Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 37 The Scythe Reaper

Chapter 37 The Scythe Reaper

And that monster was dark green all over, with one long and one short knife-like sharp double-edged claws, and eight pairs of compound eyes in the middle of its body, emitting green light.Under the body are four spider-like feet. Its movements seem a little slow, but the two-meter-long four legs are not vegetarian, and it is closely chasing behind Zhao Xun.

"It's Zhao Xun, what kind of monster is that chasing him?" Jiang Xinyu took a few steps back and pulled out her gun nervously, because she saw very few mutant beasts, and she rarely saw such strange ones.

"Apocalypse Knight, Scythe Reaper."

Lin Ye said: "This is an underground creature. Maybe you haven't seen it before. Before the end of the world, there are many creatures in the world that live in places unknown to humans, such as the ocean and the ground."

"After the apocalypse, the whole world has changed. Even the core of the earth began to emit nuclear energy because of the apocalypse, leading the wave of mutations. Because of this change, some unknown creatures broke through their original living environment and produced qualitative changes. Become a mutated creature that humans don't recognize."

"And this scythe reaper came from the ground. It was a creature with a small nail head, which was irradiated by the earth's core and became what it is now. Because its claws are like sickles, it is called the scythe reaper."

Hu Fei wondered why Lin Ye knew this, but he didn't care too much, but gritted his teeth and asked, "Then what should we do now, can we save Zhao Xun?"

Watching former teammates die is an embarrassing thing.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't bear it, after all, she had been with her before.

"It's not good to be too soft-hearted." Lin Ye pulled out his hunting knife and was ready, and said to the other three: "The attack of the scythe reaper is wide open and close, and its defense is also strong, although its weakness is compound eyes. , but it is more difficult to attack there, and you can't help, so retreat a little farther to avoid being accidentally injured."

"Well, I see, but, can I let Zhao Xun go first?" Hu Fei gritted his teeth, and still made the request.

"Huh?" Lin Ye was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm only responsible for killing mutant beasts, you can figure out what you want."

"However, I want to remind you that mutant beasts such as the Apocalypse Knight are creatures with strong territoriality. Therefore, except for foraging, if no one provokes them, it will not leave the territory."

Lin Ye's tone was indifferent, and he clicked.

But Lin Ye has no time to worry about other things now, because the sickle reaper has arrived nearby, and the good park lawn is drawn in criss-cross patterns by its sharp four legs, bringing up dust all over the sky.

It is particularly keen on prey that violates its territory, and it hardly pays attention to Lin Ye and his party.

However, Zhao Xun deliberately ran this way.

Lin Ye glanced at Zhao Xun, and saw a smug smile in his eyes.

At this time, the scythe reaper's scythe claws had already struck, Lin Ye rolled and dodged it, then kicked forward, and the hunting knives moved forward to meet its compound eyes.

However, this attack was unsuccessful. The sickle reaper's short sickle claws suddenly moved forward, blocking Lin Ye's attack, but this was within his expectation.

"Frozen Arrow!"

Three ice arrows shot straight away, and the scythe reaper waved his sharp claws a few times, and all the ice arrows were picked up and flew away.

The scythe reaper let out a squeak, obviously angered by Lin Ye's attack, and raised his limbs to stab Lin Ye.


Lin Ye dodged easily, but the power of this blow was unquestionable. It thrust into the turf half a meter deep, bringing up a piece of wet soil.

Although the sickle reaper has a magnificent name, it is not a very strong mutant creature. In the last days, it is a nightmare for ordinary people, but for some powerful people, it is a resource.

Its double blades are natural weapons, and its limbs are rare treasures for making spears. The most important thing is the heart in its body. After nuclear radiation, this heart has a strong healing effect. All can heal quickly, and even fatal wounds can be alleviated.

This kind of monster is not so much a danger as a gift.

Seeing this kind of strange beast, Lin Ye felt very lucky, after all, he could get a lot of benefits after killing it.

The huge body of the scythe reaper kept twisting and moving forward, and every blow with the scythe was unparalleled.

A big knife that is three meters long and one meter wide can even be touched by a big tree. If you want to do it for a while, will you still be decapitated?

It has a wide attack range, which is its advantage.Fortunately, the opponent's attack was wide open and closed, so the speed was a bit slow, so Lin Ye was only in danger when he evaded.

But this is enough to risk one's life. If it weren't for the Apocalypse Knight covered in treasures, Lin Ye would have retreated far away. He was not trying to save Zhao Xun, but just looking at this pile of treasures, his heart was very itchy, especially He had to get the heart of the scythe reaper, so as to help Xuewu recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

Through later generations' understanding of the scythe reaper, Lin Ye understood that only the compound eyes of the opponent can be attacked, and other places are made of steel and iron, so it is difficult to cause effective damage.

Lin Ye tried to attack the compound eyes several times, but the opponent's short sickle claws were on guard, and there was no chance at all.

"In the Apocalypse Knight series, the Scythe Reaper is considered the lowest level. I didn't expect to have such a headache when fighting now."

"Strength, as expected, the strength is still too weak. If it is stronger, I will freeze it directly, and it will not be so troublesome."

Lin Ye couldn't help but ignite the desire for power again.

But these can only be left to think about later, his first task now is to deal with the scythe reaper.

But to deal with this monster, one can only use a trick of the later generations to deal with monsters with high defense, called "precision armor removal".

It is by continuously hacking at the same part of the mutant beast, so as to loosen the connection of this joint part, and then carry out a strong attack to achieve the purpose of breaking the defense.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye dodged while the scythe reaper was attacking, then jumped up, and slashed at its compound eyes. There was still some power left in the knife. When the scythe reaper stretched out its claws to resist, he suddenly changed direction and slashed. over each other's joints.

The scythe reaper naturally didn't understand Lin Ye's thoughts, but for this kind of slash, it didn't have to dodge at all, and took the blow abruptly.

"As long as you remove the short claws it uses for defense, you can easily attack the opponent's compound eyes and kill it in one fell swoop." Lin Ye retreated after one blow, and then prepared for the next attack.

Time passed by little by little, and after several battles, the park where the battle was located has become less dilapidated, with fallen trees and upturned soil, the whole park seemed to be dug up and rebuilt.

Hu Fei and the others have retreated to the back, Zhao Xun is also here, he is in a panic at this moment, his eyes are full of panic, "Brother Hu, I really..."

Hu Fei didn't speak, but stopped him with gestures.

(End of this chapter)

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