Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 325 You Go Report

Chapter 325 You Go Report
"Boss, Boss, we're here, is there anyone who will come out to inform us!" Li Jie asked.

"Lin Hua told Li Jie everything about meeting General Zijing this afternoon."

"If the boss, General Amethyst, tells the truth, will you let him go?" Li Jie asked.

"Of course I will let him go, but will Heisha let him go?" Lin Hua said.

When Lin Hua heard Lin Hua's words, they all laughed out loud, and even Heisha laughed wildly.

As for Xuewu and the others, they were also hitting the level, but in the end, none of them upgraded.

You can only wait for tomorrow to level up.

"By the way, General Amethyst said today that their Earth Core King's level is Amethyst 5, and General Amethyst has more than 80 of them. The strength of the army should not be underestimated," Lin Hua said.

"What, the boss is actually the 5th level of Amethyst, but there are more than 80 people of the Amethyst level, and there are countless troops." Li Jie said in surprise.

"Although the level is high, it can be said to be a huge gain," Xuewu said!
"Yes, danger and reward are in direct proportion. If you don't take risks, how can you get huge rewards?" Lin Hua said again

"Also, this time, I don't know what the reward of the Heavenly Space Gate is. I hope the reward this time is the Rejuvenating Potion.

"By the way, Boss, do you know how to use an epee? I saw you today. After entering that palace and seeing the palace master, your eyes never left her epee." Li Jie asked

"Of course I will, and it's very good." Because Lin Hua used heavy swords in the last ten years, and her sword skills are already at the highest level, because she has never encountered heavy swords before. , only the knife, so I didn't exert my full strength.Lin Hua never told anyone that he had lived through the end of the decade, because he didn't know how to tell them. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, but that there were some things that he didn't know how to say. Lin Hua always has the slightest regret when thinking of herself in the last ten years, if her former self could have such strength, she wouldn't lose him!

I don't know if I will meet her again. In this world, thinking about Lin Hua inevitably makes me feel a little sad. All this is caused by my own incompetence.

The next morning, Lin Hua and the others got up early, ate some food, and then walked into the castle. There were still more than 30 guards at the gate!

More than 30 ice blades shot at the past, and the more than 30 guards closed their eyes forever.

Gutian, you have summoned your elf archers to collect heteronuclei!Lin Hua said to Gu Tian
Lin Hua and the others continued to walk forward. Whenever there were guards blocking Lin Hua and the others, they were directly killed by Lin Hua and the others. Afterwards, no guards dared to come to stop Lin Hua and the others. One by one, they retreated backwards.

When Lin Hua and the others walked to the central hall of the main hall, they only saw that the hall master they saw yesterday was still wearing purple armor, holding an epee and sitting on the golden seat in the central hall. General Jing stood behind his seat, and there were about 500 guards in the middle of the hall, all of which were platinum.

"Are you waiting for your rescue?" Lin Hua said

When hearing Lin Hua's words, the palace master suddenly stood up!Some said angrily, "Did you kill him?"

"If I don't kill him, how would I know that you will send someone to inform you?" Lin Hua continued.

"I can see that you like my giant sword very much. If I give my giant sword to you now, can you let us go?" said the city lord

"Impossible, when you cruelly killed those humans, you should have thought that you would have this day too," Lin Hua continued.

"The captives sent to the main city were also rescued by you, and the two generals were killed by you, right?" the Palace Master continued to ask

"Yes, so are you ready to face death now?" After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out her dragon-slaying knife, and the mysterious ice body had already tightly protected her body.slowly towards the lord

And Li Jie also released his skills Yuezhan Yueyong, his eyes were already red, and then those knives went to an Amethyst general, and the last Amethyst general was left to Heisha.

Gutian then summoned a large number of elf archers and some plants to defend against Ghost Dance and Xuewu!

And Xuewu and Guiwu released their skills to face the guards.

The palace master Lin Hua fought against really had two brushes. He fought Lin Hua for about 20 minutes and was still in a tie with Lin Hua. At this time, Heisha had already dealt with the amethyst he was fighting against. General, now he is helping Li Jie to deal with another Amethyst general. The two fought one and soon the Amethyst general was also killed by Li Jie's knife.

"Boss, do you want to help?" Li Jie shouted at this time

I don’t need to solve it myself, you go and clean up the remaining guards. After hearing Lin Hua’s words, Heisha and Li Jie began to hunt down and clean up the remaining guards. However, these guards looked at the last remaining guards. General Amethyst is also dead, and the Palace Master will also be defeated sooner or later.They fled like outside one after another!

However, at this time, the supernatural beings brought by Brother Yu and the others had already arrived. It was still the previous tactic, melee supernatural fighters, standing in front, attacking in melee, and the supernatural beings with far-skilled skills at the rear, long-range attacks, and fire support.Since the morale of those guards was already very low, they were beaten back as soon as they tried to escape from the gate of the palace.Brother Yu and the others are now blocking the gate of the palace and suppressing fire from the rear!
At this time, Lin Hua, who was fighting the palace master, already had several wounds on his body, and the palace master had even more wounds.At this moment, Lin Hua has slowly gained the upper hand. It will be a matter of time before the palace lord loses, because now the palace lord saw his guards, and he already felt after escaping that he must die today, but he All I want to do is make a dying struggle before I die.

At this moment, the hall master's epee stabbed towards Lin Hua. Lin Hua dodged to the left and avoided it. Before the hall master could react, Lin Hua slashed at the hall master's back. The master did not dodge in time, and cut a wound more than 7 inches deep on his back. You can see the bones inside, but this is not fatal, but the master may have lost too much blood, and now the reaction is getting worse. The slower he was, he was almost hacked to death by Lin Hua several times, but he avoided them in time, leaving only a few wounds on the body of the hall master. At this time, the hall master failed to attack Lin Hua, and Lin Hua faced The head of the hall master was just a knife, which split the head of the hall master in half, but the hall master was very unwilling to fall down, and used the epee as a support to not fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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