Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 326 Advance to District 18

Chapter 326 Advance to District 18

Lin Hua walked towards the hall master, took out her different core, and then held the hall master's giant sword in his hand. This giant sword weighed more than 800 kilograms. Lin Hua played with this giant sword, getting more and more The more I like it, the more I feel that this giant sword is tailor-made for myself, because the weight of this epee just suits me, 800 catties is neither heavy nor light.Looking carefully at the handle part of this giant sword, the four big characters of epee Wufeng, it turns out that the name of this giant sword is Wufeng, what a sharp name, the level of this sword should be around S level!
Collecting this giant sword, thinking about the Dragon Slaying Saber that has been with me for so long, I plan to give it to Brother Yu.

On the other hand, Li Jie and the others are also chasing the guards. Those guards can resist Li Jie and his pursuit there. There is a feeling that there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth.In the end, he was madly thinking about rushing to the gate of the palace. Although there were many people at the gate of the palace, he might still be alive if he rushed out.In this way, more than 1 guards were cleaned up in just over an hour.In the end, when the wounded were checked, more than 30 people with supernatural powers in the Tianning League were slightly injured and more than 20 were seriously injured. However, the harvest this time is still quite large.

After clearing the battlefield, Brother Yu reported to Lin Hua and the others about the harvest of heteronuclei today!Today there are more than 760 platinum heteronuclei and 9680 gold heteronuclei.

Just take out 300 platinum heterocores and keep them, and you can keep the rest for distribution. Those who are injured, and those who are seriously injured will get more points.

Brother Yu left behind 300 heteronuclei after listening to Lin Hua's words, and then left!Although Lin Hua left behind 300 platinum heterocores, he knew that the 6 of them shared them, and each of them only got 50. If it wasn't for taking care of the people in the alliance, Lin Hua and the others could solve it without calling them. Those who came here just wanted to let the members of the alliance exercise, and then give more points to their different cores. Brother Yu saw what Lin Hua did, and now Brother Yu realized that he was right to follow Lin Hua.

Lin Hua distributed the different cores to Xuewu Guiwu and the others. After everyone got the different cores, they began to attack. However, everyone's level has not changed. Only Lin Hua's own level has increased. Now Lin Hua is Amethyst 4. The level, and got the giant sword of the palace master, it should be able to fight the king.

Thinking about this, Lin Hua couldn't help but feel a little worried, because the level is getting harder and harder to upgrade, and the most difficult online is getting harder, and now she doesn't know if she can beat this Amethyst King?

"What are you thinking, you're so preoccupied, aren't you thinking of me?" Xuewu didn't know when she appeared behind Lin Hua
"I'm thinking about how to face that, Earth Heart Kingdom, should I take the risk now, because if I take the risk now, I may not be the opponent of the Amethyst King, and there are about 80 generals in their Amethyst It’s just that if we go like this, we may harm everyone, if we don’t go, such good resources will really be wasted.”

"If you want to go, no matter where it is, I will follow you, not only me, I believe Li Jie Guiwu and others will follow you." Xuewu said again

"Yes, boss, I will follow you wherever you plan to go." Li Jie also came behind Lin Hua at this time and said.

Then let's continue to take risks, to explore what kind of dragon's pool and tiger's den is in the legendary earth center country.

After talking about this, Lin Hua's eyes became a little firmer. Since everyone has absolute trust in him, then what else do he have to be afraid of? If he can't beat him, he just runs away, that's all. Damn, like that, I can't do anything, but I will die here after living in this last days. This environment doesn't need weak people.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others went to Heisha to express their thoughts, and now counting the time, the time agreed with Heisha was almost here.

"Heisha, our agreed time is almost here, according to the agreement, you don't have to protect us, and this time we plan to venture into this earth-centered country, you have heard about the strength in it, So let me tell you in advance," Lin Hua said to Heisha
"First of all, I am not afraid of danger. Secondly, during this period of time, you treat me like a friend and accept me sincerely. I am happier, and when I am with you, I live a full and happy life every day. And during this period of time, my strength has improved very fast, so I don't plan to leave, let's continue to take risks," Heisha said

"Let me just say, Heisha won't leave, he can see through me, and I can see through her." Li Jie said very stinkingly at this time
"Since this is the case, if you don't leave, this trip to the center of the earth will have another guarantee," Lin Hua continued.

"By the way, Lin Hua, do you think we can face the Amethyst King with our current strength? Why don't we help Zhang Wandao avenge their revenge this time, and then everyone's strength should have improved to a certain extent, like this, When we face this earth-centered country, we will be more confident, and Zhang Wandao and the others will feel more at ease," Heisha said to Lin Hua.

"Then it's decided, go out to this empty gate first, go to Wanlong City in the 18th district to take revenge, and then come back to attack the Earth Heart Kingdom," Lin Hua said.

"Call Zhang Wandao and Brother Yu over here," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

Soon after, Brother Yu, Zhang Wandao, Lin Yisang, Xiao Zhan, Nie Quanqi, Gu Tian, ​​Li Jie, Gui Wu, Xue Wu, and Heisha were all meditating in Lin Hua's tent!

"Just now I have expressed my thoughts, everyone, think about how to attack Bandung City, which has been occupied by monsters in the 18th district," Lin Hua asked like them.

"First of all, I don't know how strong this Wanlong City is. What Brother Zhang said was only a month ago, and it has changed too much in a month." Brother Yu said.

"Also, if you have been to a large group of people, the time will be extended for a long time. I feel that it is okay to take a small group of people to exercise," Lin Yisang said.

"If we only talk about attacking Bandung City, a few people in our team are enough now, but now it is not a team, but an alliance of more than 800 people. The idea of ​​the boss is that everyone will fight together to obtain different cores, and the boss There won't be too many casualties if you stand at the forefront, but the distance is relatively long, and everyone can't go. Who of you intends to sign up, and then choose some with better strength to go along, and the rest Go protect everyone," Xuewu said.

(End of this chapter)

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