Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 321 The reason for the incident

Chapter 321 The reason for the incident

On the other hand, Li Jie and the others all had painful expressions on their faces when they heard the monster attacking the city, because they were different from Lin Hua. Lin Hua had experienced that scene, and although she was very angry, she was not very shocked!

"Then Master Zhang, what are your plans now?"

Lin Hua asked.

"How can I still be considered a gang leader now, I can't even protect my subordinates?" Then Zhang Wandao looked at those gang leaders, with more and more painful expressions on his face!

"What I want to do now is to find a stable city to join a gang, where I can get a guarantee of safety," Zhang Wandao continued.

Lin Hua thought that the Tianning League had only just been established, and although they are strong enough, what they need most when they occupy the city in the future is people, and this Zhang Wandao is not too strong, and he is an upright person when he listens to it , and there are so many supernatural beings under him, so it means to win over!
"Since this is the case, our Tianning League has only been established not long ago. It is at a time when there is a shortage of people. If Gang Leader Zhang is interested, he can join. Although our Tianning League does not have its own city yet, I plan to go out this time after this time. Build a city," Lin Hua said.

"Why take down a city?" Zhang Wandao asked in surprise.

And when they heard Lin Hua's words, those captive humans all showed very quiet expressions. Just because you guys still want to fight the city, no one would believe this, and everyone felt that Lin Hua was talking big.

"Brother Lin, it's not that I doubt your strength, but it may be impossible to attack a city based on the strength of a few of you," Zhang Wandao said.Because although Zhang Wandao is the help of the sixth gang in a city, he understands that to attack a city, the leader must first be strong enough to suppress everyone, so that he can convince the crowd, and he also has some obedient and not weak subordinates, so He didn't believe that Lin Hua had such strength at all.

"Our boss said that if you can take down a city, you can take down a city. There is nothing to doubt. Our boss is a third-level Amethyst. Have you seen that black tiger? He is also a third-level Amethyst. Those two women are purple. Crystal level 3, and I am Amethyst level 2, the lowest level is Platinum 1, and you haven’t seen people from our alliance! How can we say that there are few people in our alliance?” Li Jie looked at them and didn’t believe Lin Hua He couldn't help saying the words angrily, and then pointed out to Heisha, Guiwu Xuewu, and Gutian.

When the captive humans heard Li Jie's words, they looked at them in shock.

"I said, Li Jie, you are such a funny man, if you talk like that, you just say it's worthless." Gu Tian said a little embarrassedly
"I'm just talking about grades," Li Jie said again

"Master Zhang, believe me, when I saved you just now, you have seen my skills, right?" Gui Wu said

"I've seen it, you're very strong," Zhang Wandao said
"It's not that I'm strong, it's just that I'm on the right track. Lin Hua is our boss. It can be said that there is no boss better than her in the whole world. If you don't join my Mentian Alliance today, maybe You may regret it in the future," Ghost Dance continued

"Don't talk about whether you regret it or not, just say here, we saved you today, but we are gone, how long can you survive here?" Xuewu said

Zhang Wandao heard what they said, and looked at Lin Hua who had been silently looking into the distance!Thinking in his heart, Ghost Dance and the others are so strong that they are willing to call him the boss, this Lin Hua must have his unique charm!

I looked at his gang again, and it was difficult to make a decision right away!

"Master Zhang doesn't need to make a decision so quickly. After all, this is not a trivial matter. I'll give you one night to think about it. Give me a reply tomorrow morning." Lin Hua turned around and left after speaking, and Li Jie and the others followed Lin Hua gone!

Lin Hua and the others lit a fire 500 meters away from Zhang Wandao and the others.The food is baked and ready to eat.However, Lin Hua found that there were more than 10 children in the group. They watched Lin Hua and the others eat, and kept looking at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua knew that they probably hadn't eaten for a whole day!Then he asked Li Jie and Gu Tian to send them the food in their backpacks

When Gu Tian and Li Jie were walking with the food like Zhang Wandao!Xuewu and Guiwu actually whispered in front of Lin Hua!

"Haha, don't you dare let me hear any shameful words?" Lin Hua said

"No, boss, Gui Wu and I just saw those children who were always looking here when they saw us eating and hungry. Which children are going to be called by Gui Wu and I, because all our food is shared by so many people. They are all hungry, and those children can't eat much," Xuewu said

"Since you think so, just do it, but you actually whispered in front of me." Lin Hua made a contemptuous gesture after speaking.

"Okay, okay, boss, don't whisper to your face in the future, let's talk behind your back," Ghost Dance said

After Gui Wu finished speaking, she and Xue Wu walked towards Zhang Wandao.

After Gu Tian and Li Jie gave the food to Zhang Wanshan, they came back without saying anything, just in time to see Ghost Dance and the others coming over!

, "What are you doing?" Li Jie asked Gui Wu
Gui Wu stared at Li Jie without saying a word, then closed her mouth, stopped talking, and walked like Lin Hua!

When Ghost Dance and Xuewu came to this group of people, they stared at the two of them, and they had a good impression of them, because they were the two who saved them. We came here to take the children to eat some barbecue, because all of us All the food is given to you, and it is not enough for you to eat, let alone the children, Xuewu said!
After about a few minutes, 18 children, Guiwu and Xuewu came over!
These children sat around the fire and ate some barbecue. Seeing them happy, Lin Hua and the others were also very happy.After half an hour, these children will go to take the rest of the barbecue back to their parents when they are full.

Li Jie took out the Alien Core Chong backpack! "Boss has a total of two Amethysts, 380 Platinums, and 468 Golds today," he said.

"Amethyst heterocore, you and senior Heisha each have a platinum heteronucleus, each has 63. You and Heisha both have 64, and the gold one has 78." After finishing speaking, he divided the heteronuclei.

This time, it is finally possible to advance to the second level of Amethyst, said Li Jie.

"I can also ascend to Amethyst," Gu Tian said.

Everyone stopped talking and started leveling up. The levels of Lin Hua Guiwu and Heisha Xuewu have not changed, but Gu Tian has reached the first level of Amethyst, and Li Jie has reached the second level of Amethyst!

"Haha boss, I'm already at level 2. I'll see if Li Jie still says I'm platinum."

Gu Tian glared at Li Jie angrily and said.

"Aren't you the bottom among the 6 of us?" Li Jie continued to provoke Gu Tian.

"I'm a doctor, okay? Don't always compare me, a doctor, with you, a soldier," Gu Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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