Chapter 323 Gathering
"Don't worry, since I have decided to join the Tianning League, I will treat her like a writer," Zhang Wandao said.

"How is everyone's strength now?" Lin Hua asked Brother Yu.

"Boss, since you left, everyone has gone out to hunt monsters to obtain different cores to improve their strength. Now there are more than 70 platinum-level people, and the rest are gold-level, and there are some ordinary people who eat different cores. It's almost reached the platinum level, and now besides me, Xiao Zhan and the others are hitting the Amethyst level," Brother Yu said to Lin Hua.

"Okay, go get busy first, I'll call everyone out tonight, and I'm going to talk about some development goals," Lin Hua continued.

Lin Hua stopped talking after finishing talking, and Brother Yu and Zhang Wandao were busy with newcomers' affairs!
"Now that the alliance has become bigger, how do you feel?" At this time, Xuewu appeared behind Lin Hua at some point, and said!

"I feel that the responsibility has increased. It is no longer a small team of us. Who do you think should manage the league now? I don't have time to manage this."

"This brother Yu manages well, and he also absolutely trusts and obeys you," Xuewu said.

"You think so too," Lin Hua said.

"Yes, what you say is what you say, I believe you."


"Boss and Sister Xuewu are whispering something, I'm afraid they will be overheard." Li Jie also came over at this time.

"I didn't say anything, I just talked casually, Li Jie, if I let you manage the Tianning League, what would you do?" Lin Hua asked suddenly.

"It's not easy to say, I'll follow you." Li Jie ran away after saying this.

"This Li Jie really regards you as his brother," Xuewu said.

"Yeah, I know why he doesn't want to manage the Tianning League. There are only a few people you can trust. Li Jie Gutian, I still have Ghost Dance, and you don't trust Brother Yu very much, but you can't help it. The few of us Just follow you, there is nothing you can do."

Now I can only let Brother Yu manage it!Let's hurry up and advance our strength.And time is tight now!
Just like this, the two people talked, and after a few hours the camp was built, and everyone began to prepare meals.

After eating, everyone came to an open space in front of the camp and waited for Lin Hua's speech.
At this time, Lin Hua had already arrived at the front of the open space. Seeing everyone looking at her, she unconsciously felt that the responsibility on her shoulders was even heavier, because at this moment, the Tianning League had already reached about 800 yuan after Zhang Wandao and the others joined. There are more than [-] people.It is no longer a small team.

"Now the Tianning League is growing day by day. From a small team at the beginning, it has become a large team of more than 800 people. It needs some managers. In this era, it is normal for the weak to prey on the strong. So in terms of strength, I am the leader. Xuewu and Gui Wu is the deputy leader, Li Jie and Gu Tian are the two protectors, he is responsible for the affairs of the alliance and the arrangement of positions, his words are mine, and anyone who disobeys can withdraw from the Tianning Alliance," said Lin Hua. Looking at everyone's performance after finishing these words, there is no dissatisfaction in the slightest.

Then Lin Hua continued, "I plan to conquer that palace the day after tomorrow, so that I can get more different cores to improve everyone's strength, and the acquisition of different cores can only rely on my own strength."

"Good, good, good"

"Everyone, have a good rest and prepare tomorrow." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she turned around and returned to her tent with Li Jie and the others.

At this time, Brother Yu came to Lin Hua's tent. "Boss, there are too many people in the alliance now, and I can't manage it myself. I plan to let Xiao Zhan, Nie Quanqi, Lin Yisang, and Zhang Wandao who just joined us a few Let’s manage together,” said Brother Yu.

"Okay, I've said it all, I'll leave everything to you," Lin Hua said to Brother Yu
"Thank you, boss, for trusting me so much"

"I said it the day you joined, you are a veteran when you join, and this is just the beginning." Lin Hua continued
"Boss, if there is nothing else, I will go back." Brother Yu said as if walking outside the door
In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua got up and ate and planned to go to the palace to see the situation.

Lin Hua notified Brother Yu and set off for the palace.

After two hours on Heisha's body, several people came to the palace. Those guards wanted to attack Lin Hua and the others, but they were all dealt with by Frostbolt.

However, Lin Hua still left an open mouth and asked her to report inside, otherwise how would they get out.

After about 2 minutes or so, only a very noisy sound came from inside.At the gate of the palace, more than 3000 guards quickly rushed out, and these guards were all gold-level. They confronted Lin Hua and the others with their own weapons.
However, at this moment, three Amethyst generals came out in succession. Their ranks were the same as the two ranks of the goddamn Amethyst.

Drops make arrows
Meteor fire
rain of corrosion
Lin Hua, Ghost Dance, and Xue Wu are all large-scale skills. In an instant, more than 3000 guards were wiped out, leaving only three Amethyst generals.

Looking at their expressions, I was very surprised at Lin Hua's strength.One of the Amethyst generals let out roars.It was particularly harsh, Lin Hua took out the dragon slaying knife, and Li Jie also took out the big knife Heisha and directly attacked the roaring general Amethyst.

And Gu Tian summoned hundreds of platinum-level elven archers to attack the rushing guards, and Ghost Dance and Xuewu also continuously released their skills to attack the rushing guards.

And the three Amethyst generals who were fighting saw that no one dared to rush out at the entrance of the main hall, which was attacked by powerful firepower!He seemed very angry, and soon Lin Hua and the others' battles ended one after another.Because of level suppression, Lin Hua and the others quickly took out three amethyst heterocores and came to Xuewu.At this time, Xuewu and the others also stopped attacking, because no guard dared to rush out.

"Boss, why don't we do this, we want to rush inside, and stay behind Gutian to control the elf archers to collect the different cores," Li Jie suggested.

"That's fine too." After Lin Hua finished speaking, they walked towards the entrance of the main hall, while Gu Tian controlled the elf shooters summoned by him to collect the different cores.

Walking into the hall, Lin Hua found that this hall is really luxurious!The inside is shining with gold. This hall may be all made of gold, which looks very grand.But now in this apocalyptic era, gold is no longer valuable, and now only heteronuclei are important.

Lin Hua found that they were walking step by step towards the depths of the hall, but no one dared to stop them. It was like walking into an unmanned supermarket!

And from the eyes of those guards, it can be seen that they looked at Lin Hua and the others with fear in their eyes, which may have a lot to do with Lin Hua and the others coming to directly slaughter them just now!Walked for about 10 minutes or so!

(End of this chapter)

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