Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 324 That Giant Sword

Chapter 324 That Giant Sword
The only thing I saw was that the guards made way for a path in the middle, and an amethyst boss wearing a purple armor and holding a giant sword came from the middle. Looking at her, she should be the owner of this hall!But just behind her, there are three Amethyst generals standing there quietly!
Lin Hua didn't look at them either, but just stared at the giant sword in the hands of the hall master, because in the last ten years, Lin Hua always had a giant sword, and her swordsmanship level was particularly high.

"I don't know how many of you came here, so why did you come here? It's a massacre." The Master of Amethyst Palace spoke first.

"I just want that giant sword," Lin Hua said.

"I don't know how to address this man, why does he want my giant sword?" the Amethyst Palace Master asked again.

"Our boss said that he just wanted your giant sword. How can you have so much nonsense? We still won't give it to you," Li Jie said.

Seeing that Lin Hua and the others had nothing good to say, the Amethyst Hall Master said angrily, "You mean your boss likes my giant sword, so I should give this giant sword to her, right?"

"I'll get the sword tomorrow." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, and Xue Wu and the others also left the hall.

But Amethyst Palace Master didn't have any intention of intercepting it.

"The lord let them go like this," said one of the Amethyst generals.

"Hurry up and send someone to help like the king's notice, go quickly," the Amethyst Palace Master turned his head and said to some Amethyst generals!
And after walking out of the hall, I saw that Gu Tian had already collected the different cores, where was waiting for Lin Hua and the others to come out!
"Boss is done so quickly," Gu Tian asked seeing Lin Hua and the others come out so quickly.

"Boss said, come back tomorrow," Li Jie said.

A few people got on Heisha's body and ran towards the camp.

"You didn't see the stinky look of the boss just now, Li Jie told Gu Tian everything that happened in the hall just now."

"Why can't I feel the boss's stinky fart? I feel that the boss is very handsome, and he fell very, very badly. It's the feeling of being so handsome, isn't it?"

Xuewu said
I also feel like a ghost dance and said at this time
"I heard from Li Jie just now, I feel that the palace master should be very afraid of the boss, he won't ask for help," Gu Tian said
Lin Hua felt a little uneasy when Gutian said this. If she was really asked to find someone to help, wouldn't it be over?
You guys go back first, just come on time tomorrow, Heisha and I are waiting at the gate of the main hall in case they go to report!

In this way, Lin Hua and Heisha returned the same way, but on the way back, they saw a general Zijing riding a horse, driving towards Lin Hua and the others quickly.

At this moment, Lin Hua and the others were not in a hurry to go back, but were quietly waiting for the arrival of General Amethyst, who soon saw Lin Hua and the others.

Soon he also understood that Lin Hua and the others were blocking him here and wanted to report the news.

Then this Amethyst general turned his horse's head and was about to run in the direction of the main hall!
At this time, Lin Hua sent out an ice blade and the horse died, and the general Amethyst also jumped off the horse!
"I don't know what you two are blocking my way." General Amethyst turned around and looked at Lin Hua and Heisha and said.

"We just happened to pass by," Lin Hua said.

"I still have important matters to attend to, so I won't accompany you." After speaking, General Amethyst turned around and left

At this moment, Heisha rushed to the front of General Amethyst in an instant.

"I have something to ask you," Lin Hua said

This general Zijing saw two people surrounding him, and he had no intention of escaping. Both of these two people were of higher levels than him, but just now the two of them easily killed 3 Zijings. General Jing!
"I wonder if you have anything to ask?" General Amethyst asked at this time

"Approximately what is the king level of your earth core country, and how many Amethyst and above powerhouses are there in your earth core country?" Lin Hua asked the general Amethyst
"If I tell you, will you let me go?" General Amethyst asked

"Whether you let it go depends on your performance. If you don't tell me, I will never let you go." Lin Hua said

The general Zijing looked at Lin Hua at this moment, and he didn't know what to do now. He said, "The king of our geocentric country is now the fifth level of Zijing, and there are about 5 generals in the main city. "

"Oh, it's already at the fifth level of Amethyst. How many troops do you have?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"I don't know much about the situation of this army. This is a military secret, and I can't just know it if I want to know it," said the amethyst monster.
"The last question is, did you go to report the news?" Lin Hua asked and looked at General Amethyst quietly.
"No" General Zijing said, at this time General Zijing thought to myself, if I said I was looking for a rescuer, would you still leave me alive?
"I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it yourself. Sorry, I can only kill you." Lin Hua said to General Zijing
"Why, didn't I tell the truth, why did you kill me?" General Amethyst asked

"It's just because you didn't tell the truth. If you had told the truth just now, saying that you were going to tip off the news, I would have spared your life, but you lied to me, so there is nothing I can do." Lin Hua said directly Pulling out the dragon-slaying knife on his back, he walked towards General Amethyst

You actually lied to me, I wanted to kill you, and then General Zijing rushed towards Lin Hua with his big knife.

Heisha didn't go to help Lin Hua, because Lin Hua didn't need his own help at all. It was too easy for Lin Hua's Amethyst level 3 to fight against the Amethyst level 1 General Amethyst, so he just stared at him coldly. There was a battle between the two of them, but this time the battle ended soon. The result of the battle was that Lin Hua defeated General Zijing completely!

After Lin Hua dealt with General Amethyst, Lin Hua and Heisha ran towards the palace. About an hour later, Lin Hua and the others arrived outside the palace. Because it is easy to be found outside, Lin Hua and the others chose to guard inside the cave.

And Xuewu and others who were separated from Lin Hua and the others also arrived at the camp. They discussed the attack strategy with Brother Yu and the others tomorrow, and explained the strength of the other party!
In the end, it was decided that in order to prevent the battle from causing unnecessary casualties, it was decided that Brother Yu would take 200 superhumans with a strength of more than [-] gold to go, and the rest of the people would wait until noon to set off, and then go directly to clear the battlefield. , so as to avoid unnecessary casualties!

After these things were decided, Xuewu and the others brought some food and went to the palace again to join Lin Hua and the others. At this time, Lin Hua was also trying to attack the level, but failed. Amethyst Level 3 rushed to Amethyst Tier 4 requires too many abilities.And the Heisha attack also failed.

And when Lin Hua and the others were about to rest, Li Jie and the others had already arrived in the cave at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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