Chapter 34
"Okay, stop arguing, Zhao Xun, Hu Fei used to work at heights, didn't he say that we can use ziplines to reach the rooftop of the police station from the Baidasha building. I worked in the police station for a while Time, I know more about it, as long as you go to the police station, it is not very difficult to get a gun."

"Hehe, you have big breasts and no brains. Isn't the Baida Sala building not far from the police station? Not to mention whether it will attract zombies from the police station, but we can get there if we enter the Baida Sala Building. The rooftop? There are no zombies there?"

"That's enough, Zhao Xun. If it wasn't for me, you and your brother would have died long ago, why would you still be arguing here? If you want to quit, you can leave now, and I won't stop you." Hu Fei said decisively, even with a hint of Undeniable attitude, obviously he also came to the fire.

From this sentence, Lin Ye could roughly analyze that this Hu Fei should be the captain of this team, and he is very likely to be a supernatural person, otherwise he would not be so bold.

"Let's go if there is no objection."

Their plan sounds feasible, but if these people disturb the situation and make the zombies move, it will be very troublesome for Lin Ye to go to the police station.

So Lin Ye stood up decisively and said, "Wait."


Unexpectedly, the policewoman was the first to react. She took out a hand and pointed at Lin Ye.

"what is your job?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a survivor, I just heard that you are going to get a gun."

Lin Ye said slowly, "I want to be with you, is that okay?"

The five people looked at each other, a little surprised at first, and then looked at Lin Ye carefully.

Lin Ye was in his twenties, and he was pretty good-looking. He didn't have much viciousness. What attracted attention was not his appearance, but the knife on his waist. It's not that simple.

The rancid smell in the small square is still there, reminding a few people all the time that it is the end of the world, and anyone who encounters a stranger suddenly will be full of vigilance.

Although the last days have not happened for long, they also know the ugliness of human nature in the last days, so they are a little hesitant.

"Actually, I don't mean anything malicious. I'm alone. I want to get a gun for self-protection. One more person is more strength. I can open the way ahead, how about it?"

Lin Ye looked sincere, and his words touched several people.

Hu Fei directly decided.

"Okay, brother, you can join us, but listen to me."

"OK, my name is Lin Ye."

"My name is Hu Fei, and I will temporarily lead them to form a survivor team."

"Jiang Xinyu, graduated from Huazhong Police Academy and has been a policeman for half a year."


After introducing them one by one, Lin Ye paid more attention to Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu.

The Huazhong Police Academy is said to be one of the best in the country. They can be directly employed as full-level police officers when they come out, and they are all top-notch talents.

Just from Jiang Xinyu's quick reaction when she found Lin Ye, it can be seen that she is not simple.

As for Hu Fei, he is a bit different. His special ability is jumping. According to him, his limit is that he can jump up to a height of five meters, and can jump more than ten meters in the air. Adsorption ability, flying along the wall is his specialty.

After a short period of getting to know each other, they already had a certain understanding. Even after Lin Ye shared some insights on zombies, they were refreshed. Everyone quickly accepted Lin Ye as a new teammate.

There is a park in front of the small square. According to Jiang Xinyu's plan, walking through the park is a path, and it goes directly to the back of Baida Restaurant. On the side of Baida Restaurant is the Yunzhong Commercial Building, which used to be the police station building.

Jiang Xinyu's idea is to use Hu Fei's supernatural ability, coupled with the assistance of the sliding lock, to let everyone leap over the three buildings. This operation can avoid alarming a large number of zombies below the police station and easily get the guns in the police station.

"This plan is good." Lin Ye agreed.

"Okay, let's go through the park first. I observed just now. There are over ten zombies in the park. We must clean them up as soon as possible. Again, don't get bitten or scratched, otherwise..." Hu Fei said With determination in his eyes.

Lin Ye noticed that there was a person in the team staring at Hu Fei with gloomy eyes. Without thinking, he knew that it was Zhao Xun who had just yelled at Hu Fei.

From this gaze, Lin Ye could see a chill, which made him pay attention to Zhao Xun.

Everyone nodded solemnly. After all, there was Ergou's lesson in front of them, which made them [-]% vigilant.

"Okay, let's go."

As soon as Hu Fei finished speaking, Zhao Xun pointed to Lin Ye and said, "Wait, let him open the way."

Lin Ye frowned immediately. In fact, he was going to go ahead, but Zhao Xun jumped out and asked him to lead the way. This kind of person who likes to show off to others but has no real skills is the guy Lin Ye hates the most.

Hu Fei hesitated and said, "This...we don't know his ability after all."

"He said that if he opened the way, he has to bear this responsibility. He can't take his word for it, so how can we trust him?" Zhao Xun squinted at Lin Ye, and then turned his head to look at Hu Fei who looked embarrassed.

In fact, Zhao Xun wanted to use this method to annoy Hu Fei. In addition, he was very upset that Lin Ye had a good relationship with a few people when he came up, but he was left out in the cold.

Zhao Xun's words made Hu Fei, the captain, a little embarrassed. After a short contact, he felt that although Lin Ye was a little less talkative, he had a mature vision and made people feel comfortable talking, so he had a good impression of Lin Ye.

Theoretically speaking, Lin Ye did say that he would lead the way, but Hu Fei worried that with Lin Ye's physique, he would be a bit unbearable in the face of zombies.

"I'll open the way." Hu Fei didn't like to refute Zhao Xun's words. After all, he was telling the truth, but he was very worried about letting Lin Ye open the way, so he simply responded to what Lin Ye should do to help him out.

I have the ability to bounce, and I can avoid some dangers in time, so Hu Fei has always been a pioneer.

Lin Ye glanced at Zhao Xun indifferently, "It's okay, let me do it, since I said it, I have to do it, after all, it's the first time we met, so you can't just keep your word."

Zhao Xun looked disdainful. Originally, he just wanted to piss off Hu Fei, making him a captain without dignity. Now that Lin Ye said this, most of the sense of accomplishment he got from pissing off Hu Fei disappeared.

Moreover, he also disliked Lin Ye's indifferent attitude, especially the way Lin Ye looked at him with indifference just now, which made Zhao Xun, who was originally arrogant, feel greatly humiliated.

Zhao Xun said with a playful face: "Brother, you are very trustworthy, but you should think about your own life, don't be too scared to move when you see the zombies, you can't stand the zombies with your body A paw?"

(End of this chapter)

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