Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 36 Distorted Humanity

Chapter 36 Distorted Humanity

No one expected that Zhao Xun would do this. When he reacted, the hockey boy screamed "ah" and was thrown to the ground by the mutant baby. A big hole was corroded by the green liquid in his stomach, and he even The internal organs are all exposed.

"Oh my god." Jiang Xinyu on the side, no matter how good her mental quality is, couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this scene.

The mutated baby pulled out the hockey boy's intestines and stuffed them directly into the bloody mouth.

But the hockey boy was still struggling, struggling alive, getting weaker and weaker, and finally only instinctive twitching remained.

Zhao Xun was crushed under the hockey boy, his body was stained with a lot of the opponent's blood, even a small intestine fell on his face.Zhao Xun didn't dare to move at all, his eyes were wide open, watching the hockey boy turn his head to the side, looking into his dull eyes...

The trembling Zhao Xun could see fear, hatred and unwillingness in the opponent's eyes.

These only happened in an instant, and the sudden change made several people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts. No one could have expected that Zhao Xun would make such a move. For a moment, everyone held their breath and did not make a sound.

Taking advantage of the mutated baby's bite, Lin Ye shot a water arrow at it, hitting it staggeringly at close range.

The opportunity must not be missed. When the water arrow was sent out, Lin Ye had already made a judgment, ran over quickly, and swung the knife.


The knife didn't fail, it cut on the hind legs of the mutated baby who was about to get out of the way, and the sharp blade of the hunting knife directly chopped off the mutated baby's hind legs.

"Roar!" The mutated baby roared. With only three limbs left, it bounced off the spot, ran longitudinally and retreated for a certain distance, and then rushed towards Lin Ye viciously. However, after losing one leg and losing coordination, the mutated baby The speed of the baby is obviously reduced by more than half.

"Without the speed advantage, you are just an ordinary zombie."

Lin Ye, who had anticipated and was determined to deal with this mutant baby, had an extra nail gun in his hand. The mutant baby, who was only ten meters away, was shot accurately on the forehead by Lin Ye.


With a muffled sound, the mutated baby was directly shot to death.

"Ahhh!" Only then did Zhao Xun dare to shout out, only to be kicked by Lin Ye.

"What's your name, attracting zombies to throw you over first."

The few people who were surprised at first also came back to their senses, staring at Zhao Xun one by one, with unfriendly expressions on their faces.

Zhao Xun, who had seen how powerful Lin Ye was, shut up instantly after being kicked. It seemed that the kick brought him back to his senses, and he pushed the boy who was on top of him without panicking.

Zhao Xun's eyes were bloodshot and he explained: "No, I didn't do it on purpose, I just protected myself."

Jiang Xinyu heard this, and was filled with righteous indignation: "Zhao Xun, I didn't expect you to be such a person. You just joined the team, and the six sons even gave you their own food. How can you do such a wolf-hearted thing?"

"I... I was just protecting myself. I was stupid at the time, and I didn't want him to die. Xin Yu, really, I was wrong. I really don't want to. I beg you, forgive me." Zhao Xun snotted He cried out his injustice in tears, but everyone treated him coldly, that kind of gaze pierced deeply into his heart like a knife like an arrow.

"I'll forgive you if you bring the six sons back to life." There was a long silence on the scene.

Everyone looked at the broken body of Liu Zi, full of unbearable sadness.

"Zhao Xun, you don't have to follow us anymore." Hu Fei gritted his teeth and said without looking at Zhao Xun.Looking at it again, he really couldn't help but attack this kind of beast. Even if he couldn't be called an enemy in the future, he would still be a stranger.

Then Hu Fei walked towards Liu Zi's body, bent down, and couldn't bear to look at his broken body. Although they had only been together for a few days, their team actually lived in harmony.

At least in this ruthless apocalypse, there is still the feeling of caring for each other, and the six sons can be regarded as warm-hearted teenagers.

Hu Fei couldn't help caressing Liu Zi's eyes, "Liu Zi, you go all the way well, and in your next life, this apocalypse will disappear."

Lin Ye watched Hu Fei finish all these without saying a word, even though he had already heard the roars of sporadic zombies.In the last days, not all teams are cold-blooded and ruthless. Cold-blooded and ruthless may be able to go far, but if you go on, you will not survive better than zombies.Only a team of flesh and blood can jointly resist all fear and anxiety and welcome the light.

Of course, these must be under the premise of being able to survive, so there must be emotions, and the strength should not be too bad.

Lin Ye fell into this kind of thinking. In the future, he will definitely form a team to hit the top of the strongest and build a human base.Then he must face the choice between strength and humanity, but after the end of the world, those with strength will be more or less defiled by the end of the world. Thinking about this big project, there are really many things to consider.

"Brother Hu, it's time to go."

The roar of the zombies was getting closer, and Jiang Xinyu saw that things were going well, so she stepped forward to remind her.

Hu Fei got up, but his gaze became more determined, "Let's go, the four of us must get a gun."

Originally a team of six, after the six died and Zhao Xun was kicked, there were only four left.

After being kicked out, Zhao Xun's heart was terrified, because he was bound to die alone. Hearing the roar of the zombies, he trembled a little. For some reason, he stopped trembling, and suddenly his heart was filled with hatred. .

"Er Mao was bitten by a zombie, you killed him to protect yourself, and I used Liu Zi to stand in front only to protect myself."

"Why, why can't I protect myself?"

"You hypocritical guys, you all want me to die, okay, you wait for me."

Zhao Xun's eyes were gloomy, and he said to himself, he seemed to be a different person, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and walked towards the direction where they left.


"Brother Lin, you have practiced before. Without you just now, we might all be wiped out. What do you do? Special forces, or civilian masters?" In order to let everyone out of the gloomy atmosphere, Hu Fei, as the captain, first talked Open the topic.

"Yeah, brother Lin, your knife is too fast. You chased the monster and slashed, and from your posture, it seems that you are very good at fighting skills." Jiang Xinyu also praised, because Lin Ye made a move just now. She was right in front of her at that time, so she was the one who felt Lin Ye's fighting skills most intuitively.

"Well, it's really nothing, I'm also a supernatural person, and I have a lot of research on sword techniques, so my skills are not necessarily strong." Lin Ye said flatly.

"Oh, I said I was protecting you at first, but thinking about it, I was really joking." Hu Fei scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Help, help."

At this moment, a cry for help came.

Lin Ye squinted and saw that 50 meters away, a 3-meter-tall mutant beast was chasing a person who was running away crazily. It was Zhao Xun who had been left behind by them.

(End of this chapter)

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