribution is done like before. "Xuewu said

"I still suggest that everyone distribute different cores according to labor, which is fair and will not cause other problems," Ghost Dance said

"I don't think others should be afraid of getting hurt and let them go out to fight, so that they will become dependent, everything depends on us, and we don't work hard," Gu Tian said

"Just like here, divide into groups and let them go out to find heteronuclei on their own, this will also give them a chance to exercise!" Xuewu said

"That's fine, Li Jie will call Brother Yu, Xiao Zhan, Lin Yisang, and Nie Quanqi." Lin Hua said

Li Jie went out of the tent and called all three of them over. "The main reason I called you here today is to discuss with you how to conduct battles here and the distribution of heteronuclei," Lin Hua said.

"I feel that the different cores should be based on labor income. If the credit is greater, you can share more different cores, and if the credit is small, you can share less. If there are surplus, you can share it with those ordinary people," Yu Ge said.

"I also agree with Brother Yu's statement, that is, if you want to go out to find heteronuclei, you should go out, and it is best to go out with several people to reduce the danger and reduce the dependence of many people," Xiao Zhan said.

"Lin Yisang, what do you think?" Lin Hua asked Lin Yisang when she saw that Lin Yisang was silent.

"In this last days, the law of the jungle is the survival of the fittest. You can't take care of others too much. This is unfair to yourself," Lin Yisang said
"Okay, let's start from tomorrow. Everyone will form a team and go out to hunt monsters to obtain heterocores," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, how long do we need to stay in this space gate?" Brother Yu asked, because this is the first time for Brother Yu to come here

"After clearing all the monsters here, you can go out," Lin Hua said.

"It's all cleared up, how long will it take?" Li Jie asked in a daze
"I'm not too clear about the specifics, but I feel that the reward of the Heavenly Outer Space Gate this time should be the Rejuvenating Potion, so we must clean up all the monsters here," Lin Hua continued.

When Lin Hua said about the face-rejuvenating potion, Gui Wu raised her head and looked like Lin Hua. Feeling Gui Wu's gaze at this moment, Lin Hua nodded vigorously at Gui Wu, telling him that everything is fine with me. There is no need to worry.

When Gui Wu saw Lin Hua nodding, he lowered his head and listened to everyone.

Everyone continued to talk about the topic of Tianwai Kongmen.

It wasn't until late at night that they dispersed one by one and returned to their tents.

And Lin Hua was recalling the scene of fighting with the Amethyst orcs today. After this battle, she gained a lot of fighting experience!However, Heisha and Heisha were totally lucky to defeat the Amethyst Orc today. First, it was 2 vs. [-], and secondly, it angered the Amethyst Orc and made him lose his mind.That's why it's so easy to kill him.You can't fight across levels in the future, because it's too dangerous!

After thinking about this, Lin Hua recalled her memories of the last ten years of the apocalypse. At that time, she was still at the gold level. At that time, her life belonged to other people's mobile phones. However, in this life, now she is already Amethyst is at level 2, and he can still control the life and death of one person. This shows that strength determines everything, and only if one's own strength is sufficient, can one control everything.

When Lin Hua thought of this, she felt a strong desire for power!I have to work harder, hurry up and clean up this monster in the outer space, try to get out as soon as possible, and try to arrive when the monster attacks Xueyun City.

Then Lin Hua stopped thinking about it!Then fell asleep in a daze!
Waking up the next morning, Lin Hua and the others had breakfast, and then assembled with Heisha to go out today to find other monsters to collect different cores to improve their strength.

Looking at the camp, the supernatural beings were looking for their teammates, and began to walk towards the gate of the camp one after another!Because Brother Yu had informed them last night that they could form a team to kill monsters and improve their strength.

Lin Hua and the others also came to Heisha, ready to set off.

Heisha's speed was really not ordinary fast, and soon a few people came to a small river about 100 kilometers away from the camp, and then Heisha stopped because he felt a strong wave in the river. His aura should be that of an amethyst monster who had just been promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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