Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 313 Ghost Attack

Chapter 313 Ghost Attack
Lin Hua and the others got off Heisha's body and looked at the calm river at the moment. Not long after, many mutant crocodiles crawled out of the river, and these mutant crocodiles were not very big, about the same size as the crocodiles before the end of the world.

These mutated crocodiles are all around the Platinum level, and the larger one at the front should be the one that has just advanced to the Amethyst level.

The characteristic of crocodiles is that they are naturally bloodthirsty and like to eat meat, so when they saw Lin Hua and Heisha, greedy eyes leaked out of their eyes.

"The defense of the back of these crocodiles is particularly high, and they are not easy to be injured. I will deal with the amethyst crocodile, and you can deal with the rest. Also, Ghost Dance's skills restrain him. It is best to break her defense first and then Go and kill them one by one," Lin Hua said.

After talking about these things, Lin Hua Lin Hua drew out the dragon-slaying knife and walked towards the leader's amethyst crocodile.And Heisha also rushed over directly, and Li Jie rushed forward with the Amethyst orc's machete in his hand.

Both Ghost Dance and Xuewu used their own skills to kill the crocodiles, but Gutian didn't do any good to these crocodiles, so she just watched them fight!
Soon the battle between Li Jie and the others was over, while Lin Hua was still fighting the leader, the Amethyst crocodile, only to see that the back of the Amethyst crocodile, which had super defensive power, had been chopped off by Lin Hua. It's fine, the blood is constantly flowing there, but Lin Hua didn't suffer the slightest injury. Lin Hua intends to use this amethyst crocodile to experience the feeling of fighting and increase his actual combat experience. Everyone can see that Lin Hua is Thoughts, all went to clean up the heterogeneous nucleus of the mutated crocodile membrane, only Heisha stood there, because Heisha was afraid, and the crocodile ran away.

However, why didn't Lin Hua know that the crocodile wanted to escape!Just when the crocodile was about to escape back into the river, Lin Hua didn't stay behind. He raised his knife and slashed at the crocodile's head, killing the crocodile directly.

The heteronucleus of the crocodile was removed.Li Jie and the others also cleaned up the remaining mutant crocodile cores, and everyone got on Heisha's body again, and continued to move forward.

"How do you divide the 8 pieces of the 18 pieces of gold that the boss just won?" Li Jie asked

"You guys and Heisha seniors, I want this amethyst is enough." Lin Hua ate the amethyst heterocore after finishing speaking
Walking on Heisha's body for a day like this, I didn't encounter monsters that were too high in level, and all I encountered were some of the highest platinum monsters, and they were all dealt with very easily!
When the blood moon occurred, the 5 people and Heisha were resting in a forest, found some firewood, roasted some meat, and dealt with the meal of the night like this, but in this forest Linhua felt special The eerie feeling.It was as if something was pushing against them, but when Lin Hua looked back, it disappeared again!
This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.You really don't feel that it's very cold here, and I feel like there should be something against us.Lin Hua said

"I feel that the woods are quite cold, but I really don't feel it. There is something against us. Boss, are you experiencing some kind of hallucination? Are you too tired during the day?" Li Jie said

At this time Xuewu also said, "I also feel as if something has been watching us, and when I look back, that thing disappeared again."

"Don't scare me, okay? You all know that I'm relatively timid, so you still scare me like this," Li Jie said again

"Senior Heisha, did you feel that there was something against us?" Lin Hua turned to look at Heisha and asked
"I don't feel cold, maybe it's because of my fur, but I also felt that there was something pressing against us just now, but I have seen that there are no traces of monsters around," Heisha said

"One person may be an illusion, but how can two and three people be an illusion?" Lin Hua said

"Sister Xuewu, you shoot a few rockets around, so you can see clearly." Gu Tian suggested
At this time, everyone stood up, and Xuewu fired rockets around, illuminating the surroundings as brightly as day, but still found nothing!Tonight, the two of you will watch the night together.Senior Heisha and I, Guiwu and Xuewu, Li Jie and Gutian every two hours, Li Jie and Gutian in the first shift, Senior Heisha and I in the second shift, Xuewu and Ghost Dance in the third shift.Lin Hua lay down after saying all this, but he was still a little worried, holding the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand, and would respond immediately if there was an emergency!However, just when Lin Hua was about to fall asleep!
"Boss, boss, get up!" Lin Hua heard Li Jie calling out to him, and stood up with the dragon-slaying knife in his hand!
Heisha Ghost Dance and the others were also awakened by Li Jie's shout!
At this time, they only saw the piranha summoned by Li Jie holding a big knife and Gutian beside them!And where are the 10 floating things more than 7 meters away from the front?
"What is this?" Lin Hua asked

"This is the ghost that you humans talk about. Their strength is only at the platinum level at most, but their bodies are very light, and they often float in the air. They live by sucking human blood, so they are not easy to be attacked," Heisha said.

"However, they are afraid of light and will only appear at night. The ability of the fire attribute can destroy them, and the ability of other attributes can't pose a threat to them at all. Generally, when encountering them, many of them with high strength will be eliminated as long as they don't restrain themselves. "Heisha added again
"Xuewu depends on you." Lin Hua said to Xuewu
"I just don't believe that other attribute abilities are ineffective against him, the Dark Veil," Ghost Dance shouted, and then launched an attack on the floating ghosts.Can't hit the ghost at all!
"Mind Control" Ghost Dance launched an attack again, but it still didn't have any effect! "Senior Heisha said it all, so don't try it," Li Jie said

This time Ghost Dance did not refute

"Fire" Xue Wu suddenly attacked a ghost in the air, the ghost was attacked suddenly, and was attacked without reacting at all, and then burned to death.However, with the lessons learned just now, those ghosts were already prepared, and Xue Wu's attacks were all dodged by them.Then slowly they attacked like Lin Hua!
"You all retreat 20 meters behind me," Lin Hua said, and then Li Jie Heisha and the others retreated one after another.

The few ghosts seemed to run away when they saw the people, only one stood there blankly.

Then they all rushed over like Lin Hua!Ice Bound At this time, Lin Hua suddenly cast the skill Ice Bound, and the ghosts were frozen instantly, and then Lin Hua quickly retreated.

"Xuewu attacked them" Lin Hua said to Xuewu, and then a few fireballs burned the frozen ghosts to death, leaving only you, 7 different cores, falling to the ground.

"Each of the seven platinum cores has one, senior Heisha has one, and Xuewu has one," Lin Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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