Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 35 Mutated Babies

Chapter 35 Mutated Babies
"Zhao Xun, what are you talking about?" Jiang Xinyu beside him couldn't help losing his temper.

"Why, what I said is the truth..."

Zhao Xun smiled triumphantly, but when he looked up, he found a pair of cold eyes staring at him, as if staring at a dead person, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.And his originally complacent expression was also frozen on his face, and he didn't even finish what he was about to blurt out.

Until Hu Fei scolded, he stopped and said: "Enough, Zhao Xun, have you made enough trouble?"

Only then did Zhao Xun come back to his senses, and when he looked at Lin Ye again, he found that the other party just looked indifferent. The chill just now didn't seem to be from Lin Ye, but his hallucination.

The others looked at Zhao Xun with more or less disgust. At this time, he also knew that he was afraid of provoking public anger. Although he was unwilling, he still gritted his teeth and waved: "Forget it, whoever you love will take the lead Whoever takes it."

Zhao Xun, who was following behind, kept reminiscing about the chill he felt just now, couldn't help shivering, then looked at Lin Ye's ordinary back, and only came to one conclusion. "The hallucinations must be due to the doomsday. Too much pressure caused me to have hallucinations."

Lin Ye walked in front, out of caring for him, Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei took the initiative to walk side by side with him.

Hu Fei said: "Brother Lin, I'll be with you so we can take care of you."

Jiang Xinyu nodded and said: "Don't worry, in fact, one or two zombies are easy to deal with during the day, and I will protect you when necessary."

"Yeah." Not to mention one or two, Lin Ye can deal with ten zombies with ease, but there are two rookies who want to take care of him, Lin Ye is amused in his heart.But this is also the other party's heart, so he could only respond with an embarrassed smile, and also took note of the two people's words, and decided that when he was in danger, he would help them if he could help them.

Soon at the side of the park, Lin Ye was the first to jump in while supporting the fence.

Lin Ye looked around, but he didn't see a single zombie, but found some green slurry and a strong rotten smell in many places.This smell is different from the rotten smell of the zombies. It seems to be the smell of the unique brains of the zombies after their heads are thrown away. This smell is... fresh?
"What's going on? Just now, Hu Fei and the others said that there were a dozen or so zombies. How come they all disappeared in about 10 minutes? Are there any other survivors?"

"Or? More advanced mutant creatures?"

This thought made Lin Ye vigilant. He knew that, except for mutant beasts with territorial consciousness, generally speaking, other mutant creatures would not kill each other.

However, more advanced mutated creatures will kill a few low-level tooth-beating sacrifices if they are interested. Of course, this statement is just a figurative metaphor.

Lin Ye always felt that there was a mutant lurking in this park, and soon, other people also entered the park.


While Lin Ye was checking, he suddenly heard a teammate behind him shouting.

Lin Ye quickly turned around and found a mutated baby jumping out from the side, crawling towards Jiang Xinyu and the others at a very fast speed.One eye of this mutated baby was blind, and the mouth was split to the base of the ear, and green saliva flowed out.To Lin Ye's surprise, the baby was skinny and had green meridians flowing on its body like a snake.


The creeper turned out to be a baby, so it is not difficult to explain why the zombies in the park disappeared in just 10 minutes.

Creeper, a disgusting and powerful mutant creature that even eats its companions.

According to Lin Ye's understanding, according to the growth process of a crawler, the smaller the baby, the faster it will grow. This baby is likely to become the king of crawlers when it grows up. When it passes by, it will be as destructive as magma rolling over. powerful.Moreover, it can lead hundreds of crawlers, which is a very terrifying existence. It is no exaggeration to say that this baby has the potential to massacre the city in the future.

"Before it grows up, it must be killed."

"Cut, it's just a baby, I'll take care of it right away." At this moment, Zhao Xun took his nunchuck and went up first, wanting to show off at this moment.

Zhao Xun was sure to die in the past, but the target of the mutated baby was Jiang Xinyu, so Lin Ye was worried that the mutated baby would kill her first.So before Zhao Xun, Lin Ye had already rushed out, the hunting knife was pulled out instantly, and the knife was struck.


The knife hit the cement slab, and the slate cracked, revealing a half-meter-long opening.

"Hey!" The mutated baby dodged the blow, jumped onto a tree, and then screamed harshly at Lin Ye.

Under the mutated baby's claws, the tree pole held by one person was being corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large pit appeared in an instant. With the mutated baby's bomb, the big tree broke directly and fell down.

At first, several people thought this was just an ordinary zombie baby, so they were a little calm and thought it would be easy to solve.But after seeing the mutated baby with powerful corrosion ability and extraordinary speed, everyone took a breath.

Zhao Xun, who was yelling to kill the mutated baby, saw this scene, his legs were trembling with fright, and he dared not move.

"Good... so powerful." The original target of the attack was Jiang Xinyu. When the mutated baby pounced on her, she could fully feel the pressure caused by the mutated baby. Even though she ranked second in the team, she actually When facing the mutated baby, she felt powerless. She didn't even have the chance to draw a gun, but felt that she would die in the next moment.

However, at this moment of life and death, the back of a man came into view, it was the man she said she wanted to protect just now.

In this instant, he forced the mutated baby back and saved her life.

"Did I say something big?" Jiang Xinyu suddenly felt flushed.

Then I saw Lin Ye colliding with the mutated baby. Jiang Xinyu's eyes couldn't keep up with the mutated baby's speed, but when Lin Ye was fighting with it, he accurately slashed at its paw, cutting off its palm. .

"Hiss!" After being stabbed by Lin Ye, the mutated baby seemed to know that Lin Ye was difficult to deal with. He jumped ten meters away, changed his target, and rushed towards Hu Fei who was closer to it.

Hu Fei's reaction was very good. When he was attacked, he escaped by rolling a donkey on the spot, and then jumped onto a big tree.

The mutated baby threw itself on the cement stone bricks, and the green slurry flowing out of its body directly corroded the stone slabs.

It didn't give up after being emptied, and quickly set its sights on another target, which was Zhao Xun. Zhao Xun's eyes showed panic at this time, and the others were also dumbfounded. They had never seen such a vicious zombie.

The mutated baby was extremely fast, and rushed to Zhao Xun in a blink of an eye. Just as he was about to be bitten, Zhao Xun suddenly sharpened his eyes and pulled the frightened baseball boy to him.

(End of this chapter)

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