Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Alliance grows stronger

Alliance grows stronger
"Li Jie, don't irritate Gutian. It's already an amethyst, and it's just one level behind you. You have to be careful, don't be overtaken by him. By then, you will be at the bottom," Lin Hua said. .

"Cut" Li Jie.

By the way, there are three classes of vigil tonight, the first class is me and Heisha, the second class is Gui Wu and Xue Wu, and the third class is Li Jie and Gu Tian.

A few hours passed like this, and when Li Jie and Gutian were on their posts, Zhang Wandao, who hadn't slept all day, walked up to Li Jie and Gutian and talked to them.

"Who is your boss?" Zhang Sandao asked.

"For me, I should be the first person to know the boss. The boss gives me the feeling that he is like my big brother. He will give me everything, and he will not let me take any risks. Besides, he will do everything. She carried it by herself, it is the kind of person who is not very expressive, our boss may look cold on the outside, but after you have been in contact with him for a long time, you will find that he is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

"If you want me to say that our boss is born to be a leader, he has his own unique charm that makes people follow her willingly. By the way, Ghost Dance said during the day that if you don't join our Tianning League, you will definitely regret it in the future. Because our boss will definitely stand at the pinnacle of mankind in the future," Gu Tian said.

"Although your ranks are very high, isn't it a bit big for you to attack the city?" Zhang Wandao said.

"What? There are hundreds of people in our alliance, and the lowest-level supernatural users are all gold-level, understand?" Li Jie said very unhappy.

"The lowest level is gold," Zhang Wandao said in surprise. Thinking about the supernatural beings in his own gang, the gold-level supernatural beings, there are less than 30 people left now, and they are not counted by the Tianning League. Personally, even the remaining Tianning League is enough to destroy their gangs, which makes Zhang Wandao more and more determined to join the Tianning League.

"Tell me something about your boss!" Zhang Wandao continued.

Then let me tell you about our boss coming into this space gate to destroy the orc army!

As we talked, it was dawn, but this Zhang Wandao became more energetic the more he listened. He didn't sleep all night, and he didn't feel tired at all!

At this moment, Lin Hua got up, saw Li Jie and the three of them, and seemed to be walking towards them.

"What are you talking about here?" Lin Hua said.

When Zhang Wanshan saw Lin Hua approaching, he stood up.

"Leader Lin, I have already grown taller, and my brother and I plan to follow you in the future, but I have an idea and wonder if Leader Lin can agree"

Lin Hua was also very happy to see Zhang Wandao agreeing, and then asked, "If you have any requests, I can help you as long as I can do it."

"I just want to kill the monsters in Wanlong City, because those monsters slaughtered the entire city, and so many of my brothers died there," Zhang Wandao said with a painful expression on his face.

"What is the level of those monsters, and what is the level of the king?" Lin Hua continued to ask

"A month ago, the highest level should be Amethyst Level 2, and there are very few monsters that are platinum level, and most of them are gold and silver," Zhang Wandao said.
"Okay, can you still find the way you came here?" Lin Hua asked

"Okay, thank you Leader Lin for your kindness! After talking about Zhang Wandao, he knelt down!
Lin Hua instantly helped Zhang Wandao up and said, "You join the Tianning League, we are a family, don't do things that make people look outside."

"Thank you" said Zhang Wandao and shed tears

"Li Jie, what we are short of now is supplies, you send a signal to the alliance to get them over as soon as possible," Lin Hua said

"We've been in for more than 20 days. We don't have much time. We must speed up and get out before the monsters attack the city," Lin Hua continued.

"By the way, what is the strength of the palace master, and how many amethyst experts they have?" Lin Hua asked Zhang Wandao
"I heard from the general who imprisoned us that their hall master should only be at the third level of Amethyst, and there are 3 generals under his command," Zhang Wandao said.
"However, I also heard that they plan to send us to the city of the Earth Heart Kingdom. The kings of their Earth Heart Kingdom should be at least at the fourth level of Amethyst or higher," Zhang Sandao continued.
"Is Amethyst level 4 or higher?" Lin Hua thought while looking at the sky
A signal was also sent from the boss camp, at this time Li Jie said.

Let's go out and hunt some monsters first, or we'll starve to death before the Alliance arrives.

Let Xuewu and Guiwu stay here to protect everyone. The four of us went to hunt some monsters. After talking about Lin Hua, the three of them climbed onto the body of the enlarged Heisha, as if running away.

After about a morning, I saw dozens of plants summoned by Gutian, all carrying some animal corpses on their bodies, returning in a mighty way!

"The food should be enough for everyone to wait until the big troops come," Lin Hua said

Then some women came over to help sort out the dead bodies of these movements!It's been two days like this, and the big troops haven't come yet.

I could only see a large cloud of dust rising up far away, and this cloud of dust looked like Lin Hua and the others approaching here.

When it was about 500 meters away, I saw a group of prairie mutant wolves running over. There could be more than 1000 of them. Their strength is all at the silver level, and only a few are gold. The boss at the front is a Platinum 5. This group of wolves is just a trivial matter to Lin Hua. Lin Hua directly used the skill Drift into Arrows on this group of wolves, and the group of wolves were all wiped out in an instant.

However, seeing Lin Hua deal with such a large pack of wolves in an instant.This is enough to prove Lin Hua's strength, and Zhang Wandao also secretly thought in his heart that his decision to join the Tianning League was right. Maybe one day, this person named Lin Hua will stand at the pinnacle of mankind.

"The wolf meat happens to be edible, so you can keep the different cores for yourself," Lin Hua said to the people who had just joined.

At this moment, these people who had just joined the Tianning League looked at Lin Hua with eyes filled with admiration.

This leader is incredibly powerful, and he is so generous.They all became more determined to join the Tianning League.

In the evening of this day, the large troops of the Tianning League arrived. When Zhang Wandao looked at the troops approaching, he secretly admired Lin Hua. He really didn't lie to him. The strength of the Tianning League is really It's very powerful, and it's also the right decision to join the Tianning League!
Brother Yu walked over like Lin Hua, "Boss, when I saw the signal, I accelerated and marched over here," Brother Yu said.

"This is Zhang Wandao. The leader of a gang in the past has now joined the Tianning League. In the future, you must help each other and work hard to develop the Tianning League," Lin Hua said.

"Okay, boss, everyone who joins the Tianning League is brothers," Brother Yu said.

"Just call me Brother Yu from now on. Now that we have joined the Tianning League, we will be brothers, and the Tianning League will be our home," Brother Yu said to Zhang Wandao.

(End of this chapter)

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