Chapter 33
"This... we didn't find out, that means if she doesn't expose herself, she is human?" Li Jie looked at Xiaoling's body with some fear, "This is too terrifying, it is a murderer hidden among human beings Devil."

"Indeed, in the future, among human beings, you may still encounter a human corpse. You may not find him, or when you find him, he may already be carrying out a murderous plan."

"Then how do you find them?"

"It's usually hard to find, but they have a few characteristics, light-averse, and their blood is green. Their most powerful thing is that they can control zombies and dead people." Lin Ye had already treated Xue Wu's wound at this time, and got up to wash his hands After cleaning, let her rest in peace.

Then Lin Ye arranged some defensive measures, sealed the windows tightly, reinforced the doors, and pulled a wire at each exit. In the dark, unless you fly from the sky, you will definitely be caught.

That night, Li Jie kept nagging Lin Ye.

"Brother Lin, why do you know so much about the end times?"

"Brother Lin, when will you be with Sister Xue?"


Lin Ye just listened and looked at Xue Wu's face, but his heart wandered far away.Thinking of that girl, she is as kind as her. If she encounters this situation, she will definitely let this human corpse go.

"Ru Ting, wait for me."


The next day, when Li Jie woke up, he found Lin Ye working in the kitchen. Before he got close, he smelled a scent. After searching for the scent, he found that it was the long-lost vegetable porridge.

"Come and eat, get full." Lin Ye filled a bowl and put it on the table. There was still some food stored here, and there were some miscellaneous vegetables.

Li Jie picked up the porridge and wanted to drink it, but Lin Ye snatched it away, "Give it to Xuewu first."

Li Jie blushed immediately, and hurriedly said: "Hehe, yes, take care of the sick first, Brother Lin thinks well."

"Then, Brother Lin, go take care of Sister Xue, and I'll take care of the porridge." Then Li Jie gave Lin Ye a meaningful look, and smiled wretchedly.

Lin Ye didn't care, he took the porridge and walked towards Xuewu. Xuewu had already woken up, and there was a hint of rosiness on her pale face. Lin Ye sat next to her, helped her up and said, "I feel better." No?"

"Well, much better." Xuewu whispered.

"That's good." Lin Ye fed Xuewu porridge with a spoon.

Lin Ye said while feeding, "Li Jie, draw a map of the police station."

"Brother Lin? What are you going to do?" Li Jie was a little puzzled.

"I'm going to the police station to get some weapons today, so you can take care of Xuewu here." Lin Ye said flatly.

Just as Lin Ye finished speaking, Xuewu and Li Jie objected at the same time, "Brother Lin, how can this work? I heard from that ground squirrel that the police station is very dangerous and there are too many zombies. Don't worry."

Lin Ye put down the bowl and said, "It was my mistake that Xuewu was injured. I don't want you to be in danger again. It's because it's dangerous there, so I want to go alone."

Hearing this sentence, Li Jie's expression was shocked, his heart was full of emotion, and he was also a little guilty. He obviously had supernatural powers, but he didn't play any role. How could he be worthy of Lin Ye?
"Brother Lin..." Xue Wu struggled to sit up.

"It's okay, I'll go this time. If we get a gun, it will guarantee our safety. Then we can raise the power level of both of you, and our overall strength will be different from what it is now."

"Besides, in several battles, I have become more proficient in the use of abilities, and with some of my own skills, going to the police station this time will not be dangerous, so don't worry."

The two wanted to say something, but Lin Ye had already stood up, and said in an undeniable tone: "Okay, that's the decision."

Xuewu knew that once Lin Ye said this, it proved that he had decided to go, and no one could persuade him back, and the present himself and Li Jie were not of much help to Lin Ye, so he did not refute any more, and used His eyes stopped Li Jie from continuing.

"Then... Brother Lin, you have to be careful."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely come back." After Lin Ye finished speaking, he said, "Li Jie, take good care of Xuewu. If Xuewu suffers any harm, I will ask you."

"No way..."

"You do not believe?"

Li Jie smiled awkwardly.

"I grew up with Xuewu, she is my only relative now, I don't want her to be hurt."

Li Jie said: "Don't worry, I will take good care of her, Brother Lin, although this nail gun may not be of much help to you, it is useless for me to hold it here, and there is Xuewu's logging saw, it is still You take it."

Li Jie handed the drawn map to Lin Ye and handed over the nail gun, but Lin Ye took it anyway, "Don't let anyone in, it's best not to leave this room."

Lin Ye took one last look at Xuewu, turned and left.


The dilapidated streets are full of scrapped cars. Many luxury cars that used to be daunting are piled up like garbage.The body of the car was covered with dried blood, and even some cars still had headless corpses and stumps lying in them, which made one's scalp tingle just looking at them.

Lin Ye was already far away from Xuewu and the others, walking on the deserted street, when passing a truck, a withered hand stretched out from under the truck.

"It's pretty good at finding a place to enjoy the shade."

Lin Ye, who had been alert for a long time, raised his knife and chopped off the head of the zombie that crawled out from the bottom of the truck.

During the day, zombies would hide in dark places. Although Lin Ye would not check carefully, he still paid attention to these places, at least to ensure that if a zombie "sneaked up" him, he would feel it immediately.

After finishing the zombie, Lin Ye turned a few more streets and found that some zombies on the street had been killed with sharp weapons. The wounds of the zombies hadn't dried up, which meant that other people were nearby.

Lin Ye continued to walk forward, and found several corpses of zombies one after another. Suddenly, a voice came from the front, and Lin Ye dodged to hide beside a car.


"You insist on coming here to get a gun. Now Ermao is dead, and we have one less person. If this continues, we will all have to play."

The voice was a little irritable, with a trace of complaint.

Two seconds later, another voice sounded: "That's because he was accidentally bitten by a zombie. If you don't kill him, he will turn into a zombie. You know that, and you agree to kill him. Now blame me?"

It's really unwise for these people to bicker here.

Lin Ye glanced, and there was a small square in front of them. There were five of them, four men and one woman, arguing behind the big sculpture in the square. To Lin Ye's surprise, one of the girls was wearing a police uniform.

"That man is my brother. Of course it has nothing to do with you if he died. You said you want to get a gun. We only have five people left. The police station is blocked by hundreds of zombies. How do we get there?"

The first person to speak spoke again, but this time his tone had become a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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